
Eunsook's drabbles series


Red, puffy eyes.

Eunsook couldn’t open her eyes properly. They were swollen to the point that her eyes were just mere tiny lines.

How could she go to school looking like a newborn bird ?

She perfectly knew her parents wouldn’t allow her to skip classes. Sighing, she went to the bathroom, took a cold shower, hoping that it would deflate.

She tried to avoid the mirror, as much as possible.

She knew that she wouldn’t be able to bear the truth. The reality.

Unfortunately, her will was not strong enough. As usual, she stopped in front of the mirror, standing still, totally and criticizing every single part of her body.

« You’re weird, and ugly, so ugly. I bet nobody will ever want to love you. No wonder, you look like a monster.»

She fell against the wall, crying again. Her parents either never told her she was pretty. They couldn’t lie, Gwibbon was right. She looked like a monster. She was a monster

She wanted to be beautiful, graceful, loved, wanted.

She wanted to be as pretty as Gwibbon, graceful like Yoona and Taeyeon. She wanted to be loved, she wanted to have friends and be popular just like Minjung.

Why was life so unfair to her?

Raising herself up again and now standing on two feets, she hit the mirror, injuring her hand at the same time.

The mirror was broken into thousand pieces on the floor. She was bleeding .

If life couldn't give her what she wanted, she was going to take it herself.

Strict diet.


A/N: Well, it's just me. (author)

I just don't know what to do with this anymore, feedbacks ? How's my writing ? I know that I'm definitely not the best here and I feel like my vocabulary is quite limited, I keep using the same words, making repetitions. Sometimes, it's intented but not always. I try my best to improve myself.Should I delete this story ?

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Chapter 2: You updated! Yay! \(*^_^)/

I thought it's quite amazing, especially for someone whose first (or second) language isn't English. It's my second language as well, and sometimes I struggle with it so hard, especially when describing female characters DX
Fem!SHINee fics rarely get the recognition they deserve. I would love to read more of this verse, though. :)
Chapter 1: Whoa. This is good. This is really good.

I can't wait to read more ♥