A Dangerous Surprise

The Show Of Love


              HONGBIN’s POV 

                My name is Hongbin and I’m part of this newly debuted band, VIXX. But that’s probably not what you were asking me. You want to know why I’m performing BtoB’s ‘Insane’ with 6 of them, right? Well, it all started a week ago…


                “Jaehwan, you better run!!” I heard our leader shout to a laughing Ken-Hyung who started running around the house. Sighing, I went to have a seat next to our quiet friend, Taekwoon-Hyung. “They always behave like kids” he let out almost inaudible, but I smiled as he said it. I loved it when he would talk or show any emotion. It wasn’t very common so I cherished all of those moments like they were gold. “Yeah, they need to be fighting with eachother all the time” I chuckled and leaned back on the couch, closing my eyes as I was still tired. I’d woken up to an angry Hackyeon-Hyung screaming. It wasn’t much nice, to be honest.

                “I envy Wonsik”, I said to myself, “I wonder how he can sleep with these screams”. Taekwoon-Hyung got up and went to his room, making my heart drop. I opened my eyes and sighed sadly. “Why won’t he be friends with me?”. It would always end up the same way. Me failing to make Leo friendly.

                 Probably ten minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door. N-Hyung rushed to the door, with a curious Ken peeking from somewhere. I closed my eyes again, trying to rest, not really caring about anything. I couldn’t take Leo-Hyung from my head, and that was giving me a big headache. Before I could react, there was screaming coming from the door, and I was suddenly grabbed by three men, and taken outside. I could only see another group of men keeping my bandmates inside the dorm. I was thrown into the backseat of a van, and my only thought was ‘Why did they have their heads covered?’. As realization hit me, I started panicking. I had been kidnapped.

              NO ONE’s POV

                    Inside the VIXX’s dorm, four guys were pacing around, not knowing what to do. They tried to call the police, but there was no signal on their phones. The door was somehow locked from outside, and the men covered the windows in a way they couldn’t break them. The door from one of the rooms opened itself to reveal Leo, who had just wakened up.  His gaze consumed the whole living room, trying to understand why his friends were so shocked. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the windows, and rushed to the door, trying to open it. “It’s useless, we already tried it” Hackyeon said, and Leo stopped. “Where’s Hongbin?” he asked, and the older one looked away, feeling uncomfortable and scared for his friend. “H-He was taken…”. Leo’s wrath rose and he punched the door with all of his strength. The other four flinched and stepped back, watching their friend carefully.

                  Leo had so many questions on his mind, but he couldn’t find the right words to get them out of his mouth. He just wanted to scream and break the door, running after his dongsaeng. But he couldn’t. No matter how much he tried to break it, the door wouldn’t help. He fell to his knees, his knuckles bleeding from the punches, and Wonsik took his hands in his, “Hyung…” he gulped once he saw Leo’s eyes getting watery. He knew Leo was fighting hard not to cry. Inside that shell, Taekwoon was a really nice and caring person.

                  Ken and Ravi took Leo to the bathroom to take care of his hands, when the door was opened so easily from outside, that it seemed like all of Leo’s trying was for nothing. Their manager came inside the dorm and they were all caught by surprise. “Manager Hyung? What are you doing here?” Hyuk asked, and before the manager could answer him, Leo released himself from the other two’s hold, and took his jacket, trying to step outside, but was stopped by his manager. “Let me go” Leo said with a blank expression and a soft voice full on anger. His manager shook his head “I know what happened, but let’s just wait, I’m sure he’ll come back”.


                  Hongbin felt the van stop, and his heart started racing. His thoughts were stuck in what the men could and were about to do with him. He was scared to say the least. He felt lonely and at danger. He cried a little on the ride. He was angry at himself for getting so shocked that he couldn’t release himself from the men. But seriously, how could he when he was being held by three well built men? But most of all, he was embarrassed because he couldn’t stop screaming on his head for his Hyung’s help. He wanted Leo to hold him and tell him everything was going to be ok. But it wasn’t, Hongbin could tell it. And Leo wouldn’t act like that if he was there. And it made Hongbin feel worse.

                  A flash of light almost blinded him, and as soon as he reacted, he tried to escape. But he was stopped. He should’ve seen that one coming. He was kidnapped, and his kidnappers weren’t going to let him go this soon. He braced himself, expecting to be beaten, but a small chuckle coming from one of the men could be heard. He looked at him, confused, and the man took his mask off. “Hongbin-ssi, we’re not going to harm you” he said, which took Hongbin aback. “What” was the only thing he could reply, feeling now more confused than before. “You’re not at danger. So, just do as I say: Go inside that house and present yourself as ‘Lee Minhyuk’, ok? You’ll understand everything later.”. Hongbin blinked, not believing what he was being put into. Was this some sort of joke? Was all that panic for nothing? They were giving him a bag with clothes and personal stuff, when the same man added “And don’t forget, they won’t believe that you’re Minhyuk, but you’ll lose the game if you don’t pretend to be him”. Hongbin nodded, still shocked, and headed to the door. He didn’t know why he was agreeing to this.


                    As they tried to calm down Leo, Bang Yongguk came inside their dorm. Everyone looked at him surprised, and the manager smiled. The shy boy felt awkward with the situation and bowed politely before presenting himself with a small smile on his face.

“Hello, I’m Lee Hongbin”



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nice story ^^
Chapter 2: oooo himchannie~~ ;__;
Chapter 1: Ooooooh, I knew I'll love it >< /subscribe
The plot is really interesting!
It's so interesting! I hope you update this story again!
carrot_19 #4
Chapter 1: *something
carrot_19 #5
Chapter 1: omg!!!i never thought that I could read sonething like this story anyway please please please update soon!!
Chapter 1: Freaking in love with this story already!!! So not what I thought, but then BAM!!! Update soon please!!!!!!!!! *chuu~ ^_~
WishedILivedinKorea #7
please update soon. amazing so far :D xxx
Chapter 1: O.O Leo is angry right now, Hongbin everything is going to be fine he loves you, and Bang were is your Him ahaha