Persistant Fate




Daniel Chae and Jung ______ were brought together by fate a few times. They were now dating but being an idol he had a very demanding schedule. He spent so much time away from her because of it.




“You will regret not talking to her!”

“I know…but…I don’t know if my brain can form words right now.”




“it’s stupid…I don’t even know her name and I’m obsessing over her. all I remember is her face and how adorable she was…we didn’t even say much to each other but I felt a connection. Her eyes were warm, deep, and kind.”




"youre not giving me your phone number?"


"is this your way of rejecting me?"

"its my way of saying...i want to see you again and if that thing you said about fate is'll bring us together again and when it does...i'll give you my number. I was going to give it to you but you made a nice point."

'me and my mouth. I shouldve kept if shut. See first i regret saying nothing and now i say something and get nothing...i FAIL!~'





‘What the hell?! Ann-Hey? So stupid! She’s going to think you’re I’m an idiot.’


“Wow…I meant to say Annyeonghaseyo! But then I started to say hey…and it just came out like that..” he said. ‘IDIOT! Stop talking, I’m making myself sound even dumber!’


"i just wanna know you...youre interesting...different."

"interesting and different? So im weird?" she giggled.


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aww this whole story was suppppppppppppppppper cute~ i can totally imagine Daniel acting this way. xD thanks for sharing!
Cute :)
Hamsterland_95 #3
aww! it's so cute!! :D<br />
<br />
freespiritxj #4
D'aw that was so cute!
so sweet....
sunnyvpz #6
^-^ love it ~ <3