When they meet.

대박사건 (Great Incident)




"Look at these veges, Inhae-ah! I bet we're gonna earn twice as much the money today!" Heojung beamed as she bounced happily with the basket of vegetables in her hands.
Inhae trailed behind her, smiling, holding another basket of freshly picked vegetables. 
"Jung ah! Stop bouncing! You're gonna spoil the vegetables if you keep bouncing!" she laughed at her overly cheery friend.
"Omo! ,Look there!" Heojung exclaimed, suddenly stopping in her tracks, pointing at the crashed SUV not far ahead of them. Inhae's eyes widened and she dropped the basket of vegetables. "Quick, call 119, jung!" Inhae panicked and raced to the SUV.
Heojung fished out her old Nokia and dialled 119 as she took the other basket of vegetables that Inhae dropped and ran towards the SUV.
Inhae looked through the windows of the SUV and saw four men in the car. Each bleeding heavily, with cuts on their head.
She tried to pry the car door open and when she did, a body fell out together with his identity card. "Yoo Young Jae.." Inhae mumbled while reading from the card.
"Yes yes, street 82!!! No, not 52! AJUSSHI! Do you even dig your ears?! IT'S EIGHTY TWO!!! What? No, no fake! I SAID THERE MIGHT BE DEAD PEOPLE! NOT FAKE PEOPLE! YAH AJUSSHI!!!!!! Yes yes, please come quick." Heojung shouted as she hung up her phone.
"Heojung, come help!" Inhae exclaimed as she tried to pull the injured Youngjae person out from the wreck.
Heojung and Inhae sat on the curb anxiously with 4 unconscious bodies laying beside them while they waited for the paramedics to arrive.
When they heard the sirens of the ambulance and police cars, they immediately shot up and waved their hands frantically at the direction to which the vehicles were coming from.
"Over here!! Quick!" Heojung exclaimed as the policemen and paramedics stepped out.
The paramedics took their kit and stretchers and ran to the four injured guys while the policemen approached the two girls. 
"Do you know these people?" one of them asked, whilst the other recorded whatever the girls were going to say. The girls shook their heads.
"We were on our way to the market when we saw the crashed car." Inhae explained.
"So you didn't witness the accident?" the policeman further asked. Inhae shook her head again.
"Alright. But we'll still need to take your statements at the hospital. Each of you can get on to one of the ambulances. We'll see you there." 
The girls nodded and each headed to one ambulance.
Inhae stared worriedly at the stranger's face in front of her. 
"Yoo Young Jae sshi... Please stay strong, we're reaching the hospital soon. Please hang in there." she whispered.
Inhae prayed as she clasped her hands together while watching the paramedics check the stranger's pulse and putting on an oxygen mask for him.
They arrived at the hospital in about half an hour, and thankfully, Youngjae was doing just fine although he suffered from a concussion. Inhae followed the paramedics who were pushing Youngjae into the operating room like a lost puppy, but stopped when she saw Heojung waving to her frantically as the policemen were once again asking her questions.
She walked over to where they were and started to listen in on what the policeman was telling Heojung.
"Ladies, I'm afraid you would have to take them in for now while we run some checks on their identity. It might take quite a few weeks as we have limited resources here in the rural areas." he looked at Heojung, whose face turned into a shocked expression.
"But.. But we barely know them! We only called the police when we saw the crash!" Heojung exclaimed.
"Yes we do know that but we can't possibly throw them in the hospital and leave them here, can we? The hospital has a limited number of beds, so we can't leave them here."
Heojung was about to retort when Inhae stopped her, 
"It's alright, we'll take them in then."
"Inhae ah! Are you serious about this? Does Jung Appa and Jung Omma know!? Omo yah I think I'm gonna faint!" Heojung exclaimed, dramatically putting her hand on her head and fanning herself.
"Hey relax, chill! I've already called omma and appa, and they've agreed. Furthermore, we have that two empty rooms! So no worries! They're even preparing the rooms already~" Inhae smiled while patting her best friend's shoulder. "Plus, we do need some extra hands at the farm and garden. Unless.... You wanna do ALL the farming by yourself with no one to help~~" 
Heojung's eyes widened.
"Okay sir! We'll take them in, sir!" she saluted the policeman and Inhae laughed at her friend's silliness.
The girls followed the policeman to the station to go through the necessary documents for temporarily taking the boys in. Inhae's parents were going to be the boys' guardians for now since the two girls were too young and Heojung doesn't have her parents with her as they have passed away in a factory accident many years back.
"Inhae ah, Heojung ah. We're going back home to cook dinner okay? You two stay at the hospital and see what the doctor has to say about the boys' conditions." Inhae's mother hugged the both of them briefly before walking away with Inhae's dad.
Heojung had already fallen asleep on the bench and Inhae was nodding off soon when the doctor stepped out of the operating theatre 3 hours later.
"Miss Jung?" he called, and almost immediately, Inhae jumped up from her seat.
"Yes? How are they?"
The doctor smiled, "They are doing fine. Luckily, we were able to stop them from bleeding. Just a few fractures here and there, nothing significant enough to kill them. You may go in and take a look at them, but you only have an hour till visiting hours are over."
Inhae nodded and bowed to the doctor, thanking him profusely.
'Phew! Glad that they're all fine' she thought as she pushed Heojung off of the bench.
Heojung landed on the floor with a loud thud and she stood up, glaring at Inhae.
"YAH. What was that for?!" she seethed. Inhae smirked, knowing full well that Heojung hated people interrupting her sleep.
She pulled the angry girl along, smiling.
"Come on! The boys are fine. Let's go and visit them for a while before we go home!" Inhae opened the door to the ward, with Heojung trailing slowly behind.
In the ward lay four guys in separate beds. Each of them with bandages wrapped around their wounds.
Inhae looked at the names displayed above the beds, trying to find the stranger she shared an ambulance with.
"Aha! Yoo Youngjae!" she exclaimed while she took in his sleeping form. He had very prominent cheek bones, and his lips were full. He had a high nose and thick eyebrows. The little baby fat on his face was just the perfect amount, it looked almost impossible for anyone to look this attractive even when his face was covered with cuts and wounds.
"Youngjae sshi, you made it. I hope you can wake up soon. Take care okay? We'll visit tomorrow." she pulled the blanket over his exposed arm.
Heojung, on the other hand, was looking at a derpy looking male. Inhae walked over, and saw that the name card above his bed read, 'Park Chanyeol'
"Wow, he looks kinda cute, don't you think?" Heojung asked. Inhae nodded. Indeed, all of the guys were good looking and charming.
Heojung smiled at Chanyeol and waved, even though he isn't awake.
"Bye, Chanyeol sshi! See you tomorrow!"
A/N: Okay! Done with connecting the dots! Actually twentysevenf provided me with most of the ideas, while I out them together since she doesn't really know how to describe. HAHA WE MAKE A GOOD PAIR! Anyways, do leave comments alright?!?!?


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Chapter 7: Ohhhh. I hope he still has his feelings for Inhae if he gets his memory back><
Chapter 2: Lol xD omg the car
Chapter 5: Lol.
And I'll post it on Tumblr again!
Chapter 4: I like everything^^
Chapter 2: Thanks for the updateeee<3
Chapter 1: I can't wait! If it's anything as great as 'Marked'.. I'm sure everyone is gonna love it! <3 ^^