
Eunsook's drabbles series


«You’re weird, and ugly, so ugly. I bet nobody will ever want to love you. No wonder, you look like a monster. »

Eunsook stand there, dumbfounded…

Were those words addressed to her ? Really? Why?

She looked in her friend’s fierce eyes, hoping to found a little amount of…pity, anything that could tell that these words weren’t what she really thought about Eunsook.

The said «friend» just left, after what felt like a century for Eunsook. She was the only friend Eunsook had.

What had she done wrong to deserve such mean words ?

Eunsook walked back to home, crying like she never did before.

What had she done wrong to deserve such mean words ?

She skipped supper and went straight to her bed, her pillow was damp now. Her eyes were puffly, and her cheeks irritated by the constant rubbing.

Eunsook knew she wasn’t pretty, that’s what she uses to tell herself too. She was too fat for boys’ liking, as Gwibbon said.

Lee Eunsook had no friend. Nobody to talk about her passions, her worries.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, Maybe.


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Chapter 2: You updated! Yay! \(*^_^)/

I thought it's quite amazing, especially for someone whose first (or second) language isn't English. It's my second language as well, and sometimes I struggle with it so hard, especially when describing female characters DX
Fem!SHINee fics rarely get the recognition they deserve. I would love to read more of this verse, though. :)
Chapter 1: Whoa. This is good. This is really good.

I can't wait to read more ♥