Hyoyeon & Bora

Shinhwa: The Love Stories



Dec. 11, 2010 Saturday


"Hey Minwoo, isn't that our Hyoyeonie?" Eric tilted his head towards the direction of the dimmed dance floor surrounded by laser lights.


The shorter man could barely recognize the young blonde who was all dolled-up in a midriff-revealing top, cropped leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans.


His darling cousin appeared to be having a blast grinding seductively against her y raven-haired friend clad in a beaded tank top, leather short shorts and high-heeled ankle boots.


He walked up to them in several long strides and crossed his arms authoritatively as he stood directly in front of his dongsaeng's face.


"YAH, Kim Hyoyeon! What are you doing here?"


"Oppa!!! What a coincidence seeing you both here!" Hyoyeon pointedly ignored Minwoo's stern tone as she warmly greeted both him and Eric with hugs and cheek kisses. "By the way, I'd like you to meet my flat mate, Yoon Bora. Bora-yah, this is my dear cousin Lee Minwoo and one of his best friends, Eric Mun."


Both men bowed to Bora in greeting and she returned the favor as well, before the PR man pulled the troublesome yoga instructor out of earshot of the other two.


"You better have a good explanation for this." Minwoo was clenching his jaw in annoyance.


"Bora got an invitation...and I'm her plus one!" At his raised eyebrow, she explained further. "She's a commercial model, oppa, and she did a couple of print ads for this brand, that's why."


"Okay, I'll buy that for now but..."


"Oppaaa...andwaaae!!!" She whined already guessing what he was about to say next.


He took a deep breath before consoling her with a "You're staying for another half hour and then I'm taking you both home. Not a minute more, arasso?"


"Neh..." She pouted and hung her head in disappointment as she made her way back to her friend.




While Minwoo was busy keeping Hyoyeon in line, Eric ended up casually chatting with Bora.


"So… You work with Hyoyeon's Minwoo-oppa?"


"Yeah but we were friends from way back in college. How did you two girls meet?"


"Hyo-unnie was my sunbae in dance class and we got really close performing in a lot of recitals together."


"Are you still into dancing?"


"Not for work, no. I make money getting my pictures taken."


"Wow, you're a model! Niiice."


"Uhm, thanks, I guess!"


"Do you have a boyfriend? "




Eric was about to say something else to get the conversation going when Hyoyeon grabbed Bora without warning none too gently back into the sea of moving bodies.


"Hyo, what are you doing?!"


"We barely have thirty minutes left to enjoy before Minwoo-oppa whisks us both back to our flat. Let's not waste anymore of our time and just dance!"


Bora shrugged and joined Hyoyeon as they blanked out their minds and immersed themselves in the music pumping through the speakers.




"Come on, oppa, Bora and I are hungry! The least you can do is feed us after forcing us to leave the club this early."


"Leave the club early?! It's almost 2AM!" Minwoo glared at Eric who was openly smirking at his friend's dilemma.


"We could go to a drive-thru... There's one right around the corner!"


Stubborn Hyoyeon has always had a one-track mind. When she wants something, she won't let up until she gets it. This was a situation Minwoo was all too familiar with.


"As long as Eric is buying..." He might as well get his best friend involved the best way he knows how.


"Oppaaa~" Both girls turned to the older man with their cute puppy eyes leaving him no other choice but to go along with their wishes.




Over the course of several months, Bora often crossed paths with the CEO and PR man at these parties and events.


She sometimes brings Hyoyeon with her if she’s not going with a few of the other models she works with.


On one rare occasion, both girls even went along with the two men together with Junjin and Sunny.



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Precious421 #1
Hey, this is one of my favorite fanfics ever... I really do hope that u can update it somehow... Fighting!!
Chapter 75: Oh I wish you continue this story authornim....
Mgnly4 #3
Chapter 75: continue please
puputshp #4
Chapter 75: 75 chapter and this is the end? pliss continue author nim :) cheer up!!
Chapter 75: Best romance fic ive read so far love it!
Lovey dovey moments, conflicts and patching up eeeeee the ships!!!!!!
Author-nim!!! Where are you? I missed your works!
Come back soon with this Shinhwa Story, okay?
puputshp #8
long hiatus?? i wait your update :'(
Chapter 75: i hope you will update soon <3
miaka07 #10
Chapter 75: ..ohhh..unnie how are you?..hope ur good..been waiting for the next update..hope ull update soon..thanks.. ^^