Chapter 2

Me,You And Our baby

Chapter 2

~the meeting~


Yunho’s POV


Ahhh finally I can persuade jihyun to enter her class room, I wondered when will she change?  I walked back to my black limosine after send jihyun to her the classroom, suddenly my phone ringing,

“yahh yunho, where are you now? I look at the caller id and saw that it’s yoochun my private secretary,

“i’m on the way yoochun ah, I just manage to persuade jihyun now”,

“it’s nine already yunho, and you know what YOUR MEETING WOULD START IN 30 DAMN MINUTES, TAKE YOUR LAZY BUT HERE NOW OR I CALLED YOUR UMMA AND TOLD HER TO NEVER  ALLOWED YOU TO TAKE JIHYUN TO HER SCHOOL  AGAIN,” than yoochun cut off the call and make me have a cold sweat all over my face,

 I can’t let him do that or I won’t spend my morning with my lovely daughter, I told my driver to hurry up and in twenty minutes I already in front of the huge building of jung corporation,


End Of Yunho’s POV


As soon as yunho arrived he walked to his office and prepared to being scold by his childhood friend and also his secterary yoochun, and guest what? He’s right, in front of his door office there’s stand yoochun with a smoke all over his head,

“ you lucky yun I’m your bestfriend and I know about your daughter complex if not I already cut your head for making me dizzy every single day and make it my soccer ball

 “hahaha,  lucky me than,” chukled yunho as he entered his office with yoochun,

“you know man, I think you have to overcome jihyun problem soon, or she won’t change and she will have a missarable live in the future,” suggest yoochun and walked to give yunho his morning coffee.                              

 “what about the lady last time? isn’t she’s a fine young woman?

“yes chun she is really beautiful and very well mannered, but as usual jihyun cried and make me take her home,”  sigh yunho

“ahh if this always happened than I’m the one that will has a missarable life for having a headache every single day,” yoochun thought in his mind

“ oh yeah yun today you will picking up jihyun again in her school right? Can I come along? I miss her already, it’s about a weak we don’t see each other, plead yoochun and give yunho his not so cute puppy eyes,

“it okey I guest, she would be happy to meet you anyway, but stop starring at me like that or I will puke right now,” tease yunho making yoochun pout

“by the way it’s time for our meeting already, let’s go chun,” so they stop their conversation and go to the meeting room,


*in the café

As usual the café are really crowded, almost all the waiter busy delivering every tables order, so do for jaejoong, he never stop working from the café was opened until now, and his beautiful face and good looked  made him even more tired because all the customer want to be served by him, and many of them even flirt with him,

“joongie do you know the customer who sit near the window in the table 4, since he come I always see him taking a glance at you?” talked junsu as he cleaning the table near jaejoong,

“who su ie? That man you mean? Point jae to a handsome young man who starring at them

“if it’s him, I don’t know who is he but he always come and order the same thing everyday, maybe he really like our food,” said jae inocently

 junsu surprised hearing what jae has said, he never think that his friend are this clueless, everyone that saw him would have know that he  must have some feeling toward his joongie, but he thinks he better forget it, afterall he know that jae are the most clueless person on earth,

 Than he take a glance at his friend and realize that jae was a little bit pale so he emediatelly suggest him to take a rest for a while, but jae refuse the offer than said that he was alright and he think he also can’t take a rest while the café are this full,

While they were still in their chat one of the waiter comes to them

“hy there beautiful, how are you today? Do you miss me?”, jaejoong than take a look at the man who just appeared and grab his waist

“yahh, hyunjoong ah, take your hands off from jongie, he’s not well already and now you just make it more worse,” shout junsu to a man called hyunjoong

“is it true honey, are you okey, do you need me to bring you a medicine?”

“yahh don’t you hear me? It’s you who make him worse, so you better leave him alone,”  jae who are situated between those two are losing his patience now,

“you two better shut your mouth before I kick both your out from the café this instant,” junsu and hyunjoong who saw that jae already angry and there’s a black aura around his body run to safe their life out,

After hearing the stupid argument between those two, now jae really felt that his head are spinning , so he think it’s better for him to rest for a bit rather than he mess up all his work, so he make her way to the changing room and laying at the sofa,

As jaejoong taking a rest he never know  in front of the counter junsu and hyunjoong never finish their stupid argument, -_-,


*back at the jung corporation


“ahhh it’s done!, finally I can pickup my lovely jihyun,” said yunho while tidying  all his document,

“tokk..tookk.tokk… yunho are you already finish your work? Youchun peek behind the door,

 and with carefree attitude he run out the office and gesture yunho to follow him,

“ Come on, hurry up will you, we have to pick jihyun,”  yunho who watch his friend childiss behavior just laugh

“you said it’s me who having a daughter complex, I think you are worse than me,ha..ha..ha”

 yoochun who heard that stop for a second  than said,

“it’s okey if it’s jihyun, he just too cute to be leftout,” than he’s continue his walked to yunho’s limosine


By the time they arrived at jihyun school  the bells are ringing, a sign that school time already over,  from infront of the gate they can already see jihyun who just walk out from his school,

before yunho could called her daughter yoochun already running toward jihyun,

"hy there jihyunie, do you miss your uncle here?," than he picking up jihyun to kiss her cheek,

as soon as yunho saw that he running to them and grab jihyun from yoochun and take his daughter to move away from him,

“ go away you e, jihyun is mine, shooo… shoooo.. go away,”

the driver and jihyun who watch the two unique behavior just laugh and continued watching until jihyun talked with her sweet voice.

“papa, uncle chun, can we eat first before going back home, because I don’t eat my lunch yet, the cantine are too crowded”, pout jihyun that made both her papa and uncle pinch her cheek

“okey sweatheart, we will eat first then, where do you want to eat?” ask yunho, but jihyun just saking her head that she doesn't know and say that it’s okey everywhere,

 than suddenly yoochun remember that there’s a nice café near jihyun school and the food there’s are really nice, so they decide that they will eat at that café,

when they arrive at the café the waiter welcome them and show them their seat, in the way to the table all of the people have their eyes on them, who people in korea don’t know the handsome, rich and young successful businessman jung yunho, the owner of jung corp, it’s also made them wondering why such a man have their lunch in an ordinary café, after they reach their seat jihyun who was very hungry immediately order many kind of food and ofcourse her favorite mango juice,

while waiting for their food yunho phone are ringing so he dicided to pick it up in front of the café,

jihyun who has already have her favorite juice busy drinking it and she doesn't relize that her father already left her to picking up his phone, meanwhile yoochun who are looking at his beautiful niece suddenly have an urge to the bathroom, so he’s ask jihyun is it okey if he left her to the bathroom for a second,

"hyun ah, uncle want to go the toilet for a second, is that okey with you?

ofcourse jihyun who busy drinking her juice doesn't hear what her uncle are saying so she just nod her head and continued her activity,

after finishing her juice she looking infront off her and relize that her papa and uncle were gone, she look around her and start to paniced then she cry really laudly and made all the people shock,

all the waiter had come to her to made her stop crying but it’s just made it more loud,

jae who are resting at the changing room wakeup from his sleep because of the loud noise, so he dicided to check it out and come to the café, there’s he saw a beautiful young girl are being surrounded by all the waiter while crying really loud, then he come to the girl and pick her up and pat her head to shooting the scared feeling that the girl has, and what surprise people the most are suddenly the girl stop crying and hug jaejoong back, everyone had tried to calm the girls down, but none of them success making her stop crying eccept for jaejoong

yunho who just back from picking up his phone got shock by the view in front of him, there jihyun his daughter who are scared off people being hug by a man who are really beautiful and made his heart stop beating for a second.



A/N :

finally done writing the second chapter, ^^

enjoy your reading guys, and sorry for many mistakes and grammatical error,

and many thanks for reading and subscribe the story ^^


here's jihyun for you





btw she goes to a private school so she's wearing a uniform, here's the picture guys ^^


see you in the next chapter  ^^


comment are welcomed ^^


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Chapter 3: Why no continue buttonnn😭
update soon~~~

iechan_ #3
Chapter 3: Update soon author~nim... ;D
Chapter 3: no one could resist Jaejoong's charm...he won Ji Hyun and Yunho's heart just at the first glimpse^^ Yoochun's like a brother Yunho never's great to see how close they are with each other...
and oh my~ you don't have to thank me,'re making me blush >///< hahaha...
thanks for the update and keep up a good work~!^^
Chapter 3: Its a nice story....i like it....
I think jihyun only like jaejoong...^,^
Update soon~...^.^
wonderfullbuble #6
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next update... wonder what will happen next!
aenkr28 #7
Chapter 3: Glad you're back. Looks like Yunho already likes Jaejoong just from the first sight.
Can't wait for more, update soon please.
wonderfullbuble #8
Chapter 2: I like your story :)
Pls update soon...
Chapter 2: wow~ you're surely updated fast...
Yoochun at least should let Yunho know that he's leaving Jihyun before he go to the bathroom...she's just a kid...but then again, thanks to her crying yunjae finally able to meet...can't wait to see how Yunho and Jaejoong would react when they see each other...
thanks for the update^^
aenkr28 #10
Chapter 2: Hmmm... Jihyun is sure getting spoilt. And I couldn't believe it, only Jaejoong was able to calm her down. Wow... Now I can't wait what Yunho will think of Jaejoong.
Update soon please.