Chapter 2

Mirror Mirror


Chapter 2


"mom, can I open the box now?" a young seven year-old mirae chirped from her mother's back

"sure dear. I'll come with you just incase" her mother Heo Gayoon replied while putting the lid back to the pot.

mirae pulled her mother by her apron and led her to her room with much excitement.

just when mirae was about to open the box, the door sprang open and in came her father Yoo Youngjae that just came home from work throwing his suitcases to the sofa to come and greet his two angels

"so how did a mirror and a locket found it's way here?"

"aaaahhhh appa! you scared me and umma!" mirae responded cutely. Youngjae rubbed his nose to hers making her laugh 

"we found that in the doorsteps when I was cleaning outside" Gayoon said while backhugging his husband

"you know what,I have the most loving family in the world" he said after turning around to hug her back.

"appa,umma what about me? " mirae suddenly said making her parents laugh

"why would we forget you? come here princess" youngjae said as mirae ran to her parents to hug them too inbetween


*krrrrrrrrring krrrrrrrrrrring.............krrrrrrrrrrrring krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring*

"UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! " mirae inwardly cursed the innocent alarm clock for waking her up early in a saturday morning.

She cleaned herself remembering her dream last night.

"I guess umma is happy right now" she mumbled while getting dressed. she suddenly came across the box she got yesterday and noticed that the box from yesterday is the same as the box she never opened when she was young. that was a suddenly interesting thing to think about so she opened the box once again and took out the mirror along with the heart shaped locket.

she placed the mirror on her bedside table and wore the locket that suprisingly came out good with her white pattern loose shirt and puple jeans.

she grabbed the card inside the box and read the instructions. she thought that this was all a prank... but why would it be a prank when it was also pictured in her dream? mirae tried to remember which song was the most precious to her and remembered the song her parents sang to her to male her sleep. She started singing it.



Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
Just by looking at you, just by thinking of you, my heart races

Even in this moment when I’m looking at you, if I close my eyes, I miss you
Will you be able to understand my heart? Just like that shy day
You probably hated me sometimes, did you push me away sometimes?
But still, I’ll sing my heart to you, who stayed by my side

Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
Even if I close my eyes, at thoughts of you, my heart pounds and trembles
Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
I’ll promise you that I’ll be with only you forever, oh loving U

Do you remember the day we locked eyes?
I’ll sing my heart as I slowly go to you

Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
Even if I close my eyes, at thoughts of you, my heart pounds and trembles
Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
I’ll promise you that I’ll be with only you forever, oh loving U

Even in the moment of pain during our goodbye
Let’s never forget the memories we had together
I’ll take a step to you with my heart, I’ll protect you

Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
Even if I close my eyes, at thoughts of you, my heart pounds and trembles
Baby My Love Beautiful – I love you
I’ll promise you that I’ll be with only you forever, oh loving U

(Infinite - Beautiful)


slowly,a blinding white light comes out of the locket as well as the mirror transporting her to another world.



(A/N) keep on subscribing and comment your reactions ^^ I would really like to know them and your thoughts about the story :)

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