
Inert Dreams

She hates it when she has to accompany him to dinners. Mainly because in the end of the night she will feel a bitter taste in .  

Junsu is different with people, friendly, funny, charming and fakely loving. to her that is. 

The fact is that she feels like a trophy being shown off. Junsu's conquest of Mr.Kee's daughter that earn him one of the largest construction company in Korea. 

Hae Jung felt her lips tighten as she sprays a dash of her favorite perfume and walks out from her room with her small clutch. 

But Junsu did pay a price, the snears and the sympathetic look the mothers gave him when she is seen by his side. Her past still follows her. and the mothers still felt their daughter was a better catch for him.

Hae Jung looks at her small fingers trying to push those ugly demons away. She guess that was the main reason why Junsu has always hated her. Never treated her like he treats anybody else. He believes the rumors. 

Don't think Hae Jung, she begged herself. 

She stood in the living room looking outside trough the high ceilling glass wall. 

'ready?' Junsu's voice came. 

Hae Jung nods not even looking at him and then follows him from behind. Junsu looked dashing in his tux, he smelled live clean aftershave and his stride were fast and sure like always. 

They both sat in the back seat as futherest from each other while the drive drove in silent. It has always been like this with them and she don't see the possibility of it changing. 


At the dinner, they met Junsu's cousin, Danny with his wife.

Junsu had her close by her by his side, his hand on the back of her waist. 

'Hyung, don't tell me noona is pregnant again' Junsu laughed. 

Hanuel, gasps 'Junsu, you're so inappropriate, no I am not pregnant' 

Danny pulled his wife infront of him, hugging her lightly while Hanuel fought a little 'danny, people will see' she whispered. 

Danny kissed her cheeks and didn't bulg 'let them, they would understand' 

Junsu rolled his eyes and pulled Hae Jung closer as she encircles her hands around his waist 'hyung, noona, please, so much PDA' 

Danny chuckled 'why Junsu, talking about pregnancy, Hae Jung-shi, did Junsu scored any?' 

Hae Jung chuckled a little 'not yet Danny oppa' 

'we are trying hyung' Junsu rubbed her back and Hae Jung felt soothed. 

'try harder Junsu, Ari would love a friend' Hanuel smiled while her hands played with danny's hands around her. 

Hae Jung can't help but feel jealous with the intimacy that was infront of her. Danny and Hanuel are such loving couple. you should see their son, Ari. very intelligent and funny like them.  

Maybe the hall was too cold or maybe she couldn't help but feel left out with Danny and Hanuel's obvious affection towards each other so she moved closer to Junsu. 

Junsu looked at her slowly his eyes feelingless but he seemed to understand and kissed her forehead. 

better enjoy it now before the night ends. 

'aish Hanuel, you see they are more loving than us' Danny whined

Hanuel punch him a bit ' yah Danny this is not a game or what so ever to win, give them a chance, they are newleyweds' 

'but babe, we are newleyweds' 

'Baby, we have been married nearly four years now, i'm sure we are out the shelf' 

Hae Jung smiled, entertain by Hanuel unnie's cuteness. 

'you both are like newleyweds still noona' Hae Jung smiled and received a blush from Hanuel.

'you should see them both during highschool baby, they fought 24/7, gosh and they end up married' Junsu looked at her smilling, his mode happy. 

Hae Jung gulped. its the first time he called her baby. 

Danny and Hanuel whispered in distress 'Junsiiiiiii' they warn him and they four just laughed. 


They walked out from the hall and as soon as they were out from people's view Junsu let her hand go. 

Hae Jung's eyes turn hard. She will not be a sissy and feel sad just because of this so naturally she acts like what Junsu expects her, cold and indifferent. 

In the car Hae Jungs leaned her head on the window and looked outside at the road. 

'Maybe next time you shouldn't wear this dress' Junsu said looking at some paper works with the reading light on. 

Hae Jung looked at her black dress, nothing seems wrong with it 'why?' 

'its too revealing' he flipped the pages of the document. 

the dress is not revealing at all. maybe a bit but it seems quite normal with her. 

'its fine' she stubbornly said

'well, if you want guys to look at you then I don't give a damn but we have our family names to take care of, I don't want rumours to spread' 

If only Junsu can insult her more.  

She knew it would be like this. 

This is why she hates going out with him. 

'don't worry Junsu, I know what I'm doing' 

'I know, I don't mind what you do Hae Jung but try to be discreet with things' 

Hae Jung felt like her heart got stabbed. He always does think the worst of her. 

and she never tried to make him think otherwise. 

'I know, you're getting clingy Junsu, possesive much?' she smirk wanting to hurt him like he is hurting her. 

'I just want to make sure what I bargained for is worth the deal' 

She turned her face and looked at him, angry with his words 'you did get the company so shut up'

he looked at her, their eyes icey 'I got you as an exchange so it was a win-win situation no?, you got a husband to cover your tracks atlast' 

'bastard' she hissed. 

Junsu looked back at his paperwork 'feel free to swear, I don't give a fig' 



danny and hanuel. miss them? 

wow this new couple are so complicated. k off to study! :)

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Chapter 34: I really did enjoy reading this story but I really believe that you should get a proofreader. People will feel more engaged in a story if it is written better. Maybe English is not your first language or you could be dyslexic but if it was proofread you could gain a lot of views :)
Chapter 13: It's a good story but you should get a proofreader for all your grammar and spelling mistakes :)
hmhh... so far this one is the best among all if you fic that i read. kekeke

OMG. I'm so in love with junsu. *faint* the way he treat haejung *faint*

i know he was mean firstly. but i just love how they are interact. And i love what he said to haejung when she's about to delivering baby. it was so..... "awwwwwwwww" when i ead hwhat he said. i want it toooo..... kekekeke
thnx 4 d great ending.... plz..plz..plz..plz...plz write fanfic for Ari, Kevin & Minji in d future... congrate on u being 3rd yr in med school... gud luck in d future & write more great fanfic...
b2stie #5
Lol. Hey author. Man as rebellious as youre finger I couldnt stop reading you're fanfics and I spent my homework time on it. xD lol. Anyways I agree. I want a Kevin and minji fanfic too with beast. xD lol. Idk why though. Haha anyways I'm glad I became a reader cause it didn't disappoint me. Well looking forward to you're next fanfic. xD
kangana #6
Hi Aris !<br />
It was a good story i really liked and still love and read your others completed fanfic they are really good i will now ejoy reading the new one after This Pain is ending^^<br />
<br />
Thank you for ending this story and congrats for being a 3rd year medical student, My real name is Myriem :)
Wow...already the end?! :(( It was so fun to read :D:D<br />
I´ll be waiting for other fics of yours aris unnie ;)<br />
Love you :**
x3Maple #8
It's so cute! I love u to bits!!
nami5589 #9
LOL I love the baby language part ^^ LOL at Minji =))))))<br />
I love how u end this story, so fresh ^^<br />
<br />
U revealed ur name!!!!! Nice meeting you Arish ^^<br />
I have always wondered how cutwe you can be, cuz through ur stories,I guess u must be a very cute and optimistic girl.<br />