Chapter 28

Love Me Not
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 chapter twenty-eight 





The next morning had just been like any other morning for Myungsoo---except the fact that Suzy is still very keen in avoiding him. Again, he boarded the same bus with Suzy. He doesn’t know how to approach her and the next thing he knew, they had already reached the stop. He had missed the chance.





Myungsoo also didn’t get the right chance to talk to her during the early meeting with the writers of Ethereal. He just ended up looking like a fool trying to get her to speak with him. He made her do errands she could not possibly do and she just ended up getting pissed with him. Great Kim Myungsoo. Just great. She would definitely talk to you now.





After the meeting, Suzy approached the boy and handed him a folder. She didn’t say a word and immediately went out when Myungsoo reached for the papers.





“Ya---YA CHOI SUZY!!” Myungsoo called her. He ran to the hallway and cought her arm. He pulled her yowards him and made her face him. Her eyes staring at his.





“Mwoya?” he asked. Suzy turned her eyes away.





“Your homework. You asked me to do them for you right?” she said plainly.





“My point exactly. Why did you do this? The Suzy I know would never do anything like this for me.”





“What do you mean? That I’m a bad person for not doing your homeworks for you? Is that how I look in your eyes?”





“Ani. The Suzy I know won’t do things that would develop irresponsibility. Because the Suzy I know hates people who rely on others.” He said. Suzy didn’t say anything and avoided his eyes instead.





“Until when are you going to avoid me like this Suzy-ah? Did I do something wrong? Could you just tell me what I did for you to act this way? It’s frustrating me you know that?”





“Just avoid me then!” she shouted.










“It’s hard right? It’s hard for you to live your life with me in the picture. I know. Ever since I entered your life, everything just went out of proportion. Even your relationship with Krystal. It’s being shaken because of me right?”





“That’s not true---“





“Geojitmal-hajima. [Don’t lie]”





Myungsoo sighed heavily.





“So what I’m saying is, stop making things hard for the both of us and---just pretend you don’t know me. Let’s go back to when I wasn’t here. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.” Suzy looked down and swallowed the huge lump in .





“It’s much easier that way..” then she walked away. Myungsoo was left there ruffling his hair while biting his lip in frustration.





Make it easier for the both of them? What does she mean?










The class went into a trance. Their instructor just informed them that she would be in a meeting which means the whole hour can be spent as their free time. While their other classmates rummage and turn the room upside-down, Myungsoo and Suzy chose to spend their time in silence. Suzy writing her article and Myungsoo watching her do so.





He just sat on top of the shelf near their window and looked silently at Suzy from behind. She’s still not talking to him. And basing from the words she told him awhile ago, she doesn’t plan to do so in the next days, or weeks. He doesn’t even know of she still has plans to talk to him ever again.





Myungsoo sighed deeply.










“Ah gamjakkhiya!!! [That surprised me].” Myungsoo almost fell in surprise. He glanced at Suzy. Her attention was captured by his scream but she still didn’t face him.





“Mian. I was calling you but you weren’t responding.” Sulli said. She stealthily traced Myungsoo’s gaze with her eyes. “Ya. Are you staring at Suzy?” she suddenly asked. Myungsoo was caught off-guard which made him stutter his words.





“N-naega eonjae [When did I]?! Pssh. What nonsense are you blabbering about?” Myungsoo faked a laugh and glanced at the girl. Luckily, Suzy is too busy with her work to even bother but the indifference from the girl made Myungsoo’s heart sink deeper. He just sighed and asked Sulli why she was calling him.





“Ani. A guy named Sungyeol walked up to me awhile back and asked me to give these to you. Here.” She gave him two pieces of paper.





“What are these?” he asked while trying to scan the papers. “Well---it’s not that I am fond of reading papers that I shouldn’t be reading but I just happen to read that those are consent papers.”





“Consent papers?”





“Eo. When I was holding it, I happen to see that those were consents for some kind of a trip arranged for the school paper staff members. It seems like you’re gonna have a trip in a far away place and they need your parents to sign this consent before you could come.” She said. Myungsoo looked at her suspiciously. “B-but I wasn’t reading it at all!! I just happen to read that part when I peeked. He-he.” She faked a laugh.





“But Myungsoo-ya..” Sulli inched closer to him while he try to read the consent paper.





“Hmm? Wae?” he said without looking.





“W-Who’s going to sign yours? Is it your father?” she asked him carefully. Myungsoo looked at her.





“I don’t have a father? He passed away.” He said plainly.





“T-then, what about your--your mother?” Sulli grasped the hem of her skirt as she wait for the boy’s answer. Myungsoo paused for awhile before facing the papers again and sighed.





“I don’t have a mother either.” He said.





Sulli looked at him. As if waiting for him to say something more. When it seemed like he won’t she again faked a laugh and nodded. “A-ah. Is that so?”





“Thanks by the way.” Myungsoo smiled at her. Sulli’s smile widened.





“No problem. As long as you smile that way to me then there’s no problem.” She said. Her crush with Myungsoo getting the best of her. Whenever he smiles, she forgets her self-appointed mission to bring Myungsoo and his mom together.




Myungsoo’s mother has done so much for Sulli. So much more than what her busy parents had given her. She had been like a real mom to her which is why she wants to do something nice to her in return. And when she knew that her son, Myungsoo, would be studying in this university, she figured that finally she found the thing that she could do for her.





She would bring his son back to her.


Her son being this good-looking is just a sweet bonus.





“Why? Is there something wrong on my face?” Myungsoo asked as he caress his face. Sulli had been staring at him for so long.





“A-ani. Geunyang—“ she laughed her way out. Sulli’s gaze turned to the chocolates Myungsoo is holding.





“What are those?”





“Eo? Ah, some girl gave them to me. She just stuffed these in my hands and then ran away.”





“Waah~~look at that popularity! Eo? It comes with a note?” Sulli got the note and read it aloud.





“Stop hanging out with other girls. You’re mine.” She looked at Myungsoo. “YA! This is scary! It looks like you have a stalker!!”





“Eeey—how could that be possible? It could only be a joke. And I’ve been receining these kinds of letters all month.”





“Really? Is the message all the same?”




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diva-boo #1
Chapter 27: bye
diva-boo #2
diva-boo #3
diva-boo #4
diva-boo #5
diva-boo #6
Chapter 7: I swear if myungsoo ends up with suzy I'm gonna stop reading
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ayuirmawan #8
Chapter 41: Yaaa i want to do that. But you know every one will call me crazy
i really want it
ayuirmawan #9
Chapter 40: I'M right. Yeol just love suzy like your sister. U will be hurt if u love her more
ayuirmawan #10
Chapter 39: What will happen in 5 day
Hemmm i think they will make up in 5 day. Hihi