Dark Area [HIATUS]


"Straighten up. And don't call me master, Girlfriend"




"G-girlfriend?" you stuttered.

*. Why did I even stutter?!*

Luhan just looked at you, not amused at all.

"Follow me" he motioned you to come to him with his fingers.

You gulped your saliva, but follow him.

Luhan went to his room, and you followed. Since its his order after all.

"Sit" he told you to sit on his bed and you did.

*Am I a dog right now?!* you thought, wanting to punch him right away, but resist the desire.

Luhan locked the door and walked towards you.

He lean forwards until his face is just inches from you.

Seeing you didn't blush, made him shock.

"You might be asking why you're here right?" Luhan asked leaning away and sat on a chair.

You nodded.

"You're here to be my 'fake girlfriend'" he waited for you to react.

But you didn't react at all. Just blinking at him, waiting for him to continue.

He sighed "Well? Aren't you going to asked something?"

"Like what?"

Luhan facepalm. *This girl... She's like she didn't went to school.... Oh wait. She didn't. What do you think Luhan? She's an ex e and her parents are dead*

"Aren't you going to freak out or do something?"

"Well, no. Since you didn't order me to do anything" you said in a dah tone

"Listen ~~~, you are not my maid nor slave. You are my fake girlfriend. Got that? You can do anything you want, but just follow one simple rule. Do what I said" Luhan explained.

Good thing he has patience or else you will probably die. Or maybe he's the one is dying right now, knowing you can fight 3 expert bodyguards alone.

Working at Mr Bang place worked out after all.

"Yeah, just like what you said. I should do what you said. Its the same as ordering me around you know" you rolled your eyes

Luhan couldn't take it anymore. He searched for the contract paper and hand it out to you.

"What's this?"



By this contract, Han ~~~ have to do what Luhan said. And this fake girlfriend thing will last until Luhan himself wants it.

Agreed by: Luhan *accept/decline*

~~~ *accept/decline*


"Let me guess. You made this your self"

"Just sign it!!" Luhan told you and you took it as an order and you didn't have a choice anyway.

Finished, you gave it back to him and he happily took it.

"Thanks ~~~. and your room is just right next to mine. Now can you leave? I'm going to take a nap" Luhan said and started to sleep.

"Weird guy. But wait!"

"What?!" Luhan groaned

"I want to have a rule too. Just one" you begged

Luhan looked at you begging and unknowingly, he nodded.

"Yeay! It's simple actually. Help me find my brother, okay?" you said

"That's not even a rule!"

You sighed, "Fine. The rule is, you have to help me find my brother. okay, bye!" you walked outside his room and unlocked the door next to his, which is yours and went into the room.

"Wow. Nice room" you compliment and locked the door.

You jumped towards the bed and you bounced.

You giggled, but stop when you looked at the mirror beside the bed.

There's words written on it.



"You cann't fall for him" you read.



Guys... Bad news.. My plot of this story is missing..

So what I'm going to write on the next update, won't be 100% same as what I hope it will.


I think the plot will change... Just hope it will not change into so bad because this is one of my weirdest story -_-v

But yeah, thanks to those who subscribe, read and upvote :)

I love you <3

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Chapter 7: i like ur story update soon please :)
ParkSeoMin #2
Chapter 7: Noooo.... author-nim don't slap yourself!!Don't re-write the fanfic,pweassssssseeeeeee
Badass-Kid #3
Chapter 7: ooh~
Tell me! *interrogates luhan*
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 6: update soon unni
if the plot changes it's okay^^ since when you write it, it always turns out good
Badass-Kid #5
Chapter 2: update soon unni!!