2nd Story


I rub my eyes, try to clear it once more. Just to make unsure I didn’t have any vision disease. But this feels so real. I can smell the wood and the dust. I turn my head to my right side, my stepmother still there. I never see her like that. When i went home, she always welcomes me with her warm smile and soft hug. But now, her eyes look like want to kill me. She makes frown in her forehead really deep, her lips are ready to yell once more.


I stand up immediately, frozen in front of her. She looks at me with very strong glare. I’m sure one hour again if she keeps look at me like that, my head will have a big hole. She turns around and I follow her. My small foot makes a little run when stepping outside my ‘unknown’ room. I realize that I’m just out from attic which was modified become room. I down the wood stairs carefully and in the end of the stairs I step a luxurious ceramics floor. I lift my head and see that i stand in the middle of very big house. My jaw drop while my eyes busy too admiring the house. It’s really a luxury house. One big chandelier hanging in the middle of carved plafond. I across the room and realize that I’m still on the upstairs. There is such as a living room in the first floor. I find a stairs that is covered by red carpet.

“Wow, the owner of this house must be a very rich person,” I talking to myself while stepping down that stairs. I see my stepmother turn to the left, strange, my body seems familiar with this place while my mind don’t. I take my step to left room to, just to find there are two men sitting on the chair. Their hands are above the dining table, tapping their fingers impatiently.  Huh, i know these two men. Minwoo and Andy. I almost run to them to give them hug when Minwoo turn his head to me.

“Oh, look, look, this spoiled prince. Just wake up, huh? How dare you? Don’t know what time is it?! I have an archery practice one hour again, you jerk!! If i come late, I’m gonna kill you, seriously,” Minwoo send deadly glares at me. I know he didn’t joking at all. His eyes tell me. I just look at him, frozen, my body shivering.

“Ya, are you going to stand there forever?! JUST MAKE A BREAKFAST NOW!” this time Andy yells at me. I startled, my shoulders shaking a bit. Suddenly i feel don’t know who these guys are. Are they really my lovely member?

“But, I’m your hyung,” i grumble with low voice. But Andy hears it clearly.

“What? Hyung? Yeah, you are. Two years older than me. Then what? After your dad is gone, your time is over too. Now is mine, my brother, and my mother time. If you still want to live here, DO MY ORDER NOW!” my mind go blankly. I decide to step at the kitchen on the left side while the two swear at me bluntly.

I find several eggs and breads on the wood cabinet. Maybe these foods enough for them. My mind still at blank mode. I make three sandwiches and bring it to the dining table again. I serve the two for those i-think-i-know-but-i-don’t guys. When my hand wants to bring the left sandwich into my mouth, a hand stop me.

“Who do you think you are? After woke up late, you making me use my effort to waking you up, now you want to eat?” my stepmother send those word behind her grinned teeth. I hear the men snort.

“Go to the back and wash all the clothes there,” again she orders me with her deadly glares. I don’t have any reason beside just to follow her order. I find three big piles of clothes in the room behind the kitchen. There is another door across the room. I walk to the door and open it. Now i stand in front of a small place made from cement which i know is used for washing something. I look around and my eyes are presented with amazing scenery. All green on the below with blue sky on the top. The air is really fresh and can make my mind relax a bit. I realize that this house is located on the almost top of a hill. I bring the clothes and start to wash those. Why there isn’t washing machine here?

Finally, night comes. My body feels crushed all. The feels is same as after i dancing for 8 hours nonstop. I almost did all of the house work from cooking until repairing the roof. I sit on my bed and look around. My eyes stop at one little table which i didn’t realize at this morning beside the wardrobe. I come to the table and find a drawer under the desk. I open it. There is one shoe box inside it. My hand brings the box on the desk just to find a book. Curiosity brings my hand to reach the book and open it. A diary belongs to, uh, Jung Pil Gyo?

How can i write something i didn’t realize? Did i write it when I’m not sober?  Tch, Hyesung-ah, you even don’t know where you at right now, my head start speaking. Few minutes later i find myself drown into the story made by the writer which is ‘me’. So at the start, this Pil Gyo lived happily with his dad, mother, and an old brother named Jung Byunghee. This house is belonging to his dad. His dad was a successful businessman with nut as his business object. Pil Gyo received many love from his family, his friends, and his dad’s workers. My eyes arrive at the story when his mom died because of a strange disease.  His dad then married a widow with two sons, Lee Minjeong. The woman gave Pil Gyo love same as his previous mother, based on the story. Her two sons, Lee Minwoo and Lee Sunho, are easily become his and his old brother friends. His life changed after his dad and Byunghee died, err, wait, did Andy or Sunho said something about this matter this morning? His stepmother changed into an evil woman. She stole all Pil Gyo’s belonging and placed him on this attic. She started to make his life same as life in hell.

So, now I’m Pil Gyo. Yes, from i was born I AM Jung Pil Gyo, but the situation changed. Jung Pil Gyo is no longer a singer. Right now he is a son-turn-to-be-servant on his own house. My dad is no longer life, I life in this world alone. Stuck with one evil stepmother and her evil two sons. I feel my chest is hurting so bad, my throat is hurt too like someone grabbing mine really hard. My head start to feel dizzy. What i have to do? Can’t i back into my should be life? Suddenly i feel like missing my all members, my family, and my friends. Someone come to my head right after, Eric. Do i will be losing his touch forever? I won’t feel his hand on my shoulder again? Hear his teasing word to me again? Look at his child grinning again? Smell his masculine fragrant again? My tears start to fall. I cry a lot until i fall asleep.

Several days passed like hell. My life is like a hell. I always wakes up at 4am and sleep at 12am. Eating two times a day is a miracle for me. Even eating one plate full of plate is a miracle. My stepmother always orders me anything, even just to close her room door. Her two sons are no different too. They such as a spoiled brat. Their activities are just wake up, eating, playing, and sleeping again. I included their archery and horse riding practice as their playing activities since they just order their coach as they want. They sometimes give me kick and hit when they are in a badmood or when something doesn’t happen like they want. I always see different girls enter and out from their room every day.

Someday, when i walking at the surroundings, i find one place which is noisy with human voices. It is a warehouse. A nut warehouse. One woman looks at me and look surprised.

“Oh, Jung Pil Gyo-ssi, what are you doing here? Omona, look at you, why you look so tired? Do you lost so much weight? Poor boy, i hear your family now didn’t treat you well,” the lady attacks me with too many questions for my head to take it.

“I-i’m just walking around and missing the people here,” huh, how can i said that without my brain orders it?

“Oh, really? Then, why don’t we enter?” she grab my hand and pull me to enter the warehouse. I see many people chattering with each other while their hands busy to take and peel the nut one by one inside the warehouse.

“Jung Pil Gyo-ssi, it’s a surprised for me to see you again here. Waah, it’s been a long time since your last time visit. Er, why you dress like that? The pant looks too short for you,” one middle-aged man dress properly approaches me and taps me at the shoulder. He gives me a wondering look from my head to my toe.

“Hahaha, i just wearing something comfortable for me,” i lied. Well, to be honest, the reason is because i don’t have any clothes anymore. I only have 3 pants like this and 4 dull t-shirts in my wardrobe which i know those all belongs to Minwoo and Andy, no, Sunho, before.

“Well, then, what is your purpose today?” the man grab my shoulder and force me to take step beside him, “As you can see, this nut business really going well. Your stepmother seems pretty good to handle this although sometimes she is being cruel to us.”

“She did?” i hesitant to believe his words.

“Yes, i don’t know where she learns to handle such a business. Maybe your father taught her a lot. Didn’t she teach you too since you will be the next owner of this business,” he talks while checking the nut.

“I am?” seems like i didn’t hear his words clearly. Next owner? Me?

“Why you confused? Your stepmother hasn’t told you your father’s inheritance? She told me she had, as I remember. You already passed 30, don’t you?” i nodded as answer. As Shin Hyesung, yes, I am 34, and i believe Jung Pil Gyo too.

“Nah, based on your father inheritance, when you turn to 35, you will take care of this business and have a full right of the house,” he point at my dad’s house, “and this warehouse. Ah, included the land at this area too.”

I completely blank and just stare at the man. He gives me a frown look.

“What happened, Pil Gyo-ssi?” i shake my head. And without i realize i run from the warehouse to the house. She has to tell me about this.


A/N : Sorry for took many times for updating. And sorry too for making Minwoo and Andy as bad guys here. OTL. I don't hate them, at all. I LOVE THEM. It just i don't want to add other OC here. hahaha. I just realize i use present tense here, it's okay right? Please ignore the grammatical errors. The next chapter is being written. Thank you for the comments. ^^

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T.T i try to update this time, but SNL with Shinhwa distracted me so much.


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Chapter 11: I'm so curious; who's the man? xD
Chapter 4: omg.. Dongwan oppa as a fairygodfather?! wow, that's cute. xDDD
Chapter 3: -laughs- new reader here, and this story is interesting!
Chapter 7: ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! oppayam and his bag!!!!!
anurim #5
Chapter 11: So good autor-nim! One of the best fics I had read!!!!!
NikeIsCraZy #6
Chapter 11: Please do s sequel!!! Right now!! This story was so frippong awsomeyou kniw i lovr it1!!!!! So please a ssequel*tries to do puppy eyes* *fails* :P
Chapter 11: It's end.......... but happy ending! \o/
Well, hyesungie... it wasn't a dream.. but, a reality?? in other world? kkk
Water and oil is soooo cuteee, and Hyesungie show his affection toward eric was so sweeet >///<

Ps: Who is a mysterious man? Godfather Dongwanie??? XDD
Chapter 11: This whole fic was super sweet! The final chapter was very realistic, and I loved their usual bickering, hahah.^^ One of my favorite part of this fic must've been Dongwan and his bag, kekeke. Oh yeah! Now it's time to work your magic, Hyesung!! Thank you so much for sharing your fic with us.^__^
Shinbani #9
Chapter 11: Back in the real world~ Aishh that mikkulaji so annoying. I prefer the prince Mun Jung Hyuk, HUM! ok no. It was so funny the Oil & Water conversation but I love the moment when HyeSung holds his hand *-* Aigooo This was a really cute, funny, sweet fic
orangeheart #10
Chapter 11: The end. Waaaaahh thanks for the cute story! And it is well done. Looking forward for your next piece dear. Till then, fighting! ♥