
For Love

No One's P.O.V

Finally it was the day of the surgery. One that would change Yoona's life in more ways than she thought. Donghae accompanied Yoona into the surgery room to keep her calm and preventing her from being paranoid. 

With tear-filled eyes Yoona said, "Donghae-ya if something happens to me promise me you'll be ok and that you'll find someone else to love. But if nothing happens please be there when I wake up. I want to see you, ok?"

Donghae tried to talk but he knew words would fail him so he shook his head and then nodded. It was confusing for Yoona to interpret. The nurse told Yoona to count from 1 to 10 after giving her anesthetic. 

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five.... Six-" 

Yoona was out and asleep, and Donghae was forced to leave the surgery room. 

Surgery over! The surgery was successful and Yoona was pushed out of the surgery room and into the ICU for monitoring. She kept floating in and out if conscious, but even then she noticed something was wrong; Donghae was nowhere to be seen! Missing Donghae, Yoona asked her nurse if she knows where her husband is. The nurse said she doesn't know where he is but he gave her a letter to give to Yoona when she wakes up. The kind nurse hands the letter to Yoona and she eagerly reads it. 

"Dear my lovely wife Yoona, 

Yoona-ya you're ok right now huh? The surgery went well? Get well and go back to your real self. I'm sorry I'm not there with you, there are a few obstacles standing between us. Don't expect to see me again ok? By the time you read this I'll be gone but my heart will still be beating. I should have told you this earlier but I am your donor. I can't stand to see you sick so I took matters into my own hands. Don't hate me Yoong-ah. I love you. Cherish your life and move on. I don't want to hold you back from your life. The times when we were together were the best years of my life and I mean the very BEST. I'm sorry I can't be with you. Saranghaeyo Lee Im Yoona.


      Your Pabo husband Lee Donghae"


Yoona's P.O.V. 

No this can't be true. No no no no. Donghae just ended his life so I can have his heart. No no no no. Tears were streaming down my eyes but I didn't give a damn about them. No no no no. Donghae is just playing a prank on me. He will come out soon and tell me that he got me and he will kiss me sorry…. Who am I lying? Donghae would never do that. Donghae-yah! Why? Why did you do this? I would rather die than live without you. Please let this be a super long nightmare. Please! Things got blurry from the tears, I can’t think straight. How should I live on knowing I might as well have just ended my husband’s life? Things went from bad to terrible. I can’t accept the fact. Then my vision started to blacken and I fainted.

When I woke up, I was staring at faces in a private ICU room. Then a deep voice spoke up, “Mrs. Lee, I am your doctor Mr. Kim. I am aware that you had lost conscious last night after reading the letter. I am sorry but I read the letter and invaded your privacy but I have some significant news. Mrs. Lee you are 1 month pregnant. It was somehow missed when you had your checkup. This pregnancy poses no immediate threat since the heart transplant surgery went very well. However; you will need to stay in the hospital….”

I tuned out. I AM PREGNANT? What? How am I supposed to raise a baby without Donghae? Should I abort it? Wait, NO! This baby is what I have left of Donghae and I will not kill it. Donghae might be gone from this world but a part of him lives on and a new him is going to arrive. 

[A/N: I finally completed this story! Actually I finished writting this quite a long time ago but I forgot the password and the email address for this account... but the good news is I finally remembered and updated this! YAY its done! I didn't edit this so there will be errors... This story has got to be my worse yet.... I can't even stand reading this, but *shrugs why not give it a try. Please don't be a silent reader. Comment and share. Thank you so much!]

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yulyoonhyoseo #1
Chapter 2: wahhhhh T^T why is it like this! but at least i know that HAE did that because he loves YOONG so much.... YoonHae FTW~~!!<3
Chapter 2: God , even it's simple but I'm so touch with this story.. When I read the letter from Hae to Yoong , I'm about to cry. Congratulation for complete this story. YoonHae hwaiting ! Author is the best ! Daebak !