When Rain Fall

My Crazy Stupid Feelings

I sit there still, unable to find the energy to stir.

Nothing seems to move around me, it seems like time has stopped. With every second that passes, with every breath I inhale, with every tear streaming down my cheeks, No one seems to care, nothing seems to matter.

This feeling to be honest i haven't felt it before, not even once. During times like this;  I wish Raindrops would fall to cover my tears.

Luckily it does. Looks like the sky feels the way I feel right now. I keep on asking my self ...." WHAT DID I DO WRONG " The reason why i turned down my best friends confession was because I was so sure it would never work; I knew our friendship would last longer than that - but why didn't Myungsoo feel the same way or understand?

So here i am sobbing like a little child who lost her toy or her candy. No one seems to care that i'm crying my heart out...no one can hear me.






We saw everything . from the very begenning to the last part of it. till the only one left alone is her. hugging her own knees as she broke down in tears. "I can feel my own heart break into a million pieces'' Suho thought watching her sadly.

Hey guys!! maybe we should...." Sehun was cut off by Luhan".


She needs time to think alone.

Seems like all of us agreed on what luhan said... until.......

It's start raining... harder and harder...

Like normal people who didn't want to get wet; we all stumbled trying to get up.

"But the real reason why we all hurried to stand was to come to her" D.O thought.

Looks like we have one thing common in our mind at that time , all of us start to walk towards her. As we come closer and closer to where she sat, we can all hear her crying. but she made no noise, no sign of a wimper, ''holding it all in...torturing herself with internal, painful cries. " xiumin said to himself" 

We all stand around her, unsure of what to say, then I kneeled down infront of her. Both of my hands cupped her small face making her look at us. 'HEY' "Kris said uneasy.

We can only hear a faint sound of her crying till she looked back at Kris hyung.. at first...she looks only at him, then.....

A loud audible sobbing sound escapes her; she let it all out...  about to break down any minute.

Charmaine suddenly hugs Kris.... he hugs her back, wrapping his arms around her as the rain fell hard on all of us.

shh...it's ok shhhhh.. everythings gonna be ok .... Kris hyung said while caressing her back, her sobs muffling into his shoulder.

'You don't need him Charmaine.' Chanyeol muttered breaking the silence. 

Charmaine lifted her head, staring at Chanyeol, saying through sobs;

'But I do need him he's a part of me - he's my best friend!.' she buried her head into Kri's shoulder once more.


Xiumin quietly walks over to Charmaine, placing her arm over his neck as he picked her up bridal style, the wetness of her clothes seeping into his, making him wet too. 

The boys all watch Xiumin. 

'She'll catch a cold if we don't take her home.' Suho said helping Kris up who straightened out his clothes. 

They all nodded. 

'Let's go then.'

And with that they walked off back home, letting Charmaine cry quietly into Xiumin's shoulder, hugging him tightly. 


Myungsoo POV

I have no idea where i'm going, but I just keep walking. It's starting to rain, but I just don't care. I hang my head low, thougts whirling in my head, I can't seem to shut it off. 

The same words keep repeating; 'I'm sorry but no'...

My mind drifted to thoughts of her. It always did. 

'Ouch' Charmaine yelped. 

my 8 year old self rushed up to her.

'What, what's wrong?'

' I hurt myself.' she had tears in her eyes, showing me the cut she'd obtained from trying to pick a rose.

'Charmaine don't you know not to touch those things, here-' I offered her my handkerchief, wrapping her finger around it to stop the bleeding.

'But it was so pretty, I wanted to give it to you~'

I smiled at her, she was so cute - even back then. 

'I don't want you hurting yourself over me ok?'

'Ok...' Charmaine replied wiping her tears away. 

My mind skipped forward, to all the summer vacations our families had taken together; memories of running around playing in the sand. 

'Catch me if you can!' Charmaine shouted. 

I chased after her, kicking the sand up beneath me, her smile made my heart skip a beat every time...

I froze in my tracks, I finally begun to feel the stinging cold of the rain, it stung like ice - my clothes were dripping wet and so was my hair. 

Maybe I was being to rash and simple minded acting like that....but I couldn't I just couldn't accept the fact that all we could ever be was friends...I wouldn't be able to live like that - it would hurt her too much watching her fall in love with someone else...I could never allow it....

But could I do it?

Would I be able to bear with the pain...as long as I could see her smile that brightly every day?

My heart pounded as I turned around sharply, running back to the park, gasping for air, retracing my steps. 

How could I just leave her like that, it was raining, she was probably distraught, cold and wet. 

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, reaching the middle of it.

But she was nowhere to be seen. 

My chest rose and fall erratically as I tried to restore my breathing pace to normal.

'Charmaine!' I shouted into the night. 

But she was no where...she'd gone home. 

I shook my head staring at the floor, hands in my pockets - I could feel the sense of defeat engulfing me. 

I turned around with one last glance around and walked home, ignoring the tears running down my face, I just let them to be washed away with the rain...nothing mattered anymore. 




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Chapter 17: update please this is sad ... but i hope she is happy ^-^
qtpiequennie1 #2
Chapter 15: Sad ending for this fanfic! I hope exo boys comfort her! Update Author Nim
qtpiequennie1 #3
Chapter 14: Thx for updating keep going!!!!
MsCookie #4
Hi, I was wondering if you needed some graphics?


you can check my shop if you want to :)
qtpiequennie1 #5
Please keep going author nim!!! Update soon FIGHTING!!!!!
jessicamaylee #6
Hi in need of a poster? then please visit my shop and we will do our best to serve you
Chapter 3: Hey there fellow exotic!^^