Teach Me How To Body Roll

Drabbles Collection


“No no no that’s not how you do a body roll. You have to have your left leg in front and then roll your body, popping your hips at the end” Key demonstrated to Taemin, who then just shook his head.

“No that’s not right either, that would make you look weird. When you’re dancing with someone you would want your body to be straight so you can grind against them” Taemin demonstrated this time just as Jonghyun walked in, holding papers from a meeting he just finished.

“No guy’s you’re both wrong. This is how you do a body roll” Dropping his papers he started from his shoulders all the way down, ending with a pop of his hips at the end.

They started bickering among themselves about who was right, each demonstrating ridiculous body rolls of their own. It was more flailing about really.

“Are they okay” Onew asked Minho, not completely worried but this would be one of those times where he questions his friend’s sanity.

“Beats me” They both sipped their tea at the same time, watching as their friends where now flailing on the floor, now arguing about how to crump 

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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations for being featured as the story of the day =)
Chapter 2: HAHAH this is the cutest <33333
Chapter 3: Hey...It's cinco...But really cutee..!
Mrin_Jr #5
It's so cute ^^ I really like it >o<
Uhmm... my friends is Blinger and she has some bad trouble. I wanna give to her many gifts.
Can I translate your drabbles in order to give to her ?
I think she will be happy.
And I hope you agree :*:*
I will credit enough and give you link when I finish it. ;)
So short and sweet!
Chapter 6: Short stories, but truly made my day ^^