
Inert Dreams

Haejung heard the whispering but nothing was clear. 

what are the boys talking about? Ari turned to her and kissed her cheeks, his little eyes closing. HaeJung closed here eyes. Its painful to even hear Junsu's voice.Images of him and Soo Hee keeps on conjuring up in her mind. now who's the fool? HaeJung thought. 

Its going to be like this. worse there's a large probability he's going to divorce her. but he needs the company. Junsu never tells her but she could see the love he had for the comapny. He worked so hard and the company has been going trough major heights after his take over. He's never going to let it go. Somehow he must have felt burden as the company came with her. His unwanted wife. Her heart constricted. Since whe's little she's thrown. Her Omma left her and Junsu never really wants her by his side. She miss her appa.

Junsu could keep Soo Hee as his mistress but but day he'll still going leave her. HaeJung felt hopeless, like a puppet, like a rag doll. 

'HaeJung??' Junsu's soft voice came. 

HaeJung turned away, giving her back to him, telling him that she does not wants to talk. If he wants to hurt her, try another day, she had enough today. 

He stood up and came to her side of the bed. 'HaeJung' he moved the strands of her hair away. 

'I don't want to talk' her voice low, not wanting to wake up Ari. 

'HaeJung,  I need to tell you something'

'I'm sleppy Junsu'

He sighed with her stubborness 'HaeJung just two minutes, the library' 

'Junsu, go away' 

Junsu understood her reaction, understood that she's hurt so he kept his stand. 

'HaeJung, come, the library, I would love to carry you, but Ari worn me out, I don't want to drop you' 

HaeJung kept still. 

'aish' He circled his hands around her and carried her out, leaving the main door open, incase Ari woke up. 

HaeJung felt like she wanted to scratch his face 'you think you're a pirate, kidnapping me?' she lasered eye him. 

Junsu only gave her a low chuckle. owh how dare he?!

Ari saw his uncle carry aunty out. hmmm.. Ari made sure he kept quite and his eyes just open a little. He smiled slowly. they must be having their y time Ari though. oh no, they left me alone her, Ari horribly thought. 

Ari closed his eyes tight in fear, ok, must be brave, dont distrub uncle and aunty y time. 


Junsu stood infront of HaeJung, who was sitted one of the couches, her face expressionless.  

'HaeJung, I am not with Soo Hee' he whispered. the silence too loud between them. 

HaeJung lifted her face up, her eyes tearing up 'why?' 

'because you're my wife, you're my responsibility'

'Thank you' she whispered. A wave of gladness wash over her. 

'I don't want you to worry, I would never do such things to hurt you more than what your ex have done, I'm not like that' 

HaeJung stared at his midnight eyes. 'thank you Junsu' HaeJung looked at her lap, her heart felt lighter. He may not say that they meant something, he may said its just responsibilities tying them but that was enough for Haejung. 

More that enough. 

'I'm sorry you have to watch the scene in the car' He knelt down and lifted her chin up so that he could look at her. 

'you still love her neh?' HaeJung asked. 

Junsu looked away, his face lonely. HaeJung understood and she was not even a bit angry. Instead she took her hands and touched his cheeks. 'I understand Junsu'

'Thank you' he smiled a little. a sad smile. 

'Think of what you want HaeJung, I could only try to give you' Junsu looked at her, his eyes full of promises. 

HaeJung blinked her eyes. 'what I want?' feeling confuse. 

He took her hands and touched them lightly 'yes, what you want, I couldn't give you love but if there's anything' 

'what Junsu?' 

'Are you lonely? that is why you're so happy Ari is here?'

'I don't really have family here, yes I am mostly alone' 

Junsu felt a little guilty.

'If you want a child HaeJung we could work on it, I could only give you that, someone who could entertain you, and we could shower him with love' 

HaeJung stared at him..for a long time. He's offering her a baby. He couldn't give her love so he's offering a compensation. A baby to accompany her. To fill her lonely days. 

'and you?' she whispered. 

'I would be here, I won't leave, I'll always be here, no where but here' 

he would be here for the baby. 

He's not giving her a heart stopping confession, he's not proposing on the eiffel tower but for HaeJung it was one of those tearful moments.

Junsu saw her internal fight. 'like I said HaeJung, just think what you want, I'm always going to be here. Ok?'

HaeJung felt the silence falling between them. 'ok' she nods. 

Hae Jung and Junsu stood up and looked at each other 'sleep tight tonight' Junsu kissed her forehead. 

HaeJung smiled and kissed his cheeks. 

Junsu cradled her face and looked at her enticing lips. how can he kept his distance with her when they were first married, how could he ignored this beautiful wounded creature. He lowered his face and kissed her side of her lips, moving slowly, travelling to her nose, 

Forever passed and passion took over. He was going to lift HaeJung's nightgown away when little steps were heard 

'uncle, aunty?' a little scared voice echoed, accompanied with soft sobs. 

Hae Jung and Junsu stiffen and they scrambled for their discharged clothings. Junsu puts on his shirt and stood looking at the door 'here Ari' 

Ari came peeking in the library clutching a pillow, his face scared. 

'why baby?' HaeJung went to Ari and lifted him up, rubbing his back. HaeJung's face was red with embarassment, not daring ro meet her eyes with Junsu. 

Junsu took away Ari's pillow and came close to him 'are you ok baby?' 

'scared' Ari puts his face on HaeJung's neck where there was a little red mark Junsu left a few minutes ok. 

oh my gosh Ari, why now? Junsu thought. 

'come lets go back to bed' Junsu kissed Ari's cheeks, clearing his throat as his lower limbs are feeling uncomfortable at the moment. more like in pain.

Ari looked at Junsu, his eyes big and a bit guilty 'sorry, did Ari disturbed y time?'

HaeJung gasps 'Ari! where did you learn that word?' 

'Ari I told you not to say that word again' Junsu looked at Ari. 

Ari looked confuse and then remembered 'Ari sorry' 

HaeJung looked at Junsu 'you thaught him such words? Danny Oppa going to chop you Junsu' 

'I did not, Joon did' 

Ari whined and begin to sob. 

'ok ok Ari, come lets sleep, don't cry baby ok' HaeJung consult him.

On the bed Ari slept soundly and mumbled before he slept 'Im sorry Uncle, Ari disturbed' 

HaeJung stayed silent but couldn't miss Junsu's reply 'yes you should' 

Ari cudled next to his uncle and kept him close the whole night. feeling very sorry for his uncle but he was so scared alone, he thought. 





lol Ari! hahahaha X'D 

what do you guys thing of their development? 

are they just being indenial?

are they going to like this forever?

shall they actually have a baby?

could they figure out what they really want?

woah, so much questions :D


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Chapter 34: I really did enjoy reading this story but I really believe that you should get a proofreader. People will feel more engaged in a story if it is written better. Maybe English is not your first language or you could be dyslexic but if it was proofread you could gain a lot of views :)
Chapter 13: It's a good story but you should get a proofreader for all your grammar and spelling mistakes :)
hmhh... so far this one is the best among all if you fic that i read. kekeke

OMG. I'm so in love with junsu. *faint* the way he treat haejung *faint*

i know he was mean firstly. but i just love how they are interact. And i love what he said to haejung when she's about to delivering baby. it was so..... "awwwwwwwww" when i ead hwhat he said. i want it toooo..... kekekeke
thnx 4 d great ending.... plz..plz..plz..plz...plz write fanfic for Ari, Kevin & Minji in d future... congrate on u being 3rd yr in med school... gud luck in d future & write more great fanfic...
b2stie #5
Lol. Hey author. Man as rebellious as youre finger I couldnt stop reading you're fanfics and I spent my homework time on it. xD lol. Anyways I agree. I want a Kevin and minji fanfic too with beast. xD lol. Idk why though. Haha anyways I'm glad I became a reader cause it didn't disappoint me. Well looking forward to you're next fanfic. xD
kangana #6
Hi Aris !<br />
It was a good story i really liked and still love and read your others completed fanfic they are really good i will now ejoy reading the new one after This Pain is ending^^<br />
<br />
Thank you for ending this story and congrats for being a 3rd year medical student, My real name is Myriem :)
Wow...already the end?! :(( It was so fun to read :D:D<br />
I´ll be waiting for other fics of yours aris unnie ;)<br />
Love you :**
x3Maple #8
It's so cute! I love u to bits!!
nami5589 #9
LOL I love the baby language part ^^ LOL at Minji =))))))<br />
I love how u end this story, so fresh ^^<br />
<br />
U revealed ur name!!!!! Nice meeting you Arish ^^<br />
I have always wondered how cutwe you can be, cuz through ur stories,I guess u must be a very cute and optimistic girl.<br />