Dark Area [HIATUS]


"Hey e! I got another man in need here" Mr Bang, the owner of the night club pushed you outside the workers room.

"Why does it have to be me?" you hissed.

"Shut up . It's not your job to ask, your job is to satisfy those man so I get money and you earned some too" Mr Bang slapped your cheeks.

You cursed under your breath and give him the middle finger. If only your parents are not dead and your brother wasn't missing. You could've run away from that hideous club.

Although you are a e like what all those man said, your co-workers knows the reason why your here.

And you're still a . Not like the other e from another club, you put drugs inside the person who wants to 'do it' with you, once the drugs made them unconscious, you steal all their money and took them away from the nightclub.

The money you stole, 50% is for you and 50% is for your boss.

Your boss, Mr Bang is actually a sweet guy outside the work hour. He's only acted like that so the costumers knows not to mess with him.

All those things the workers and Mr Bang did in the work hour, is actually fake. All of the workers are nice and still a too.

But all of the workers and the boss personality himself couldn't be help. Of course they will get used to those cursing and bad attitude, like how it influence you.

Basically, the nightclub can be called a place where stealing happen everyday.

Since the costumers never pay everytime they order some e and drinks. So technically, it cann't be called as stealing either.

Why did you called the nightclub hideous?

Main reason.

It changed you.

Other reason?

Simple, who in the right mind would love to be a e as their job?

What a long introduction.

Let's continue shall we?

Outside the nightclub, stood a name plate.

As it written



'Welcome to the Dark Area'

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Chapter 7: i like ur story update soon please :)
ParkSeoMin #2
Chapter 7: Noooo.... author-nim don't slap yourself!!Don't re-write the fanfic,pweassssssseeeeeee
Badass-Kid #3
Chapter 7: ooh~
Tell me! *interrogates luhan*
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 6: update soon unni
if the plot changes it's okay^^ since when you write it, it always turns out good
Badass-Kid #5
Chapter 2: update soon unni!!