
Drabbles Collection

"Can I tell you something,Jonghyun?" 

Kibum waited at the entrance of the living room waiting for Jonghyun to answer to him. Jonghyun distractedly looked up from the book he was reading,patting the spot beside him,motioning for Key to sit beside him.

Kibum hesitantly made his way to the couch,sitting as far away from Jonghyun as possible. Jonghyun closed his book and turned towards him,turning off the t.v also. "What did you want to tell me" Jonghyun's face fell a bit "You're not dying are you?" Kibum scoffed and hit him on the shoulder and Jonghyun sighed in relief. "No I'm not dying."  He mumbled the next part. "Though there are people who would just bail on me" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow and was about to ask him what he meant by that,but Kibum continued,louder this time so Jonghyun could actually hear him. 

"You promise you wont tell anyone else,not even the members. not even your sister" Jonghyun winced a bit at that last part. "I don't think i can do that last part Kibummie,I tell her everything,even things she doesn't want to hear" Kibum snickered at that,he understood though,even if he didn't have siblings of his own. He told Jonghyun everything. He trusted him. 

Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes,trying not to cry,trying not to think of what he was positive was going to happen. He shut his eyes tighter. "Kibum are you okay?" Kibum stiffly nodded,still not opening his eyes and breathing very slowly. "Do you think it would be okay if i typed it out,yknow,instead of saying it out loud?" He shrunk back into the couch the more he spoke,scared that he would accidentally say what he was trying to say. A part of him wished he could just blurt it out,another part wished that he wasn't so scared and could just flaunt what he was going to tell Jonghyun. But most of him was scared.

"Yeah yeah of course,whatever you feel comfortable with" Jonghyun took out his phone and handed it to him,not having to unlock it since Kibum and him had the same passcode. Unlocking it,Kibum began to type on the note pad very slowly,hesitantly even. 

"Are you sure you're okay with telling me this? You don't have to,I wont be mad if you don't tell me" This time, Kibum shook his head. Mumbling he said "You deserve to know" Jonghyun only caught a little of what he said,but he nodded anyway. Kibum passed the phone over to him at a painfully slow pace,considering just up and leaving without tell him anything. He dropped the phone into Jonghyuns lap and wrapped his arms around his knees that were against his chest,waiting for Jonghyun to flip out at him. He knew he was an accepting person,but this,this is something they havent really talked about before.

Jonghyun looked at Kibum before reading what was on the screen and when he read it,it was not the reaction Kibum was expecting.

It read: "I maxed out your credit card" 

"Really!? That's what you wanted to tell me? I thought you were going to say you were suicidal or,or that you were thinking of leaving the group or something! This isn't really a big deal Kibum, I already knew"Kibum sighed,relieved."You don't hate me then?" Kibum asked.Jonghyun shook his head "No I don't hate you,i could never hate you" Kibum sighed again slowly and just blurted out "Good cause I'm gay"

Jonghyun just shrugged. "Okay,but tell me,how did you max out my credit card?"Now he was confused,he just told his friend that he was gay and he completely ignored it."Jonghyun did you hear what i said?" questioned Kibum. "Yeah i heard what you said but thats not really a big deal compared to you using all the money on my credit card" 

Kibum laughed nervously,seems like he confessed the wrong thing.



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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations for being featured as the story of the day =)
Chapter 2: HAHAH this is the cutest <33333
Chapter 3: Hey...It's cinco...But really cutee..!
Mrin_Jr #5
It's so cute ^^ I really like it >o<
Uhmm... my friends is Blinger and she has some bad trouble. I wanna give to her many gifts.
Can I translate your drabbles in order to give to her ?
I think she will be happy.
And I hope you agree :*:*
I will credit enough and give you link when I finish it. ;)
So short and sweet!
Chapter 6: Short stories, but truly made my day ^^