My Secretly Way

My Secretly Way

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. ~ Bruce Lee

Himchan P.O.V

      What is love ? is love  only the arrangement of alphabet L .O .V and E?The Wikipedia said that love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure to interpersonal attraction. It can refer to an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachement and Bla ….bla… bla…to much  arrangement word that is hard to understand. I don’t really understand it….Or May be I don’t really really really don’t understand it...

     Someone said that the young people still didn’t know what is love was ? Is that true ? And The other said that young people still can’t know how way to love ? Are you agree about it ? So what is love do you think ?

          What the different between loving and being loved ? I love my Mother and she love me , I love my Brother and he love me too . Why the feeling is different if I said that I love him ? I think The answer is not He love me or he didn’t love me. That Question will answered by another question ’is he love me too?’.

       But whatever the answer is…..I and he will never ever ever being together I think...Being not confident ? No of course. . I'm not that kind of personal. The other people said that I have to much confident.

   So what is love ? I just know that love is sometimes contrasted with frienship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships . It’s more than just liking someone . Love is a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. lust, attraction, or attachment ? hahahha … Prevert am I?

     What does it call if you feel that you want to give everything in your life to someone you like? What does it call if you feel that you wants to stay by someone you like? What does it call if you try to look good when you didn’t before so you can paying attention to him?

     Is that called Love? So who can told to me what is love was ? So who can show how the right way to love? Is the teacher can teach me ? Profesor , lecturer ? No one could  I think…… except him.

     The one that can scared me because his appearance.The one that take care of me.The one that can make me laughing with his Gummy smile.Maybe….Just Maybe…He is the one can teach me how to love.From the first time we met he treat me well.

     In front of many people, I can't express my greetings or a single word to him.He more than just a friend.So what should I do if I have feeling like this?Confessing to him ? Must I throw all My pride in front of him?No…Big big NO….Of course Not…Even thought I love him I will Never ever ever said that.

       Some people said to me that I must told him the truth.And the other said that I must telling my felling.But I think That’s all is A big Bad Idea..Why ? I Think you all guys will do the same if you and some one you love can be equally as Sea and Mountain , as Noon and night ,  as Earth and Sun , or as Fire and Ice.We can’t be able to be together forever and ever. God has destined that way , and no one can trun it.

     I want to show the world how big the love I can give to him , but I can’t. I want to protect him and be the one that he protected , but I can’t.I want to feed him , but I can’t. I’m Just to selfish if I want to be with him forever. The reason why I couldn’t do that is God has destined that way , and no one can trun it.

               Maybe is true if I can’t show the world how big the love I can give to him.Maybe is true that I can’t protect him.Maybe it’s true that I can’t be with him…
               But the reality is I can show the world how big the love I can give to him in the secret way.No one would know how much I love him.No one shouldn’t know……I will keep my love in my secret way…I know it hurts.But I thinks it’s the best way to keep my love to him.I have no mercy that I was loved him.God will you allow me to do that?

Secretly I will protect him.Secretly I will feed him with my delicious full of love food.Secretly I will feel his life with all my love.Secretly I will …..

Himchanie ~~ His husky lovely voice surprising me.




What are you doing ? cooking huh ?


Just what you look dude…You think man ?


I think you burnt our food dude…


Ohh my god....


And despite we are all have over cooked food , He still laugh out loud and I’m happy to heard that.

The one thing secretly that I have keep from him is if only I have him, I can live.

And I don’t care if he doesn’t love me, I don’t care If I can’t love and being loved by him.

But now the fact is I still can be close with him, and Only just like this i already feel enough and joy…..I’m Happy … I’m happy becouse can secretly loving you Mr.Gummy Smile.

 Dont Forget to give me Some Qritiques and Comment Guys ....

OK.. Thanks a lot...

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Chapter 1: and watchout the typos girl ^^~
Chapter 1: what are you thinking when you made this? and did you mean 'what love was' nor 'what love is' and 'what is love' maybe...