Hiding from them

Working with INFINITE
You sat in your room, lying on your bed swiping through your pictures on your ipad, smiling at the cute poses of you and the boys. Just then the shrill sound of the doorbell rang and you jumped up from bed and stumbled down the stairs, stopping your mom from opening the door. You sighed, straightening out your dinosaur hoodie and jeans before opening to door to meet the faces of those three handsome boys. 
"Hi ____-ah!" Sungjong greeted chirpily and you smiled inviting them in.
"Wahh~ You're house is so spacious~!" Hoya praised, leaning against the stair railing. Myungsoo smiled and approached you with his backpack in hand. 
"To your room then?" You nodded and headed for the stairs.
"Come on guys..." They followed you into your room and you closed the door behind you. A soft squeal was heard and you turned around to see Sungjong cooing over your white kitten, Misa, who had just woken up from her nap. On the other side of the room, Myungsoo sat with your black kitten, Kuro, who was on his lap, snuggling up comfortably. Hoya was sitting on your bed waiting for you with a smile as you glanced his way. You smiled, swiping your bangs to one side before sitting next to Hoya. 
"Ok guys! Let's get started ok?" You suggested. Hoya and Myungsoo nodded in agreement. He carried the kitten, climbing onto your bed and placed it back on his lap. Myungsoo handed you his bag and you pulled out his laptop and thumb drive that had all the data saved into it. You opened it, pressing the ON switch. The next thing that happened surprised you though as you soon came face-to-face with a selca of you and Myungsoo as his background.
"Err.. Myung?" 
"Hm?" You turned the laptop around to let him see the picture and Hoya laughed. Myungsoo just pinked and quickly leaned over, opening whatever needed to be opened. You smiled shyly to yourself, and quickly scanned through the work. 
"So how are we doing?" Sungjong asked out of the blue, sitting close to you. You ignored him, turning to the other two.
"We're nearly done. We just need a table for the results. Hoae--i mean Hoya ssi..you can do it right?" You asked as Hoya gave you a weird stare. He nodded slowly, pulling out his phoneand typing it into his To-Do List. You nodded with a cute grin and switched off Myungsoo's laptop, stuffing it back into it's case. 
"Soo...err.. You guys want to come down?" You asked, playing with your hair. They looked at each other and nodded. 
You sat between Myungsoo and Sungjong while Hoya sat on the single couch. The Tv blared a new episode of Running Man and you subconciously yawned. 
"Guys i'm going to the kitchen~" you called out, earning a few murmurs and stood up going into the kitchen. You entered to see your mother looking extremely worried. 
"O-omma what's wrong?" She glanced at you, face pale as a sheet.
"The boys are coming back." Your eyes widened. 
"How many minutes do i have?"
You nodded and you slipped out of the kitchen and to the boys. 
"Hey, let's go get some food!" You exclaimed in a false cheerful tone and the boys turned their heads staring at you weirdly. They noticed your jumpy figure and decided to go since you seemed so "excited" to go. You smiled as they gathered their stuff and quickly skipped out the back door. The boys came out and you linked your arm with Hoya's, walking towards your favourite cafe. As you were walking, a black and white  car passed and you hid behind your hair. Hoya glanced down at you curiously but shook it off. You were startled when Myungsoo placed a hand on your shoulder.
"______-ah... Is this the place?" He asked, pointing up. You looked up and gasped in realization that you led them there. You nodded,pushing open the door to a pastel beige cafe. It was warm and cozy with soft music playing in the background. Each table had a window with a curtain for their own privacy.  The boys looked around surprised, not noticing that you had made your way to your favourite table. Myungsoo was the first to snap out of the trance and looked around frantically. He sighed softly in relief when he saw you sitting at the back of the cafe with the curtain closed. He tapped the other two, bringing them over to you. Myungsoo quickly saw a chance and sat next to you. Sungjong and Hoya frowned at him and he smirked. You didn't notice but smiled when you turned your head to see Myungsoo. The other two sat on the seat opposite you and you called the waitress. 
"Oh ____! Here again i see? Hiding?"The waitress asked and you glared at her, directing them to the boys, and signaled for her not to mention it. She nodded, flashing you a quick apologetic glance before turning to the boys.
"Wow! You have such handsome boys for company! Which one's your boyfriend?" She teased and all 4 of you pinked. Myungsoo cleared his throat, and looked at the waitress who's name tag read "Tiffany". 
"Er..sorry Tiffany but aren't you going to take our order?" He asked and she blushed in embarrassment. 
"So ____ i'll get you your usual. What do you boys want?" Sungjong was the first to speak up.
"Oh i want a caramel machiatto and a lemon cake please~" Tiffany nodded, writing it down.
"Hmm... Can i have milk tea and a chocolate chip muffin?" Hoya asked and Tiffany smiled and nodded,jotting it down.
"I'll just have a hot black coffee." Myungsoo stated, watching the raven-haired waitress scribble it down. Tiffany bowed and left to get their orders. You heaved a sigh, leaning against Myungsoo's shoulder and he looked down in surprise. 
"Are you ok _____-ah?" Sungjong asked worriedly, reaching out for your hand which lay flat on the table. You nodded softly, closing your eyes. Your heart was beating harshly against your chest and you hoped that they didn't see you. Hoya leaned back into the cushioned seat with a soft sigh, casting a worried look your way. All three boys looked at each other before directing their full attention to you. 
"I know you guys are staring." You said out loud and the boys jumped slightly, startled before looking at different areas of the shop or their phone. You peeked your eyes open and chuckled, looping your arm through Myungsoo's comfortably before looking up at him. 
He smiled and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when Tiffany arrived with your orders. 
Your eyes sparkled in delight as she placed the small sized red velvet cake in front of you and slipped away from Myungsoo to enjoy your sweet. His open mouth slowly closed as a smile appeared instead, watching you smile happily.
After having a quick chat at the cafe after eating, Myungsoo decided to send you back home. You denied it, worried for him but he insisted and you sighed in defeat as he death glared you. As you were about to turn to corner you stopped him and in turn he looked at you with a confused expression strewn on his face.
"J-just here is enough Myung ah... Thanks... " you said in a soft tone, standing on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek. 
"I'll see you at school. Or around." You added quickly before rushing off. He was in too much of a shock to call out to you and turned around instead,walking home with a cheesy smile on his face.
"________-ah." You looked up from your book to see your elder brother staring down at you worriedly.
"Who was that?"
"Who was what?" You answered as innocently as possible. Although his eyes showed worry and compassion, you knew his true goal.
"Aww come on you can tell your oppa! I saw a guy with you just now." You tensed up and he smirked.
"Shut up Seungcheol oppa."  You mumbled, looking down at your book with little to no concentration on it. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, pulling the book away from your hands and throwing it in the corner of the room. Your parents had gone out and it was only to two of you left in the house. Seungcheol was your step brother when your mother remarried to his dad. You were about to shout at him for throwing your book but was cut off when he pushed you down against the couch. Your eyes widened as he stared down at you with a smirk.
"S-seungcheol ah..." You whimpered and he placed a gentle finger on your lips. You heard footsteps outside the window which continued to your door and stopped. Sungjong had left his wallet at your house and just remembered when Sunggyu entrusted him the bill  of the food they were eating at a restaurant. He took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. When he heard nothing, he rung again, calling out your name. You struggled to move but Seungcheol held you down firmly. 
Sungjong frowned and decided to knock on the door instead.
"_____-ah! Are you home? I left my wallet in your room." He yelled out, earning strange look from passers-by. Your eyes widened and you mentally groaned before your step brother's hand which covered your mouth.
Sungjong's ears perked up, hearing your voice but was curious when he didn't hear you after. The house was silent with your heavy heartbeat echoing in your ears. Your hands were trapped in between Seungcheol's as his body anchored you to the couch. 
Sungjong decided to investigate and looked through the window. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
Your cries were muffled against Seungcheol's lips as he used them to silence you and his legs held yours down from injuring him. Sungjong was about to turn away if it wasn't for the tear that slipped your eye as you glanced at him from the couch. 
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