Chapter 1 (Your P.O.V)

One Day


My feet were aching, feeling as if pins were sticking into the soles each time I took a step. 5 hours ago, this shop had been opened up to the public and already it was humming with customers. Indeed, a job is a job and money is money but there are only so many hours a person can work with no break before they feel at breaking point. Yet somewhere inside myself I still found the ability to smile and laugh with everyone because I was strong, and the thought of my shift finishing in merely half an hour was spurring me on and lifting my spirits.

In fact, the thought was lifting my spirits so much that I was flashing each customer an extra little smile and a sweet pet name as they came and went. I was ready to give the same treatment to the next person in the line, when this confusing man with a mask covering his face seemed stunned and unmoving. He was standing still a few steps away from the counter, and the mass of people behind him were beginning to get audibly and visibly pissed off until finally he stumbled forward in front of me. His seemingly lost eyes tugged at the edges of my heart and so I thought to help him I would just act as I had with the people before him.

“Hello there sir, how may I help you?” I said in as bright a tone as possibly, stretching my cheeks to give a toothy smile as my eyes crinkled up and the smile was genuine. This guy was cute, adorable in his awkwardness and his reply to me didn’t disappoint. His deep voice rumbled with his “um’s” and quiet request so I simply nodded to him before quickly getting round to mixing his drink. Giggling to myself I prepared the tapioca balls and the tea before gently stirring it and finally pouring it into the plastic container but in my side view I was almost certain I could see him watching my every move. Yes, most customers do watch as you prepare their drink in case you poison it or whatever, but this was different. The gaze was so intense, and special in a way; as if he only had eyes for me. Silly, of course, considering I’d never met the man before but… special none-the-less. Having finished his request, I turned back round to the stranger and handed his tea to him but to my surprise he instantly shoved a note into my hand as he bolted for the door. I didn’t even have the time or the voice to shout after him that he had given me too much, and as I watched him leave I noticed that he immediately binned the drink I’d just made him! With a spasm of my chest I was doubled in half as silent laughter racked my body. What a strange, strange man. Who on earth waits so long and pays so much for a drink that he is only going to bin? Shaking my head as I had to take a breather so as to calm down, but that little moment had tickled me pink and would help me giggle as I had to take the arduous journey back home later that night.


Indeed, the long bumpy train journey, usually the bane of my life was now lightened by the memory of this strange man who had run away from me in the shop. I couldn’t even take it to heart, that he might have been scared of me; the moment was just so bizarre that I didn’t even know what to think of it but it kept a smile on my face. Not quite a literal smile on the face as hooligans and slightly frightening passengers were sitting alongside me on this late night train, these fellows were now to be my regular buddies as I left work so late. I’d been looking for a job for so long, the economic climate was such that any youth anywhere in the world was finding it nigh on impossible to find any sort of work so even if it was 2 hours away, I snapped up a job offer. Something to keep a roof over my head.

Okay hi! Here's Chapter 1 part two, your POV. I hope you enjoy it, gives a different perspective of the first encounter! Sorry it's a bit short again, I've been working really hard on an upcoming story/project but I promised myself I would keep updating this. ^-^ Feedback would be absolutely fantastic thank you!

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Chapter 2: More please ^^
koreanimnot #2
Chapter 2: Please continue~~❤
please continue :3
koreanimnot #4
Chapter 1: omgIlovedit keep updating and make very long xD
Seoulcrash #5
Chapter 1: CHANNIE ♥ god he's so cute!
Seoulcrash #6
Yaaaaaa morv~ please post it ♥
koreanimnot #7
Update soon please ^^
Fighting! xD