Twenty four

Love beyond a doubt

Hi ya~

It's been a while since I updated this too. >////< 

Please do stay and read~



Later into the night…

“Click.” The door to Yoochun’s apartment finally clicks open, allowing a tall man to enter. It is well past midnight by the time Yoochun is done comforting Jaejoong and sending him back to the lobby of the hotel his mother is residing in.

Walking into the living room with heavy footsteps, the tall figure paces around the empty couch before hastening his footsteps, searching the quiet house. “Everland?” Calling out to the missing latter, with a bit of anxiety in his voice, he rushes into the pitch black kitchen and switches on the lights there. The house is brightly lit by now.

Heaving a dramatic sigh of relief after seeing a small body pressed up against the kitchen counter, the man makes his way over. Shaking the person while the other’s head rests on both folded arms, Yoochun manages to wake the sleeping person up.

“Why are you sleeping here?” Hauling Junsu up in a princess cradle, Yoochun was about to transport his little prince back to the couch when the other wriggles out from his embrace and wobbles over to the pot by the stove.

“Yoochunnie! I made you dinner!” Reaching for the bowl and emptying the pot of cooked instant noodle into it, Junsu quickly busied himself with heating up the messy bowl of red and yellow liquid in the microwave.

Grabbing the bowl from him, Yoochun can’t wipe the frown off his handsome face. Junsu reacted by pulling the bowl back. He will not allow Yoochun to interfere with his little wish to do something useful. “How many times have I told you before that you are not allowed to cook?!” Hollering at Junsu, Yoochun’s troubled soul is getting the better of him.

“It’s just instant noodle! I can manage that! You allowed me to try it out before too!” Junsu retorted, almost whining as he holds the bowl close to himself. This made Yoochun even more worried, since the bowl of still warm liquid are floating dangerous close to the edge.

“You can only do that with me around!” “What if you tip the pot over when it’s boiling?!” Pulling the bowl over roughly, Yoochun accidentally slips up and the bowl ended up on the floor, in smithereens, but not before making sure that both he and Junsu’s clothes get some of Junsu’s cooking. “See what I mean?!”

Stunned by the detective’s sudden rough jerking moment, Junsu remained wide eyed as Yoochun stares at both of their garments, soaked through with oily substances and dyed the same colour as his supper.

Then, bending down to pick up the glass shards, Junsu ended up sitting next to the slippery mess. Not speaking, he then quickly picks up as many of the broken pieces as he can, choosing not to look at Yoochun. “Leave it!” “Those are dangerous!” Reaching down and carrying up the feather weight with ease, the big man trudged into the bathroom nearby. The boy does not resist this time.

Taking off his own coat and examining the layer beneath, the detective ended up stripping off the inner layer as well, since the soup had seeped in and stained the entire abdominal region of his turtle neck. Looking at Junsu, whose oversized T-shirt is soaked through as well, Yoochun did not hesitate to peel off the sodden clothe as well. This will be the first time they ever see each other topless and though they don’t think anything of bodily exposure before, Yoochun is becoming increasingly conscious.

Stumbling into the shower, Junsu swept around for the knob and turned the water on. Handing the showerhead to Yoochun and accidentally wetting the man’s already stained khakis, Junsu ended up wandering out of the shower in search of a towel.

Pulling Junsu back into the bathroom, Yoochun stripped himself down to his boxers and exited instead. Making his way over to the only closet in his room, Yoochun busied himself with searching for a set of clothes. Trying to forget the weird tingling sensation he gets whenever their bare skin comes into contact, the detective ended up spacing out in front of the opened drawers as clothes spill out from within the exploding closet.

Only a soft click on the toilet door managed to break his trance and he quickly grabs the towel that he was supposed to get nearly five minutes ago. Through the period of reflection, Yoochun not only realised that he has never been in a proper relationship he finally gave the idea of getting himself a partner some consideration.

Junsu emerges from within the bathroom and glances at him with those big round innocent eyes again and Yoochun felt his heart skip a beat. Walking over briskly, he throws the towel over Junsu’s head and quickly turns to leave. Pushing Junsu’s outreached hands off his own bicep, Yoochun left the younger one standing awkwardly rooted to the ground.

“Yoochunnie…” A soft voice stops him in his track, followed by a pair of wet hands reaching out from behind and wrapping around his waist. They are thin and the grip is weak, fingers brushing against his belly button carelessly. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be angry with me.” The person speaks again and Yoochun immediately breaks off their skin contact, upon feeling a cool soft cheek rests against his spine.

Junsu gasps and backs away, looking up at the now flustered older man. Lips quivering as tears well up, the younger one looks away and squats down, face covered with the soft white towel. Yoochun simply stands hovering above, watching him sadly yet not doing anything.



Scowling angrily as he sits by the stack of documents he had just vet, a tall well-dressed businessman picks up his phone for the hundredth time before slamming the domain device onto the table. The call he has been waiting for since that morning hasn’t arrived and he is unable to sleep before he receives that call.

Standing up abruptly and pacing around his office, which he hadn’t turned up in for months, the man rearranges his certificates and trophies. Hapkido, taekwondo, fencing, sailing etcetera, all earned him gold cast trophies at international competitions. He is a tough competitor. On the other side, beside his family photo, are the different bachelors he obtained, with a couple of other masters and a Phd he has recently graduated with. He is no doubt, a smart man.

Staring at his reflection in the crystal clear glass, he sees an angry man. He had never looked so angst in his life, asides from when he was engaged in duelling tournaments. Trying to recall what led him to frown so handsomely, Jaejoong’s back view appeared time and again. The scene where Jaejoong left without looking back, replayed itself again and again.

Slamming a palm on the table countless times, he stopped before he could break the perfect teak furniture apart, since the phone is finally ringing. Straightening up, he paces over furiously and answers the call. Without speaking, he kept the receiver to his ear. The other side of the line knew he is immensely pissed and start apologising profusely. He is an impatient man.

“Get to the point.” Hissing rudely into the phone, the man rotates his neck and tightens the grip on his fountain pen subconsciously. The news that came does not disappoint him. He is one to make sure that what he plans to achieve, would be achieved without fail.

“Sir. Actually, the director of the company you wanted to merge with is on a trip to the states so if you want… maybe I can arrange for the signing there?” The person on the other end of the line suggests and the tall man smiles at last. Lips still covering his teeth since he does not usually show his perfect set of pearly whites on just any occasion, the man tapped his fingers on the table, contemplating. “Do it.”

 Hanging up, the man loosens his tie at last and shrugs off his coat. “Yeoboseyo.” “Haraboji.” The man continues to make another call as he half skips out of the brightly lit office, allowing his secretary to tidy up the office and get off duty at last.

“I will be meeting my in-law tomorrow.” Chirping happily as he fishes into his pocket for the keys, handing it to the valet, he finally allowed his teeth to show.

“Uh. Araseo.” “I am on my way to the shopping malls now.” The man said with a sing song voice, looking at his watch. It is well into the night, almost 1 am in the morning, yet he expects to be shopping. He is not worried, since his grandfather will have a open boutique arranged for his arrival. Opened for 24 hours especially for him.


POV from senior Jung

This is finally happening!! My grandson’s wedding!! I have to wake the world!!

Not only did he find himself a partner, he is also taking the initiative to arrange for a meet the parents session!! I am SO excited!!

My heart. Omo. I need to relax.

What do I wear for their wedding? No wait. The meeting first! What do I wear?

My son and I will need to look prestigious!! I can’t let anyone look down on our Jung Empire! No doubt the young man’s family is rich, but my family is more well off.

NO WAIT a minute…

We kidnapped their son… so technically speaking, we shouldn’t be happy or excited to be meeting right?

What is going on?! Did Yunnie meet another person that we don’t know of? I need to call him back!!


Back at the yacht…

“Don’t worry Haraboji!” “I know what I am doing alright?” Walking ahead while a few escorts carries his baggage, shopping bags filled with new clothes and stuff, Yunho struts like a self-conceited diva, with a weird swag.

“Bye” hanging up on his overly anxious grandfather, the bachelor signals for the bodyguards to board before him while he checks out the control panel and anchors, a routine.

Nodding his head to the departing bodyguards, the bachelor sat on his sun chair and looked through the documents, whistling. A faint sound of footsteps approaching alerted him and he casually looks over his shoulder, just to see the all so familiar sight once more. It’s almost déjà vu and his heart skipped a beat once again.

There, on the harbour, just a couple of metres below where he is, is a figure squatting in the exact same spot as it had previously. The bachelor immediately leapt up to his feet and leans over the side to ensure it is the same mop of silky black tresses, fluttering with the strong sea breeze. Reminiscing how soft they felt when his fingers were running through, the man felt a strong urge of wanting.

Manning up and clicking his tongue, Yunho got the huddled up figure to look up at him and he could feel love oozing out from every single one of his pores. The amount of affection he possesses for those gorgeous black orbs cannot be described and he is no longer foreign to such alien yet intriguing feelings.

Appearing beside the person in a blink of an eye, the smaller person stands up slowly to face him, looking as imploringly as he did on the previous occasion. “Please help my brother…” The person is a lot more willing to approach him now, hands ghosting on the bachelor’s shirt pocket.

“Convince me then.” The bachelor smiled smugly, grabbing the beautiful pair of hands as they remain a mere inch away from his torso. Rubbing the smooth palms with his thumbs, he them and the person flinches cutely, looking away almost annoyed.

A clumsy bear hug ensued as the person tip toes and embraces him rather stiffly, wrapping both slender arms around Yunho’s neck. With forearms resting on his broad shoulders, the graceful person whispers into the bachelor’s ear before rubbing an exquisite pale cheek against the man’s tone chest. “Please.” “I will do anything.”

“You left me. Twice.” “Give me a very good reason to help you.” The man pursed his lips, smirking as he witnesses a tinge of defiance appear and quickly disappear from that lovely face.

“You are the only person who can make things right again.” “I will make it up to you so please help me.” The person’s full lips quivered ever so attractively, eyeballs shifting everywhere else rather than returning the bachelor’s intense gaze, long lashes fluttering prettily. Remaining still in Yunho’s embrace as the man his slim shoulders and back lovingly, the figure’s breath hitches as the tall man lifts his chin by the jaw and locked their lips together briefly.

“Be prepared. You are in for a very long night. Kim. Jae. Joong.”


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha