Mine And Yours

FAMOUS [three-shot]


The next day, Ryeowook woke up with a loud knock on his door. He lazily opened it and saw Kyuhyun outside.


"Why so early?" He questioned.


"We have an audition right?"


"Audition for?"


"Your suitors.."


"Oh . You aren't serious, are you?"


"ing serious Kim Ryeowook. Now move your and prepare."

After hours of preparing and constant bickering, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook reached the place. They saw lots of people lining up already with Hyukjae telling them to line up properly.


Kyuhyun immediately went infront and spoke, "Let's get this done already. I have the list, you just have to stand on the center and state why Ryeowook should choose you. All gifts should be put on the box at the side of this room. Now.... Lee Jaejin. You arw first."


The guy named Jaejin walked at the center and bowed. He is a very cute guy, with spike brown hair and dark brown eyes. "I... I'm Lee Jaejin. I rebt an apartment near Inha but I am originally from Busan. I have 3 sibling, one is stu---"


"Next.." Kyuhyun said.


"But I'm not finished yet." Jaejin said, irritated.


"I said just stand at the center and state why Ryeowook should choose you. I didnt ask you to tell me your history. Next..." Kyuhyun finished.


A tall guy with piercings all over his face showed up. "Hello, I am Kwang Jiseop..."


"Next!" Kyuhyun shouted. And the tall guy was shocked so he just stepped aside to give way to the next person.


Next was a very handsome guy wearing a formal stripe shirt.


"He's like a prince." Ryeowook whispered to Kyuhyun.


"NEXT!!" Kyuhyun, again, shouted.


"Kyu~~ why did you do that...."


"I dont like him." Kyuhyun said and Ryeowook just shrugged.


The audition run until 4pm. Ryeowook was not able to choose because Kyuhyun kept saying 'next'. But he doesnt mind, he just want this to end.


"Wook.. there's one last suitor. But he insisted on meeting you at Bluebay Restaurant. We're going to met him at 6pm." Kyuhyun said.


Ryeowook just agreed. Kyuhyun is in charhe with this, so he cant do anything but agree.


6PM at Bluebay Restaurant


Kyuhyun's car parked infront of the elegant restaurant. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun walked inside and saw a lot of petals in the floor, a table with plenty of food, lights that blend perfectly with the glass tiles and a man playing a violin.


"You wait here. I just need to go to the bathroom." Kyuhyun said.


Ryeowook nodded and started roaming the said place. He went near the man playing the violin and asked, "Do you happen to know who did all these?" But the man just smiled at him.


He takes a peek at the table and saw a bunny shaped cake. The bunny is holding a heart with the words "You are Mine Kim Ryeowook."


Sweet talker, Ryeowook thought.


On the side of the restaurant stood a huge fountain. He sat near it and started playing with the water. He then realized that the man changed the song to a very romantic one. He got confused and looked around.


He saw Kyuhyun wearing a white tuxedo walking towards him with a bouquet of flowers. Kyuhyun has a sweet smile plastered on his face.


The lights went off and a spotlight focusing on Kyuhyun. Suddenly the floor lightened up and displayed a big "PLEASE BE MINE."


Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun and when he finally realized the situation, he ran towards Kyuhyun and hugged him. "I am always yours. Did you forget that already?" Ryeowook said, hugging Kyuhyun so tight.


"Is that your final answer?" Kyuhyun questioned.




"Not gonna change?"


"Definitely not."




"Trust me. It's a yes." Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun's eyes and continued "How about you? Are you sure you want this? I mean.. this... courting me and asking me to be yours.. Do you seriously love me?"


"I love you Wook. You know that."




"Really really Ryeowookah"


"Even though I sleep with my mouth wide open?"




"Even if my face will be full of mud, you still love me?"


"Of course."


"Even if I get wrinkles, have pimples and white hair?"


"I still love you."




"Always..." Kyuhyun leaned in and kiss Wook on the lips. "I thought you were sleeping when I was telling you that."


Ryeowook laughed, "I heard everything, Im just tired to answer back. I love you."


"You too." Kyuhyun kissed Ryeowook again. "You are so famous, you almost become an artist. I didnt know my bestfriend would have tons of suitors."


"But they are not like my Cho Kyuhyun."


Kyuhyun smiled and stared at Ryeowook.


"Dont stare. My heart is weak." Ryeowook joked.


"They say when a person looks at you a lot, it means they cant live without you." Kyuhyun reasoned out.


"Not really. Yesung looks at you alot." Ryeowook said in between giggles.


"Sure. He looks at me with a death glare." Kyuhyun sarcastically shot back. "So... Are we officially together now? Not just bestfriends?"




"I promise I wont make you cry." Kyuhyun said and kissed Ryeowook again.


"It is okay if you make me cry. Just make sure that you are there to wipe my tears."


They hugged each other with smiles on their faces. Falling inlove with your bestfriend is one of the best things that can happen in your life -- they both thought.


--E N D--

Huhu nd already. Going to markk this as complete. This is so fast, I know. But this is just a three-shot. Hahahaha. If this story has gained positive feedbacks, I AM GOING TO POST MY NEXT THREE-SHOT and some SHORT CHAPTERED STORY. I want your comment  guys. Is the story worth reading? Not? Is my writing crappy? How was it? How was it? How was ittttt? XD Tell me so I know if I will still continue writing three-shots. :)

PS: I know the ending is lame. Sorry. Haha *-* SEE YOU (maybe?) ON MY NEXT THREE SHOTS! :)

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Chapter 3: Love this! Kyu and Wookie are so cute and adorable.
cmngcm #2
Chapter 3: Oh my so sweet
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 3: Aaaawww this is very greeattt i pove the ideas and everything <3
Chapter 3: OH my GAWD!!! This is just too adorable for words!!!!
Every time i thought it couldn't get cuter it did...
I love the character intro for Kyuhyun: "single and not ready to mingle" XD
ismary666 #5
Chapter 3: "How many strands did you pull off?" jajajajjaaa, dear, this phrase was so funny, few times you can find something different about fics, like this one, (I used read frerard, there, one time I read about G tickling the F's feet, ejjejeje, it was something new and funny for me), so for me this time was so funny for me, ejjejejeee, really would seem be something irrelevant, but caught my attention.
And, yes I liked all the story, was easily assimilable but so fluffy and tender, especially when K had frightened all R's suitors, K only said "next", "next" jajajajaa, obviously was missing his proposal, all full of romantic atmosphere, with a lot of petals, violin music, low light, a bunny shaped cake, a K wearing white tuxedo (I was drooling here), of course and a super sweet R, they were perfect each other since 13 years ago or more.
Chapter 3: i like this story..though i wanted it to be longer .. the story as is.. is daebak already..
Chapter 1: i like your character introduction
superannesnow #8
Chapter 3: this is so worth it ;)
love it
13elieveSuJunior #9
Chapter 3: oh my god! this is so sweet and i really love it!! I can't stop smiling >.<
cloudye0705 #10
Chapter 3: I agree with you^^„sometimes bestfriend know better than our,,

Nice stry,,I think that's henry who preparing the date!!woow!!unbelieveable that's Kyuhyun!!