
Working with INFINITE


Working on an assignment with INFINITE
Group members: Hoya, L, Sungjong
You and your group members were seated in the computer lab with all the other groups as you tried to work on your assignment. Hoya and you were searching diligently for resources and such while Myungsoo sat opposite you, staring. You looked up from the computer to meet his staring eyes.
"You know Myungsoo-ah. You could help with the research." You stated and looked over your shoulder to the other computer that Hoya was working on. Myungsoo just scoffed but took your advice and sat beside you helping you with the research. Hoya had just finish explaining what he had found and realised something was missing. He looked around.
"Hey _____. Where's Sungjong?" You stood up and pointed to the computer in front of Hoya. Sungjong was scrolling through pictures of himself on tumblr and shaking his head, muttering to himself. Hoya sighed annoyed and begged you to ask him to participate.
"Why me?!" You asked, flustered. Hoya put his hands on your shoulders and looked you straight in the eye. 
" Because he likes you, so he'll listen. And please!! You already got Myungsoo doing work..." 
"Wha?" You turned your chair around to see Myungsoo silently working hard on the assignment. You were impressed that he actually listened to you and whispered thanks into his ear. You turned back to Hoya, who was looking at you with a serious expression which softened into a Hobaby face. You slapped a hand over your mouth and closed your eyes. Hoya tilted his head in confusion and looked at Myungsoo who chuckled and whispered to him that his Hobaby face was one of your weaknesses. His mouth formed an 'O' and he smirked realising he had your weakness on his side. A pat on your shoulder made you open your eyes to a cute Hoya. 
"Can you please ask Sungjong to join us?" He asked innocently, before smiling sweetly in your direction. Your heart melted and you nodded, standing up.
"Aish... Why is  Hoaegi act my weakness?!" You mumbled under your breath, clearly annoyed with yourself. You reached Sungjong and leaned forward to look at the picture he was looking at. He noticed you and turned to face you.
"I look so weird here don't i?" He asked. You shook your head before turning to face him.
" No.. You look really pretty in this!" You replied, smiling. A wide smile spread across his face and he looked back at the screen. Being amused that he turned back to his screen, you faced Hoya and mouthed, "help me..." Hoya just shrugged and continued researching. You groaned in annoyance and tapped his shoulder. "E-err...S-sungjongie..." 
His eyes widened at your sweet nickname and he turned around. "Y-yes?" 
You smiled.
"Can you help us with the assessment please? It's due in 2 weeks..." You asked cutely, playing with your fingers. He gawked and Myungsoo leaned over closing his mouth.
"Be careful...you might her in." He said smirking and you laughed. He blushed and nodded, closing the the tab of pictures and starting on his work. 
"Ah! Khamsamida!" You squealed and hugged him. He smiled and continued on with his work.
At the end of the day, you met up with them in the field. You came first because your class was released early and you were laying on the field. You loved the smell of the fresh natural field, and rolled on your belly, picking at the small yellow flowers that poked out from the ground. You heard shuffling and saw Myungsoo lying on your back, his arm across his eyes.
"Hi _____-ah."
"Anyong Myungsoo-ssi" you replied. "Where's Hoya and Sungjong-ssi?"
"On their way..." He stated sleepily. You nodded and laid your head your arms.
You noticed Hoya dancing his way in, listening to a song called, "Special Girl" which is what he liked to call you. You smiled and he noticed you, strutting over. 
"Nice dance you got there..." You commented as he sat in front of you. He grinned adorably and you giggled. 
You talked with Hoya for a full 10 minutes, Myungsoo asleep on your back. 
"Where's Sungjong?" You asked, looking around. Just then a group of girls surrounding something caught your attention. You gently pushed Myungsoo off your back and stood up, walking to the group. As you came closer, squeals and cameras clicking was heard.
"Ah! Sungjong oppa!"
"Take a picture with me!"
"Date me!"
You heard all of this and rolled your eyes pushing your way through. When you reached the front of the group you saw Sungjong on the floor, being hugged by 4 girls. You took his hand and pulled him up causing the girls to scatter. 
"I'm sorry girls but Sungjong-ssi here has to help with OUR group project so if you'll excuse me..."
Some girls who didn't know you glared but those who did nodded but were still jealous. When the both of you were further away from the girls, Sungjong hugged you from behind.
"Thank you so much! I've been stuck there for 10 minutes...." You smiled and patted his cheek, pulling him towards the circle in the middle of the field.
"Ok so it's agreed we'll meet at _____'s house to finish it up this Friday and Saturday." Hoya stated, standing up and stretching. All of you nodded and you fell onto the grass looking at the sunset sky. Myungsoo laid next to you and poked your belly. 
"Yah! T-that tickles! ><' 
He chuckled and looked up at the sky. "What time is it Sungjong?"
The young boy glanced at his watch.
"Around 6..."
You shot up. "I gotta go." 
Hoya and Sungjong gave you a questioning look.
"Why?" Hoya asked, approaching you.
"M-my parents are going to be mad with me...sorry please excuse me..." You stuttered, standing up with your bag and running off home.
"She's a weird one."
Myungsoo spoke up after the field became deadly silent.
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