



   Kevin tapped his perfectly manicured fingernails against his desk anxiously, waiting for Mrs. Choi to call his name. The history teacher was putting the students in pairs for a project on the North and South Korean War. For most people they didn't really care who they ended up with, but for Kevin, it was a big deal for him to know who his partner was. Having just moved here a month ago from the states, Kevin was having a hard time fitting in due to his pretty boy looks and feminine personality and way of dressing. Most of the guys liked to pick on him and there were many girls that were envious of his looks and fashion sense. He only had a handful of friends (all girls cuz Kevin's a girl at heart xD), and only 2 were in this class.

   "And let's see....Kevin.." Mrs. Choi scanned the classroom over the rim of her glasses. Kevin sat up straight, clasping his hands under his desk and holding his breath.

   "With....Sandara," she finally decided. Kevin let out an audible sigh of relief and cheered internally. He glanced across the room at his best friend shooting her a bright excited grin. But Dara only shook her head head at him giving him a sad smile. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

   " Hey Mrs. Choi! Dara's with me, remember?" Jiyong called out, shooting Dara a cocky grin which she shyly returned. 

   "Oh, is that so? My apologies. Who doesn't have a partner yet?" Kevin groaned inside his head and turned in his chair to look for his future partner. He met eyes with Eli, who was nonchalantly raising his hand. His big innocent eyes widened when he realized whom his partner would be, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks under Eli's fierce gaze. He had a secret crush on Eli. (Yes he's obviously gay xD) But then again, so did half the girls in the school. Eli was the school's hotshot, a handsome muscular jock. Kevin often daydreamed about him, but it wasn't just his good looks that attracted Kevin, though they were a big help. Kevin had always thought that Eli was different than the other kids. He never participated in bullying as many of the other kids did and had even helped a lot of the victims. He never lost his cool no matter, something that intimidated most of the other kids. Either way, Eli was definitely Kevin's ideal guy.

   At the other end of the room, Eli was observing Kevin. He watched as Kevin looked around the room only to meet eyes with him, and smirked to himself when Kevin's huge eyes grew bigger and  a cute shade of pink took over his face. Eli had been slightly attracted to Kevin since he moved from America a month ago. Eli was also originally from the US and he had been curious when he discovered there was a new transfer student coming from there. Kevin's girly charms and feminine face and body appealed to him. Lots of girls at the school, many of them quite pretty, had confessed to Eli only to be rejected. None of them interested him, and they all seemed the same to him. Then Kevin came all along, with his girlish appearance, blond hair with pink streaks, and face far prettier in Eli's eyes that any of the girls. He was cute and innocent, and Eli liked that. (I'm gonna stop now I'm like rambling...sorryzz >.<)

   "All right then! Kevin with Ellison! Any questions?"  Mrs. Choi looked around the room only to be answered with silence. Just then, the bell rang. "All right then, class dismissed! Since today is Friday, I'll make the project due Tuesday so you guys have the weekend to meet up." 

   Kevin quickly glanced at Eli, blushing at the thought of meeting up with his crush. Eli gathered up his books and looked up, only to catch Kevin looking at him and blushing. He smirked at the cuteness before casually swinging his backpack over his shoulder and exiting the classroom. Kevin's face turned an even darker red when Eli caught his "secret" glance and shyly averted his eyes, looking down at the floor. A few seconds later, he looked up, seeing Eli coolly walk out out of the classroom and stared dreamily after Eli, sighing to himself. 

   "Oooh...someone's in LOOOVEE" a girl's voice sang into Kevin's ear. He gave a little surprised shriek and turned around quickly.

  "Yahh don't do that Noona! You SCARED MEEE!" Kevin whined cutely, pouting when he saw Dara standing behind him. She just giggled and pinched Kevin's cheek. He gathered his books and grabbed his backpack, standing up next to Dara. 

   "What's going on?"  Bom asked, catching up to Dara and Kevin and falling in step with them.

   "Bommie Noona! Dara Noona is teasing me!" Kevin sulked to Bom and gave her adorable puppy eyes that she couldnt't resist. She "awwwed" and hugged Kevin, glaring at Dara. Dara just rolled her eyes and smirked.

   "It's not MY fault that Kevin's in LOOOVEE!"

    "YAH!" Kevin cried, his blush once again coming back. "What makes you think I'm in love?!?!"

   "Oh PLEEEAAASEE don't give me that! I caught that dreamy look you gave Eli! You can't fool your best friend Kevin!" Dara said triumphantly, poking Kevin in the chest. He sulked and crossed his arms over his chest.

   "Hmph! Well look who's talking, Miss I'm Jiyong's Partner!" Now it was Dara's turn to blush as she rolled her eyes.


   Bom just giggled at them. "Okay you guysss we get it you're BOTH in love! Now let's get ready for next class" Kevin smiled cheerily and linked arms with Bom and Dara as he skipped down the hallway.


   It was finally lunch time. Kevin was siting with his usual friends; Bom, Dara, CL, and Minzy (eh eh eh eh eh eh EHH! 2NE1!!!) At the opposite end of the cafeteria, Eli was sitting with his 7 best buddies; Soohyun, AJ, Kiseop, Hoon, Alexander, Kibum, and Dongho. Halfway through lunch, Eli stood up abruptly and made as  if to walk away. 

   "Hey man, where you goin?" AJ asked.

   "I'm gonna go talk to Kevin. See ya," he said and turned around.

   "Oooooh wanna go talk to your pretty boy?" Kiseop teased jokingly. Eli rolled his eyes.

   "I have to do a project with him. I just wanna ask him when he wants to meet up," Eli explained in an exasperated tone.

   "SUUUREE Eli, that's what they all say..." Hoon replied, smirking. Eli just shook his head and started towards Kevin's table. As he drew nearer he could see that Kevin was sitting in between Bom and Dara, across from CL and Minzy. He began to catch snippets of the conversation.

   ".....and it was like all pink and sparkly and when I saw it I was like 'OHEMGEE I HAFTA GET THIS!!'" Eli heard Kevin squeal loudly. He laughed to himself. Kevin is such a girl. Eli thought. No wonder his only friends are girls.'s actually cute...

   "Is that so? Is there someone you want to impress with it, Lover Boy?" Dara asked Kevin teasingly. Eli stiffened. Was there someone that Kevin liked?

   "Bommie Noona!!" Kevin cried, turning to Bom. "Dara Noona is teasing me about Eli again! Make her stop!" Kevin pouted adorably, making Eli want to GLOMP him. Eli smirked triumphantly to himself at hearing his name. As he watched, Bom hugged Kevin comfortingly and scolded Dara, which she just nonchalantly shrugged off. Eli reached Kevin and tapped him on the shoulder. 

   "Hey Kevin?"


   Kevin was busy being comforted by Bom after tattle-taling on Dara and watching Dara get scolded by Bom when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

   "Hey Kevin?" A familiar deep male voice said. Kevin jumped in his seat a little, pulling out of Bom's embrace and turned around, only to be met with a very amused Eli in all his glory standing before him. Kevin's eyes widened, and he blushed visibly at seeing the very person that they had just been talking about in front of him. He stood up and gulped nervously. Just how much had Eli heard of their conversation? All of this; the wide eyes, the visible blush, the nervous gulp, was caught by Eli. He smirked at Kevin, knowing what was going through his mind at that moment. Besides, a flustered Kevin was extremely cute.

   "O-oh! H-hi E-Eli," Kevin stuttered adorably. Yes, very cute indeed. 

   "Sooo, you know for the project in Mrs. Choi's class? I was thinking we should just meet up today to get it over with. Come home with me after school today?" Eli asked, not missing a beat, his fierce gaze never leaving Kevin's big, innocent eyes.

   "O-okay then," Kevin said shyly, giving Eli a sweet smile. It took all of Eli's willpower to not just squish Kevin in a big hug right then and there. 

   "Great! Meet me under the maple tree then after school!" Eli turned around and walked away, but not before flashing Kevin a heart-melting grin. 

   Kevin stood there for a few seconds, lost in a daze. Then he turned around, putting his hands to his hot cheeks and swooned dramatically into Bom's arms. (In case you didn't notice, I'm making Bom like a second mother to Kevin here, like Key and Taemin...hope you don't mind! ^_^) 

   "Looks like Lover Boy's got a hot date with his Prince Charming!" Dara teased. But this time, Kevin didn't mind. Instead, he pulled all 4 of the girls up from their seats and squished them in a group hug, letting out a long high-pitched squeal.

   "OHEMGEEEE!!!" He spazzed. 

   The girls all giggled and CL reached over and ruffled Kevin's hair. "Way to go KEVIN!" She cheered.

   "Yeah, this your chance, Kevin!" Minzy said excitedly.

   "For what?" He asked, making a confused face.

   "To make a good impression!!" Minzy stated.

   "Ooooh! Yay!" Kevin said happily, jumping up and down and clapping his hands cutely. 

   Just then, the bell rang, causing the girls...and Kevin (xD) to groan. 

   "See you after school!" Kevin, Bom, and Dara waved goodbye to CL and Minzy who were a year below them as they exited the cafeteria and went their seperate ways.


   School had finally ended, and Kevin was exiting the building along with Bom, Dara, CL, and Minzy.

   "Guys....I'm nervous," Kevin said, suddenly stopping on the steps. "Can you guys come with me to the maple tree?" 

   "Sorry mom is supposed to pick up me and Minzy so we can study at my house for our test tomorrow," CL said. Kevin sighed and turned to Bom and Dara, giving them his irresistible puppy eyes.

   "I've got a dentist appointment today...sorry" Bom replied, ruffling Kevin's hair.

   "And I'm going home with Jiyong today...we're meeting as his house for our project too." Dara added apologetically. 

   "You guys are all meanie ditchers," Kevin pouted, sadly lowering his eyes to the ground. The girls simultaneously squished Kevin into a group hug.

   "We're sorry Kevin," Minzy said sadly.

   "Yeah, go charm the pants off of Eli!" Dara added enthusiastically.

   They all said their goodbyes and went their ways, eventually leaving him all alone. Once they were gone, Kevin sighed and nervously started towards the maple tree. Eli wasn't there yet when Kevin arrived at the tree so Kevin just stood under the tree, leaning there and closing his eyes. 

   "Well, well, well, waddya know? If it isn't Little Miss Kevin!" A voice said, interrupting Kevin's little moment. Kevin looked up to see a bunch of guys from his class surrounding him, all with cocky smirks on their faces. He didn't remember all their names, as he was still quite new, but he recognized the boy who had spoken as Choi Dae Jung.

   "Wha-what do y-you want?" Kevin asked, eyeing the boys around him nervously. Dae Jung, whom Kevin presumed to be the leader, leaned forward, all the while still smirking, and put his hand on the tree trunk in the space right next to Kevin's head.

   "Relax....we just wanna ask you a question," he sneered as the rest of the guys drew closer, trapping Kevin.

   "I've been wondering for a while now....are you really a guy? I mean you look like a girl and act like one too....I'm starting to doubt the fact that you're a guy," Dae Jung said teasingly. Kevin's head shot up in surprise.

   "Wh-what? O-of course I'm a g-guy," he stammered.

   "Then prove it," Dae Jung said in a low, husky voice, causing Kevin to gulp nervously and his eyes to widen in fear.

    Dae Jung harshly grabbed Kevin's chin, forcing Kevin to look at him. His other hand reached up to Kevin's silky hair, then lowered it to carress the smooth skin of Kevin's cheek, and teasingly traced his fingers down Kevin's neck, gliding it over his collarbone.

   "S-stop...I'm a-a g-guy," he pleaded weakly, looking around for an escape route, only to find that they had all been blocked by the rest of the guys.

   "But you still have to prove it," Dae Jung smirked. Kevin began to tremble, and his wide eyes watered. Dae Jung stopped to pinch Kevin's right through the fabric of his hoodie. At this, Kevin vulnerably whimpered, a tear escaping his eye and sliding down his cheek, and he clenched his eyes closed. Dae  Jung continued to lazily but teasingly slide his hand down Kevin's abdomen, slowly nearing his private area. Just when he was about to cup Kevin's manhood through his jeans, he was interrupted by a loud angry voice.

   "YAH! What the hell do you think you're doing?!?!"


   Eli was heading out of the school with the guys. They were all joking around and having fun, slowly getting closer to the maple tree. As they got close, Eli glanced at the tree to see if Kevin was already there, only to find a bunch of guys from his grade huddled around the tree. His eyes widened in alarm. Kevin. He thought.

   "Look guys, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow," Eli said suddenly, and jogged down the hill to the maple tree.

   When he got close enough, he could see that the guys were indeed surrounding a very frightened Kevin. Leading the guys was none other than, Choi Dae Jung. Frankly, Eli wasn't surprised. The kid was always getting into trouble and picking on other kids. As Eli drew nearer, he gasped in shock and anger. From there, he could see exactly what was going on.  The poor boy was clearly scared, as he was visibly shaking, and his eyes were shut tight as if to make an attempt to block out what was happening. Dae Jung had his crush pressed against the tree, and Eli could see that he was gripping Kevin's face with one hand, and his other hand was.......Eli lowered his eyes to see what he was doing with his other hand, and when he saw, his eyes widened and he let out an angry growl. Dae Jung's hand was dangerously positioned in between Kevin's legs. 

   "YAH! What the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted threateningly. 

   Dae Jung and the rest of the guys turned around, while Kevin lifted his eyelids, revealing huge tear-filled eyes. They were all met with the sight of an extremely scary-looking, furious Eli. 

   "We were just asking Kevin a question," Dae Jung said in a fake innocent voice, smirking teasingly at Eli. 

   Eli had never really understood what the term "seeing red" meant, but he definitely understood now. He lunged towards Dae Jung, pulled him off  of Kevin, and gave him a hard punch in the face. Dae Jung staggered backwards, clutching his eye, before growling and throwing a punch at Eli. Eli easily intercepted it, grabbing his wrist and flipping him over.

   "Anyone else?" Eli folded his arms across his chest, looking around daringly. He caught a glimpse of Kevin, who was sitting on the floor and staring at Eli in shock, his eyes adorably huge, and his pink lips formin a small "O".

   There was a silence, as they reluctantly slunk away. When Eli was sure they were gone, he turned to Kevin and firmly, but gently, grabbed his wrist, effortlessly pulling him up and dragging him along behind him as he quickly walked away. 

   After a few long minutes off walking in complete silence other than Kevin's quiet but constant sniffling, Eli sighed and glanced at Kevin. He was shocked to see Kevin looking at the ground, silent tears streaming down his face.

   "Hey..." Eli said softly, gently lifting Kevin's chin so that he was looking at him. "You okay?"

   Kevin furiously wiped his tears away and nodded hardly. But really, hearing Eli's comforting voice made him just want to break down and sob into Eli's arms. Though Kevin had nodded, Eli could clearly see that his lower lip was trembling and he looked like he was going to burst into tears at any moment. Eli smiled gently at Kevin and affectionately ruffled his hair, his eyes slightly widening at how soft and silky it was.

   "Kevin, it's okay to cry after what you've just been through," Eli pulled Kevin into a hug, protectively wrapping his strong arms around Kevin's tiny waist. Both were surprised at how perfectly Kevin fit. Kevin almost immediately broke down and began to cry onto Eli. Eli's comforting embrace just had that effect on him. 

   The two just stood there for a few minutes in the middle of the sidewalk, Kevin sobbing into Eli's chest. Once Kevin's cries were reduced to mere sniffles, he began to become aware of his surroundings. A blush took over his cheeks, as he felt Eli's hard muscles rippling under his right cheek. Eli, noticing that Kevin was okay, reluctantly pulled away, and looked down at Kevin. He smirked at the pink tint that was coloring Kevin's face. 

   "You okay now?" Eli asked, looking at Kevin, who nodded shyly.

   "Let's go then!" he grinned at Kevin and grabbed his hand, walking away. Kevin blushed as he felt Eli's warm hand envelope his own, and let himself get dragged away.

   "So...does this happen often?" Eli questioned casually, breaking the silence.

   "Yeah...." Kevin sighed, looking down shamefully. "But I always run away before it gets this far."

   "Well, next time, just shout my name and I'll come save you." Kevin's head shot up, his huge innocent eyes staring at Eli in shock. Eli winked at Kevin, who blushed deeply and quickly turned his head to stare at the ground. Eli laughed lowly at Kevin's predictable, yet cute, reaction.

   The two walked in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, holding hands, until they reached Eli's house. Kevin looked on, impressed by Eli's house. His house was not enormous, but it was certainly on the larger end, and very nice looking, especially in comparison to the small apartment Kevin and his mother lived in. Eli led Kevin up the steps, fished his keys out of his pocket, and opened the door, taking Kevin inside.

   "My parents and sister are not home yet," Eli smiled at Kevin, leading him up the winding staircase and escorting him to his room. Kevin eyes widened as he observed Eli's room. It was a bit on the messy side, with the unmade bed and scattered belongings. The walls were white, and decorated with random pictures of Eli as a young boy, Eli with his friends, Eli with his family, etc. 

   "Your room is...." Kevin began. Eli raised an eyebrow at Kevin, patiently waiting for him to continue his sentence.


   "Your room is.....manly," he finished cutely. Eli laughed lowly at the unexpected answer.

   "So yours isn't?" he teased, causing Kevin to blush and quickly shake his head in denial. 

   "Aniyoo that's not it!" he pouted adorably and frowned. Eli just smirked.

   "Okaayyy sit down," he replied, gesturing towards the cushions on the floor. Kevin obediently complied, and Eli plopped down next to him. 

   "So I was thinking we should just make a poster about the war, and we could just write like a paragraph for each thingy, like one for statistics, one for history behind it, etc.?" Eli suggested, referring to their project.

   "Okay! That would probably the easiest thing to do," Kevin giggled. "But first we should make a list of what we want to put on the poster."

   "Yeah....why don't you go ahead and start writing the list while I go grab some snacks from downstairs, okay?" Eli asked.

   "Neh!" Kevin agreed cheerfully, smiling at Eli, who affectionately ruffled Kevin's hair in return before standing up and exiting the room.

    Eli made his way downstairs, into the kitchen, and opened the pantry. He stuck his head inside the pantry, looking for a good snack. His eyes lit up as they spotted a box of popcorn. Eli grabbed the box and opened it, taking out a packet and tearing off wrapper before sticking it in the microwave and pressing the popcorn button. In the meantime, he took out 2 cups from one of the kitchen cabinets. He then put 3 ice cubes, poured rasberry lemonade (luv that stuffs xD), and stuck a straw in each cup, setting them on a tray, along with a few napkins Next, he pulled out a chair and sat down, tapping his fingers against the kitchen table while waiting for the popcorn to finish. As soon as he heard the microwave beep, Eli jumped up, taking the packet out of the microwave and poured it into a giant bowl, before also placing it on the tray and making his way back upstairs with the snacks. 

   As Eli drew closer to his room, he heard something, as if someone was singing. When he stood outside his room, he realized that someone -*ahem* kevin *ahem*- was indeed singing. He silently slipped inside the room, only to find Kevin lying on the floor on his stomach, swinging his legs, while writing something - probably the list - and....singing. The sight was quite adorable, but what took Eli's breath away was Kevin's voice. Eli just stood there by the door with the tray in his hands, unnoticed, and listened to Kevin's heavenly voice with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped open in shock. How could someone's voice possibly be this beautiful? All coherent thoughts left Eli's mind at hearing Kevin's passionate, emotional, and angelic singing. His voice pierced Eli's mind and heart, leaving him unable to do anything but just listen. (OHEMGEE Eli is so meee....kevin's voice is friggin amazing....*sigh* btw what Eli heard Kevin singing is the song Take Me Away from 2:32 till's the link: PLZZ LISTEN 2 IT!! ITS ESSENTIAL!! so u understand Eli's feelings ^.^ from 2:32 till 3:25! thank u!)

   Kevin finally finished, and turned his head slightly, only to find Eli standing by the door with a tray in his hand, stockstill with his mouth wide open.

   "O-oh! E-eli..." he stuttered surprisedly, his face turning pink at the thought of Eli hearing him sing. How embarassing......O.O

   Eli finally moved, closing his mouth, and carefully placing the tray on the floor before walking over to Kevin and crouching down beside him.

   "Holy sh*t," he said in a shocked voice, still feeling overwhelmed. "That was...." 

   Kevin looked up nervously, anxiously awaiting Eli's opinion on his singing.

   "ING AMAZING!!!!" he suddenly cried, crushing Kevin into a powerful hug. Kevin beamed into the hug, though feeling slightly awkward. Eli pulled away and looked at Kevin.

   "R-really?" the latter asked shyly, glancing innocently up at Eli. He nodded eagerly in return, flashing Kevin another one of his famous swoon-worthy smiles.

   "Totally! I thought I was in heaven and an angel was singing to me! Sing me something else Kevin!," Eli cried enthusiastically. Kevin beamed at him again in return, and - of course - blushed.

   "A-ani!" he giggled shyly, lightly slapping Eli's chest. "H-here! Look at the list I made! We can split them up," he quickly changed the subject before Eli could ask him to sing again.

   "Aishh fine but don't think you're getting off this easily!" Eli playfully warned Kevin while taking the list from him

   They split the list in half between them, so that Eli would write half and Kevin would write the other half. The two worked quickly, while talking and occasionally eating popcorn or taking sips of rasberry lemonade. Conversation flowed easily between them, surprisingly. The two quickly warmed up to each other, Kevin losing his shy exterior and instead showing his cute bubbly one. Time went by fast.They had finished the paragraphs and were about to start gluing them onto the poster, when Eli's mother called the two down for dinner.

   Eli walked downstairs into the dining room, Kevin tagging behind. When they entered the room, Eli's mother and older sister where sitting down and had already begun eating. They looked up and smiled when they saw the cute feminine boy peeking from behind Eli.

   "Annyonghaeseyo. Chonun Kevin Woo imnida," Kevin said shyly and bowed quickly, giving them and adorable sweet smile that turned their hearts into goo.

   "Omooo he's so cute!" Eli's older sister, Ha Na squealed from her seat as she gawked at Kevin, who immediately turned pink. 

   "Yahh, leave him alone," Eli rolled his eyes.

   "But he's so cute!" she said excitedly, and turned to Kevin. "Hi Kevin, I'm Ha Na, Eli's big sis. You can call me Noona," she smiled warmly at Kevin. Kevin gave her a little wave in return.

   "Hi Noona."

    There was another squeal from Ha Na's spot at the table. Mrs. Kim chuckled softly to herself.

   "Kevin, please have a seat," Mrs. Kim gestured for him to sit down while giving him a motherly smile. Kevin complied, sitting down next to Kevin, and picked up his (fork? chopsticks? I DUNNNOOOOOOO breath in breath out >.<) and began to eat his kimchi fried rice.

   "So Kevin, how long have you been going to the school?" Mrs. Kim, striking a friendly conversation with him.

   "Umm...I just moved here from America last month, so I've been for a month now," he replied in a polite but soft voice, peering up at her from under his long lashes.

   "Aaahh, I see. We used to live there too. In fact, Eli here was born there. May I ask, where are you from?"

   "I'm from California."

   The rest of the dinner went like that, polite conversation between Kevin and the Kim family as he started to warm up to them. When they finished eating, Kevin asked Mrs. Kim if he could help clean up, which she politely declined, telling him to go back upstairs and work on his project. Eli then took Kevin back upstairs and into his room.

   "Yah we're almost done, and it's pretty late. Do you want to sleep over?" Eli suddenly asked as they entered his room.

   "Ummm okay, but I hafta ask Umma," Kevin said cutely, smiling at Eli. 

   "Okay, go ahead and call her," he urged, returning Kevin's smile.

   Kevin pulled out his phone and dialled his mother's number, retreating to the bed in the corner of the room.

   "Yeobseyo? Umma? Neh...." 

   Eli went back to the floor of his room and continued to glue things onto the poster as Kevin talked to his mother. After about 10 minutes, Kevin hung up and walked to Eli, plopping down next to him.

   "Yah, Eli? Guess what?! Umma said yess!!! She's just gonna stop by to drop off my toothbrush and pajamas and stuff, kay? Kevin exclaimed excitedly.

   "Yeah do you wanna take a shower or anything? I'll finish up gluing here." Eli replied, inwardly grinning at Kevin's childish excitement.

   "Ummm okayy but....what should I wear?" Kevin asked, pouting. Eli laughed and walked over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of red plaid boxers and and graphic black tshirt.

   "Just where this until your mom comes." Kevin eyed the clothing and grabbed them from Eli, looking at him expectantly. Eli smirked in return and pointed to the bathroom, and Kevin scurried away.

   When Eli heard the shower start, he went back to gluing things on to the poster. He finished after about 10 minutes, and then layed down on his bed, waiting for Kevin to finish. After about 5 minutes, he heard the shower turn off, and then another 5 minutes passed before Eli heard the bathroom door creak open. He looked up to see Kevin, shyly shuffling out of the bathroom, dressed in Eli's clothes, his face pink. Eli's eyes widened at the eye-candy before him. Eli's shirt was too big for Kevin, falling off of one shoulder, exposing the tantalizing pale skin of his shoulder and biteable collarbones,  and reaching to his thighs. The boxer shorts revealed Kevin's legs. They were perfect; smooth, hairless, pale, and slender. A few water droplets dripped from Kevin's wet hair, sliding down the milky white neck and disappeared into his shirt, Eli's eyes following them. It took all his willpower not to jump Kevin then and there. Kevin then cleared his throat, in an attempt to grab Eli's attention. The latter looked up and met Kevin's eyes, then forced a smile at him.

   "I'll go take a shower now then," he said huskily, and grabbed some clothes from his dresser, disappearing into the bathroom. Kevin shrugged to himself,  walked over to the place they were working, and then began to clean up the mess Eli had left behind. 

   Eli casually walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a white wife-beater and a pair of blue plaid pajama pants. He was met with the sight of his room, completely clean thanks to Kevin, and the said boy curled up on his bed, asleep. Eli smiled and walked over to the bed, leaning down to admire Kevin's angelic sleeping face. He brushed the hair out of Kevin's face to get a clearer view, causing the boy to scrunch up his nose cutely in his sleep. He then stood back up and exited the room, leaving the boy to rest a little as he walked downstairs.

   "Ellliiiiii," Ha Na whined, looking up as Eli walked into the living room. Her and Mrs. Kim were watching a Korean drama together.

   "Where's that cutie, Kevin????" she asked, pouting. Eli rolled his eyes, though smiling.

   "Seriously Noona, you're gonna scare him away. He fell asleep while I was in the shower, so I thought I'd leave him be for a while."

   "But he IS very adorable! I certainly wouldn't mind having that cutie pie as a son-in-law!" Mrs. Kim pitched in, smiling dreamily.

   "Umma! Not you too!!" Eli groaned.

    "You don't think he's cute, Eli?!" Mrs. Kim cried in surprise.

    "Anii...." Eli smirked, thinking of Kevin and his adorable blush. "He is super cute...."


    "YEA U BETR MAKE HIM MY BROTHER-IN-LAW SO I CAN GLOMP HIM ALL DAY LONG!!!" Ha Na added. Eli just rolled his eyes at them and smirked. 

     "Seriously guys, stop making a ruckus already. You'll wake him up!"

     Just then, instead of glaring at Eli and replying snarkily like he expected, Mrs. Kim and Ha Na let out soft "awww"s, gazing past Eli. He turned around, only to have his eyes widen at the adorable sight of a just-woken Kevin stumbling into the room, rubbing his sleepy eyes. His shirt was messed up from sleep, and fell halfway off, exposing his creamy shoulder. 

     "A-anyeong hae-" Kevin yawned cutely. "Haeseyo," he completed, giving a little bow.

     "Aigoo, no need to be so formal, Kevin. How was your sleep? Come sit here," Mrs. Kim smiled warmly at Kevin and patted the small space on the sofa in between her and Eli.

    Kevin blundered over to the sofa, and squished his slender figure in between the two, blushing.

   "I-I slept good, thank you," he said shyly, as Mrs. Kim ruffled his hair in a motherly fashion.

   "By the way, while you were sleeping, your Umma stopped by and dropped off your stuff," Mrs. Kim said, gesturing towards the plastic bag lying near the foot of the couch. 

   "Okay. I'll go change then! Thank you for letting me borrow your c-clothes, Eli!" Kevin smiled sweetly at the three, causing the two females to swoon over each other, and Eli to discreetly and internally melt. 

   "Yah Kevin, come back here when you're done, so we can watch a movie," Eli said, returning Kevin's smile with his own handsome one. Kevin nodded furiously, his face heating up again. Eli just had that effect on him. Every work spoken to him, every small physical contact, every little smile made him blush. He liked and admired him that much.

   As the Kims watched, Kevin adorably tripped back up the stairs, clutching the bag to his chest. 

   "Seriously Eli. I swear, if you don't claim that bundle of cuteness, I'm just gonna force Hyun Gi to let us adopt him." Ha Na stated, staring after Kevin.

   "Yah! You and your boyfriend stay away from Kevin!" Eli shot back, frowning.

    "Eli, if you don't take Kevin, then Ha Na, you have permission to adopt Kevin. Anything to make him mine!" Mrs. Kim added. Eli whined in response as Ha Na laughed triumphantly. 

    The three continued to playfully bicker, until Kevin made his appearance. This time, Mrs. Kim and Ha Na went completely silent, and stared past Eli with huge eyes. Eli once again turned around, only to have his breath taken away. Kevin was standing awkwardly in the entrance to the room, dressed in his favorite pajamas. They consisted of a tight black tank top that had a huge image of Hello Kitty across the front, and matching pink pajama pants decorated with small images of hello kitty.  The tight tank top portrayed Kevin's tiny waist and feminine curves, and also left both his shoulders bare. They stayed like that for a few seconds, the three Kims staring in awe at Kevin.

   Eli snapped out of his trance, finally noticing Kevin's red face and awkward position. He scooted over and the couch and smiled at Kevin.

   "Come sit here, Kevin." Kevin obediently plopped down next to Eli, causing Ha Na to sulk in disappointment.

   "But I wanted the cutie pie to sit next to MEEE!" she whined.

   "Ani! You guys go! Only me and Kevin are going to watch the movie!" he snapped, giving the two a death glare. They reluctantly complied, taking their sweet time dragging themselves out of the room, pouting and whining the whole way. Once they left, Eli turned to Kevin.

   "Anything particular you wanna watch?"

   Kevin shook his head shyly, so Eli just shrugged and grabbed a movie from the TV cabinet, sticking it in the DVD player and turning on the huge flat screen TV.

   "Just sit...I'll be right back, kay?" Eli stood up and exited the room.

   When he entered the room a few minutes later, holding a fuzzy red blanket, the commercials had already all played. He slipped onto the couch next to Kevin, cuddling with him under the blanket, and grabbed the remote to press play. It turned out that Eli had picked a horror movie, something that Kevin obviously hated, Eli noticed, judging from his reactions. 2 minutes into the movie, Kevin began to let out little shrieks and squeals and jump in his seat, all the while keeping his wide eyes glued to the screen. Another couple minutes passed, and Kevin grabbed Eli's hand, clutching at it tightly. After another few minutes of Kevin squealing and cutting of the blood circulation in his hand, Eli gently removed his hand from Kevin's death grip, and comfortingly wrapped his arm around Kevin's fragile body. Kevin scooted into Eli's safe embrace, pressing himself against the strong body, and leaning into the addicting warmth. Throughout the length of the movie, Kevin continued to let out scared reactions. Halfway through, he found himself on Eli's lap, burying his face into Eli's strong chest. Eli placed his muscular arms around Kevin in response. Kevin continued to tremble in Eli's lap. Though he wasn't watching the movie anymore, the sounds of scary music, shrieks, hisses, and growls still frightened him.

   When the movie finally finished and only the credits were rolling to the tune of scary music, Eli gently shook Kevin, trying to peel the boy off his lap. But he only clung possessively onto Eli, burying his face deeper into Eli's strong chest, and whimpered vulnerably. Eli couldn't help but take pity on the cute frightened boy. He secured one of his arms under Kevin's knees, keeping the other firmly wrapped around his back, and stood up, effortlessly carrying the petite weightless boy bridal-style up the stairs and into his room. He gently set Kevin on the bed. Kevin immediately grabbed Eli's hand, and pulled him down onto the bed next to him with wide eyes. Eli chuckled and propped the pillows against the wall for them to lean on. He lifted the blanket over them before pulling Kevin into another hug.

   "Was that too scary for Binnie?" he said in a low teasing voice, ruffling the latter's soft hair affectionately. Kevin's head snapped up, huge eyes staring at Eli, face pink at the new cute nickname. It seemed like the kind of nickname someone would give his lover. Did Eli like Kevin? 

   He then pouted adorably, unknowingly taking Eli's breath away, and pressed his face into Eli's abdomen, taking in the y masculine scent that he emitted. "Nae..."

  "Aigoo...poor Binnie," Eli teased, patting Kevin's back.

   Kevin then yawned cutely, scrunching up his nose in an irresistable manner. Eli abruptly sat up, causing Kevin to pout at the sudden lack of warmth.

   "You're tired..." he said, going back to serious mode. "Sleep here. I'll go sleep on the couch in the living room." He slipped out of the bed and walked towards the door, not giving Kevin a chance to reply. When Eli's hand was on the door knob, slowly twisting it, Kevin broke out of his trance, realizing that Eli was going to leave him all alone in the dark room right after watching that scary movie....*shudder*. Well to be honest, that was only half the reason why  Kevin wanted Eli to stay. He was already addicted to the latter's comfortable warm embrace and masculine scent, and definitely did not want to pass up the oppurtunity to sleep with his crush. (guyzz STOP ur erted thoughts..JUST SLEEPING NOTHING ELSE, K? xD)

   "WAIT!" Kevin cried as Eli opened the door. He paused mid-way and turned to face Kevin, eyebrows raised in questioning amusement.

   "Yes....? he finally said when Kevin failed to speak up. 

   " can sleep here if you want....there's l-lot's of space..?" he mumbled, gazing up at Eli through his thick lashes when he finished ,hopefully.

   "Mmmm that's okay. I'll just stick with the couch," he said teasingly, turning towards the door. Honestly, he had already decided he was going to sleep (ONLY SLEEP xD) with Kevin the second the boy stopped him. He just wanted to tease Kevin and see how far he would take this, being the sadistic person he is (OHOHOHO....i worry about Kevin's future life with Eli...i mean..WHAT? lolzz).

   "NO!!!!" he yelled suddenly. Eli turned around again, keeping a blank face though he was trying not to burst out in laughter at Kevin's obvious distress. 

   "I mean.......please?!" Kevin looked up at Eli again, giving him a full-blown view of his irresistable pout and puppy eyes. Eli quickly tore his eyes away from the tempting sight. Damn that Kevin, trying to ruin his evil plan. xD

   "Okay, I'lll stay...." Eli said, faking thoughtfullness, causing Kevin to break out into an adorable eye-smile.  "If you give me one good reason why I should," he gave the formerly excited boy an evil smirk.

   "S-so...I won't be scared....?" he asked hopefully, his voice lilting hesitantly. Eli shook his head, still smirking.

   "Sorry Binnie, you're gonna hafta try harder," after a few moments of silence Eli spoke up. "Got nothing else, then? Guess I'll be sleepin on the couch tonight....." Eli made as if to leave the room, when he was, as expected, stopped by Kevin for the third time.

   "I HAVE SOMETHING!" he cried desperately. Eli turned around again, for the third time, looking at Kevin expectantly.

   " C-cuz I-I...." Kevin stuttered, looking around the room, anywhere but at Eli, his face turning the pinkest Eli had ever seen it. Not that it wasn't adorable. "I l-li..." Eli crossed his arms over his chest, patiently waiting for the blushing boy to finish. "I-i  l-like..." "I LIKE YOU," he finally managed to spit out, immediately covering his face with his hands in embarassment.

   He sat there, hiding in his hands, while listening anxiously for Eli's reaction. When he heard none, he peeked out from between his fingers, only to see Eli lifting his top over his head. 

   "Wh-what are you doing?!" he gaped. Eli discarded the top on the floor, exposing his ripped muscles, broad shoulders, and chocolate abs.

   "Taking off my clothes," he replied smoothly.

   "B-but WHY?!" Kevin gaped even more at him as he dropped his pants, leaving him only in his grey boxer-shorts.

   "So I can sleep," Eli smirked as Kevin visibly gulped at the sight of the y man before him, trying not to stare. 

    "'re sleeping here?"

    Eli made his way over to the bed, before positioning himself above Kevin. He placed his hands and legs on either side of the shocked boy, lowering his head until his lips were hovering just above Kevin's alluring ones. His dark y eyes burned holes into Kevin's face.

    "Cuz you like me, remember...?" he stared intensely into Kevin's eyes, his face remaining stoic. The said boy quickly looked away in embarassment, his face burning. Eli gently grabbed Kevin's chin, forcing the latter to look at him.

   "I like you too, Binnie," he said in a deep, low voice, before crashing his lips against Kevin's, not giving him time to react. All coherent thoughts left Kevin's mind. His eyes tripled in size, before pulling out of his daze, and wrapping his arms around Eli's neck, losing himself into the kiss. Their lips melted together, moving and dancing against each other as if that was what they were made to do. Fireworks exploded in Kevin's head as he let Eli lead the kiss. When Eli pulled away, resting his forehead against Kevin's, the boy sat there gasping for breath. His face was pink as he took in what had just happened, his face breaking out into an ecstatic grin. Before he knew what he was doing, he let out a loud girly squeal, causing the elder to chuckle.

   "You liked it that much?" he said in amused tone, pinching the adorable boy's nose gently, who giggled and nodded cutely. They sat there like that, drinking up each others presence, before Kevin yawned again. Eli lay down on the bed, pulling Kevin down too, into his arms, and pulled the covers over them (guyz lets just assume the lights magically turned off cuz i dont feel like going back and changing that ^.^).

   "Goodnight, Eli!" Kevin sang cutely, snuggling into Eli's bare chest. 

   "Night, Binnie," Eli replied softly, gently pecking the tired boy's forehead, before wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him closer, if that was possible.

   It was the best, most comfortable sleep either had ever had, that night.


   Kevin groaned as he opened eyes, due to the bright sunshine and chirping birds. Though it seemed to be quite late, at least 10 A.M., he didn't wanted to get up just yet. For some reason, he felt unusually warm and comfortable. As he began to fully awaken, he realized that this was not his pink girly room at all. In fact, it was quite manly - so NOT Kevin. He turned around on the bed, still laying down, only to be met with the ultimate reason of his newfound warmth and comfort. His eyes widened at the sight of the handsome sleeping face of his crush, Eli. His face turned pink as he realized that Eli was half- and he had a very y torso, and also that Eli's arms were wrapped around his waist and at the close proximity between them. His blush deepened even more as he recalled last night's events, and he broke out into a giddy smile, giggling quietly to himself. Without him realizing, the elder had cracked open his eyes, and was smiling in amusement at the younger's cute antics.

   "What are you giggling about?" he questioned, his voice ily husky, due to the fact that he had just woken up. Kevin's giggles were cut short, and his eyes widened as he turned bright red.

   "N-nothingg..." he mumbled shyly, not meeting Eli's amused gaze.

   "Oh yeah?" the latter smirked, raising an eyebrow.

   "I-i was.....I was just remembering last n-night..." Kevin said shyly, finally looking up at Eli, who just smirked and pinched his nose.

   "Aishh you're so cute..." he complained, causing the younger to blush again. Eli suddenly sat up, pulling Kevin up along with him.

   "Sooo....about last night. You liked, it huh?" he smirked cockily at the younger, who reddened modestly, though complyingly nodded. He pulled Kevin closer to him, and lowered his face to close the distance between his and Kevin's.

   "Then you won't mind if I do this...?" he lowered his voice ily and pressed his lips against Kevin's soft, plush ones, full force.

   The latter gasped into the kiss, though immediately puckered his lips in response, pushing them against Eli's. It felt just as good as the first one, if not better, their lips desperately moving against each other. Eli angled his head to deepen the kiss, taking in as much of Kevin's sweet taste as he could. He nibbled on the boy's plump lower lip, and the younger immediately complied, opening up his mouth to allow the ever-dominant Eli in. Eli quickly pushed his tongue into Kevin's hot, sweet cavern, every part of it hungrily, before crashing his tongue against Kevin's in a pointless battle for dominance, as it was quite obvious who would win. As they kissed passionately, Eli slipped his arms into Kevin's hello kitty tank top, running his cold hands along the boy's fair, smooth skin. 

   Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a cheerful Ha Na. "Guysssss, BREAKFAST IS REA - oh," she stopped mid-sentence, gawking shamelessly at the extremely provocative scene before her. Her lips slowly formed into a smug smirk as she watched the men - well man and boy cuz Kevin couldn't be counted as a man - quickly break apart. "Guess I won't be adopting Kevin then...." she sang happily and excitedly exited the room to go spazz with her mother, leaving behind an extremely mortified Kevin. As soon as the door closed behind her, Kevin broke out of his stupor and let out a loud, high-pitched squeal of embarassment and quickly threw the covers over his head.


O.O That was it is! hope u guys liked it!

btw, Kevin's adorable eye smile is adorable!!!: 



anwayzzzz xD so also like a special bonus 4 u elvin shippers ^.^ so like one of my best frendz evrer, Angelicdevil, i bugged her 4 a LONG time 2 write an elvin fic 4 me and being the awesome person she is, she DID! well its not done yet but she updates evry saturday :) its super fluffy and cute and its called The School's Garden. check it out! DO IT. OR ELSE.

k guyz PLLLZZZZZZ comment and subscribe! it wud make me EVR SO HAPPYY!!!!! LUV U ALL! SARANGHAE! MWAHHH!!! 

-Kiwi ^.^

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 1: ahh this is so cute love it
Chapter 1: First of all that picture is so cute!!(≧∇≦)I don't know if the cat or Elvin is cuter!!
Second I'm so happy is was a long oneshot^^ It was so sweet, cute and funny they make a wonderfully adorable couple!!! From Eli saving Kevin from bullies, to the sleep over everything was great!! And loved Eli's mother and sister^^
Third by FAR my favorite Elvin story!!! You should write more Elvin stories, I feel like this couple is unrated. 
Really amazing story!!!

P.S this had been my longest comment ever(^o^)
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahahahahaha Hana!! I would adopt him too! But I think I would much prefer to be in Eli's place XD
Kanpop #5
Chapter 1: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh~ *explodes* soooooooo cute, i can't even! Awwwwwwww~
I SUPAAAA LOVE THIS. You should write more Elvin fics, don't forget to tell me, i'm your fans now, lol <3
Kpoplover0003 #7
Chapter 1: I love your writing <3 please make a second part to your story I love it <3 great job :)
Chapter 1: woaaaaah that's so cuuuuuuuute