Chapter 3

Love in Fables and Stables


“Troublesome horse. If it’s not for the fact that I love you so much, there’s no way I’ll be working in the stables to take care of you. I’m a prince you know!” Yong Hwa mumbled to the white horse horse beside him, who only grunted in response.

Thor, was a menacing horse to the eyes of many. With its majestic built and short temperament, not many were willing to put their lives on the line to even feed it. Yet, Thor was Yong Hwa’s special friend. His other half in battles.

Growing with it from a pony as a child to the beast that it is today, no one could handle the creature with the same sense of expertise and understanding like Yong Hwa did. At the same time, because of Thor’s rejection to any other hand for feeding of grooming, Yong Hwa had to do the work of a stable boy by himself all the time, despite his position. Hence, taking care of the beast without the expectation of help from servants became second nature to him.

Yong Hwa walked to the stable that was reserved for Thor. He looked around to realize that there was not enough hay bedding on the ground. After relieving Thor from the saddle on his back and leading him to the water prepared, he walked out to look for the stacks of hay.

From afar, he saw his brothers messing with the stable boy. With Jonghyun on the ground, beneath him. Walking closer, he went up to find out what the commotion was about.


“I’m so sorry your highness, I didn’t know you were calling out for me! Really!” a high voice squeaked out from the puny lad’s body.

“’s ok. I didn’t know you were a girl. Sorry for shouting at you,” Jonghyun mumbled. “If you don’t mind, can you stand up?”

“Huh? Oh my god! Of…of course! I’m so so sorry!!” Yoona’s face turned a shade of pink, given their awkward position of her still being on top of him.

Jungshin and Minhyuk were trying to keep their face straight to control their laughter but failed.

Yong Hwa managed to figure out what was going on and reached over to help his brother up.

“So I take it that you are working as a stable boy, although you’re not a boy?” Yong Hwa strike up a conversation to diffuse the strange atmosphere between the two.

“Yeah, I help my dad and brother out. It’s a hassle to wear a dress to work in the stables so I work in a pair of pants. I’m sorry for the confusion, I thought you were referring to someone else since you were calling out for a boy.” Yoona explained, giving an embarrassed smile to Prince Jonghyun.

“Uhhh…it’s ok. No harm done” Jonghyun choked on his words.

“Let me help you with your horse.”

“Uhm, ok. Actually, just lead the way. I’ll bring him there with you.”

“Oh. Okay. Let’s go.” Yoona then walked towards the stable, with Jonghyun and the horse in tow.

“Unbelievable.” Minhyuk whispered. “Hyung is entering the stables. With a girl.”

“What’s unbelievable is that he spoke to a girl. Hahaha…I bet with you it’s the pants.” Jungshin wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oookay. Enough chit chat guys, help me carry some hay for Thor. Since Jonghyun is busy engaging with the help, you guys help me. Faster.” Yonghwa ordered his two dongsanegs.

“Aaawwww…wwhhyyyyyy?” “Hyyuunggg…the horse hates me. It hates people.” The two dongsaengs grumbled but received the piles of hay anyways. Like they would dare go against their hyung.

They walked back to the stable carrying a stack of hay each when all of a sudden, Jungshin who was leading the way stopped and dropped his pile to the ground with his mouth wide open in shock.

“Yah, Jung Jungshin. What the hell did you just do?!” Yong Hwa chastised his brother for messing up the hay.

Jungshin simply stuttered and pointed to the direction of the stable. Yong Hwa turned his head to witness something he never thought he would ever see in his life.

In the stable was Thor, being fed an apple happily by a girl dressed in white with a cascade of brown wavy hair, looking so serene without any fear in her eyes. The chumminess between Thor and the girl was enough to make even Yong Hwa jealous.

“Now, what do we have here,” thought Yong Hwa as he appreciated the scene as well as the beauty of the fair maiden caressing his horse.

“Perhaps this trip won’t be so dull after all.”

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anazirahs6729 #1
Just discover this fanfic. It's getting interesting. Pls update soon...
wahhh!! interesting!! Love the story already!!<br />
update soon!!
krianel #3
interesting. definitely caught my attention. never imagined Yongseo in a fantasy story but i like it. please update soon.
Woaaaa...totally in love with your story!!!! ^^<br />
this one is so interesting and I love your writing style :)<br />
<br />
This is my first time read YongSeo couple in a fantasy story! And I'm so curious how the story will be...!! :))<br />
<br />
Prince and the lost princess, what more can I say this topic speaks for itself...update soon please... ^^
Hello~ Yume here~<br />
<br />
I really like your story. I have a soft heart when it comes to fantasy <br />
with a dash of action, I presume, and FLUFF!<br />
<br />
I also like the idea of Seohyun being a princess though she have temporary amnesia since she seem <br />
to not remember that she's from the royal family.<br />
<br />
And if my prediction is right I feel like there is going to be a battle at the event.<br />
(my excited mind said that) LOL. Anyways, no matter what happen, I'll patiently wait!<br />
<br />
Hope you'll update as soon as you can <3
cocopuffs #6
Hi! I really like you story. Hope you'll have an update soon. :)