Introduction and How it all started

FAMOUS [three-shot]

Character Introduction:


- 25 years old

- Son of the CEO of one of the largest Korean university

- Studying at Kyunghee University

- Ryeowook's handsome bestfriend

- Single and not ready to mingle

- Sweet and caring (only to his bestfriend)

- Snob and arrogant (except to his bestfriend)



- 26 years old

- Son of a famous actor

- Studying at Inha University

- Has a lot of suitors

- Has been in a lot of relationships (with both girls and boys)

- Cute, charming and beautiful

- Very sweet to all his family members, friends and especially to his bestfriend


To: Bestfriend 
From: Kyuhyun

Good morning!! How's sleep? Want me to pick you up today?



To: Kyuhyun
From: Ryeowook

Good morning Kyu. I just woke up. And no, we dont have classes today, so no need to pick me up. Dont you have class to attend?



To: Bestfriend
From: Kyuhyun

Great!! We dont have classes too! I'll get going~



To: Kyuhyun
From: Ryeowook

Get going? To where?


To: Bestfriend
From: Kyuhyun

To your house! Let's hang out and enjoy the day! Wait for me ok?


Ryeowook lazily stood up and fixed himself. He dragged himself to his huge bathroom and started cleaning himself.

"Aish-- that brat." He murmured and closed the bathroom door.


After Ryeowook's 30 minutes of taking a bath, and 40 minutes of waiting, Kyuhyun finally came in sight. He was followed by one of the Kim's maids. He removed his coat and handed it over to the maid who, then, excused herself to hung the coat.

"So how's my cutest bestfriend?" Kyuhyun asked as soon as he saw Ryeowook walking down the stairs made of glass.

Ryeowook did not answer. Instead, he walked towards Kyuhyun and pecked him on the cheek. Yes, it is natural to both of them. They always greet each other by either kissing the other on the cheek or hugging each other. Kyuhyun smiled sweetly upon feeling Ryeowook's lips on his cheek. A great morning indeed. In return, he half-hugged Ryeowook and ruffled his hair. Ryeowook missed the touch, so he fully hugged Kyuhyun. They hugged each other for almost 10 seconds, occassionally turning around and whispering nothings. When you see them, you would think that they are lovers. But no. They are just bestfriends.

"Kyuhyunnie~~" someone said.

They broke into the hug and saw Mrs Kim descending from the stairs.

"Auntie~ long time no see.." Kyuhyun bowed and Mrs Kim went and hugged Kyuhyun.

"I've been busy these days. I hardly have time for my sweetie." Mrs Kim said as she looked at Ryeowook.

"Dont worry auntie, I'll take care of him." Kyuhyun answered.

"You two are lucky for having each other. So.... I need to get going." Mrs Kim said as he hugged Kyuhyun and kissed Ryeowook.

After eating breakfast, the two boys went to Ryeowook's room to kill time. Ryeowook's room is as big as Kyuhyun's, the only difference is that Ryeowook's room is bright and colorful. Everything -- from the cute bunny clock hanging on the wall until the cute curtain on his sliding window -- all of these perfectly match Ryeowook's personality. And that is what Kyuhyun loves about Ryeowook. He just emits a very positive aura.

"So...." Kyuhyun breaks the silence.

"So.....what??" Ryeowook jokingly answered.

"How's your boyfriend?" Kyuhyun asked, a bit annoyed to actually ask but has no choice but ask just to start a conversation.

"Oh.. You mean, Yesung? .... I dont know. I am getting tired of him already. He always complains that I do not have time for him. He clings to me more nowadays, and I kind of hate it! He's like a ert. When we hug, I would feel his hands grabbing my ... and he would kiss me like some maniac." Ryeowook hissed.

Kyuhyun laughed at Ryeowook's blabbering. "You are kind of unlucky when it comes to relationships. You always get annoying partners. Why dont you just live like me?"

"Live like you? How exactly do you live mister?" Ryeowook said as he lay down on his bed, eyes directed to the ceiling.

Kyuhyun lay down on Ryeowook's stomach before answering, "Like this. No problems at all. Well except for those girls who chase me at school. Why dont you just break up with him and stay single. It is way better than having some boyfriend. And you have me! You've got one perfect bestfriend who can be with you and is willing to understand you. No commitment needed.."

"Speaking of which... it really is wonderful at how we reach this far! How long have we been bestfriends? 13? 15 years? I still can remember how you approached me that time, asking for my name ....and address. I was kinda amazed when you asked for my address though. That time I thought 'Oh, this guy likes me' Why did you ask for my address that time by the way?" Ryeowook laughed at the thought.

Kyuhyun didnt answer, he stood up, went to Ryeowook's study table and reached for something. Being a curious bunny that he is, Ryeowook stood up and followed Kyuhyun.

"What is tha--" Before Ryeowook could finish his question, Kyuhyun shoved a mirror infront of him.

"What ery do you want Cho Kyuhyun!! Weird jerk" Ryeowook laughed as he return to sitting on his bed, Kyuhyun following behind.

"I just want you to realize your charm. You caught my heart that moment. Didnt you know that when I first met you, you were so attractive that I could die?" Kyuhyun said with small laughs in between.

"I am flattered. Well thank you." Ryeowook said sarcastically, lying down again, hugging a banana shaped pillow.

Kyuhyun first looked at his phone to check the time and some unread messages before speaking again. "I am so inlove with you that time that I want to court you. But everything changed. Remember when it was your birthday party and I slept over here? I saw how you sleep with your mouth wide open. I almost died laughing at your face! It was an honor to see the cutest guy sleep with a very disgusting face. That was the best!! But I was turned off. Haha and I realized that we are just meant to be just bestfriends. And one more, that moment when we went camping and you slip and the mud was all over your face? Haha another daebak turn off for me!! You are cute. But very funny and a bit disgusting.. oh another one is during our graduation, you were--- hey? Hey Wook?"

Kyuhyun stopped when he realized that it is quiet and he's the only one talking. He looked at Ryeowook and saw Ryeowook sleeping soundly.

"He was sleeping all along? I am telling a story and he just sleep?" Kyuhyun frustratingly mumbled.

Kyuhyun was about to wake Ryeowook up when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it and saw the maid.

"Sir, someone is looking for Ryeowook-ssi. He said he wants to see him." The maid said.

"Do you know who he is?" Kyuhyun politely asked.

"I am not sure sir, but it is something like Jongwoon or Jongwool or...... Sorry sir, I forgot."

Kyuhyun thanked the maid and said that he'll try to wake Ryeowook up. Kyuhyun is sure that it is Yesung.

Kyuhyun went near Ryeowook and reached for his hair. He get one strand of hair and started pulling it out. Ryeowook is still asleep. He pulled out another one. No effect. And another one. Nothing. He then get two strands of hair and pulled them at the same time.

"Your ery doesnt amuse me Cho Kyuhyun! Stop before I kick you out." Ryeowook annoyingly said. "What do you want? Sleep too and dont disturb me. I'm sleepy."

"Your boyfriend is downstairs. He's waiting for his princess to come down." Kyuhyun answered.

Ryeowook sat up and started fixing his hair. "How many strands did you pull off?"

"Uh.. 5? And half.." Kyuhyun laughed.

"Next time I'll make sure you lose 5 and half teeth!" Ryeowook shot back.

Both Ryeowook and Kyuhyun went down and saw a very annoyed Yesung.

"Why are you so slow? I've been waiting for almost half an hour here!!!" Yesung shouted.

"Dont you dare shout at my bestfriend like that especially when I'm around! You understand?" Kyuhyun shouted back. His pride was twice hurt whenever someone hurt his bestfriend.

"Let's break up..." Ryeowook silently said.

Both Kyuhyun and Yesung were shocked at the statement.

"Wook. I'm sorry ok? Im just... Im just tired. Im sorry if I shouted at you.. I just want to--"

"No Yesung. It's final. Let's break up." Ryeowook firmly said.

"Ryeowook please... please dont do this to me. Please."

"Get out..." Ryeowook said calmy. He looked at Yesung when the other started walking towards him. "I said get out Yesung.. Dont make me get mad at you. Get out please."

A tear fell down on Yesung's cheek "I love you Wook. I love you."

"Thank you. Now, get out."

Yesung headed to the door, but before he finally step outside, he glared at Kyuhyun.

So? So? Soooo? How was it? Mehe~~ I'm going to upload the next 2 chapters later and probably this evening or tomorrow. ^+^

Have a wonderful day my dear readers! & thank you to those who subscribed even if there's just foreword XD 'til th next chapters~ :")

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Chapter 3: Love this! Kyu and Wookie are so cute and adorable.
cmngcm #2
Chapter 3: Oh my so sweet
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 3: Aaaawww this is very greeattt i pove the ideas and everything <3
Chapter 3: OH my GAWD!!! This is just too adorable for words!!!!
Every time i thought it couldn't get cuter it did...
I love the character intro for Kyuhyun: "single and not ready to mingle" XD
ismary666 #5
Chapter 3: "How many strands did you pull off?" jajajajjaaa, dear, this phrase was so funny, few times you can find something different about fics, like this one, (I used read frerard, there, one time I read about G tickling the F's feet, ejjejeje, it was something new and funny for me), so for me this time was so funny for me, ejjejejeee, really would seem be something irrelevant, but caught my attention.
And, yes I liked all the story, was easily assimilable but so fluffy and tender, especially when K had frightened all R's suitors, K only said "next", "next" jajajajaa, obviously was missing his proposal, all full of romantic atmosphere, with a lot of petals, violin music, low light, a bunny shaped cake, a K wearing white tuxedo (I was drooling here), of course and a super sweet R, they were perfect each other since 13 years ago or more.
Chapter 3: i like this story..though i wanted it to be longer .. the story as is.. is daebak already..
Chapter 1: i like your character introduction
superannesnow #8
Chapter 3: this is so worth it ;)
love it
13elieveSuJunior #9
Chapter 3: oh my god! this is so sweet and i really love it!! I can't stop smiling >.<
cloudye0705 #10
Chapter 3: I agree with you^^„sometimes bestfriend know better than our,,

Nice stry,,I think that's henry who preparing the date!!woow!!unbelieveable that's Kyuhyun!!