You were sitting at home waiting for your boyfriend,Sungjong to get home from his schedule. As you flipped through the TV channels, your phone rang and you picked it up. It was your best friend since middle school and she said they were having a class reunion. You smiled and agreed to go. You sent Sungjong a text that you were going for the reunion and went to get dressed up. You dressed in a simple spring dress, tights and a jacket before taking your bag and leaving the house. 
Sungjong finally got home and saw that you weren't home. He sighed and sat on the couch before checking his phone. He saw the text you had sent to him earlier that afternoon. "She sent this to me 2 hours ago..." He yawned and decided to watch some TV while waiting for you to get home. You on the other hand were having a whole lot of fun with your ex class at an amusement park. You looked around and recognised the geeks, the populars, the noisy people, all who have changed in the past few years. Then you saw your ex crush. He looked about the same, just well taller. He caught your eye and you gave him a sweet smile. Throughout the entire time at the amusement park, your friends noticed how close he was to you and wondered whether he knew about your relationship with Sungjong. 
It was around 10pm at night and you and your friends were at a restaurant, eating and doing final catch-ups before you all went your own separate ways. You were sitting next to your ex crush, and was chitchatting with him. You saw that he kept on moving closer and you feeling u comfortable, moved away. He tried to wrap his arm around your waist in the middle of the dinner and you slapped his hand away. Just then your phone rang. Sighing you fumbled for your phone and took it out, excusing yourself from the table. 
"Yeobo....where are you?" You smiled when you heard Sungjong's voice on the other line. He was worried because he had fallen asleep and woke up to still see that you were not back.
"I'm at a restaurant Sungjongie~ i'll be back soon ok?"
He sighed and pouted. "But jagi i miss you." 
Just then your ex crush popped out of no where and found you leaning against a lamp post. He approached you.
"Hey babe, get back inside it's cold out." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist. Sungjong froze on the opposite end of the line and you pushed your ex crush away roughly.
"S-sungjongie!" You half yelled desperately into the phone hoping he didn't misunderstand. But all you got was a cold voice.
"I see. It seems you're busy. " and with that he hung up on you. You clung to the phone before  glaring angrily at your ex crush.
"What? Who was that?" He asked, coolly leaning against the window. You slapped him and went inside to grab your bag, apologising to everyone in there. They had seen what had happened outside and knew that you wanted and needed to get home to clear things with Sungjong. On your way out your ex crush, grabbed your shoulder, stopping you.
"I'm sorry i made you upset but who was on the phone?"
"My boyfriend." You hissed and pushed his hand off, running back home. 
You barged into the room to see that Sungjong wasn't there. His belongings were still there though. There was only one other place that he could go to. 
After a half an hour ride in the taxi, you finally reached INFINITE's dorm. Running up, you knocked on the door and saw Myungsoo. He saw your tired expression and glanced at Sungjong staring coldly at the TV and let you in immediately.
"Thanks Myungie..." You said panting and he nodded patting your head.
Sungjong looked up and his eyes widened. He quickly stood up and rushed to his room. Hearing the door slam, you looked up to see that Sungjong wasn't on the couch anymore and walked to his room.
"Sungjong-ah..." You cooed, knocking on the door. You had been doing this for the past 10 minutes and all you heard was Sungjong cursing and hitting his bear.myou groaned in annoyance and slid down the door. Hoya walked by and noticed your deflated form.
He squatted in front of you with eyes that said "want-me-to-help?". 
"Please help me..." He nodded and knocked on the door.
"'s Hoya...____ went back already."
"Jinja?" He asked opening the door. He saw you and was about to close the door when Hoya pushed you in and closed the door himself, locking it.
"You know didn't have to LOCK THE DOOR!" You yelled. Turning around you faced a sulking Sungjong who was hugging his bear.
"Sungjong let me explain..." You started sitting next to him. He turned away but you still told him your story. After 20 minutes, you saw him soften and you patted his shoulder.
"S-sungjongie?" You gasped in surprise as he pulled you into his lap, kissing you deeply. 
You smiled and kissed back and he broke away, leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm sorry yeobo....i just got insecure..." He whispered, kissing your cheek.
"It's alright Sungjong....i'd be worried too..." You told him and lifted his head up, pecking his lips. He grinned happily and lifted you up onto his bed, climbing over you.
"I love you so much...."
It had been one and a half hours and no sound was coming from the room. Sungyeol asked Hoya to unlock to door. When he did, all 6 members looked inside to find their maknae and his girlfriend, snuggled close together, with a sweet smile on their lips.
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Chapter 1: This was cute ^^ great job
Chapter 1: who is the ex-crush?