Note piece

Diary's Doublestuff Oreo

Baekhyun make a few steps slowly to the gazebo, the place that he always hang out in The Garden Park. His body was cover by a few clothes because he got a high fever cause he have a bad allergy with the cat fur period days. 

Although his head still feel the pain, Baekhyun still want to go to the garden whatever how.  For him, there's a only one place that can give him a peace. Suddenly, his eyes catches his favorites biscuit at the seat that he always sitting right now.He take the OreoDoubleStuff biscuit and without he realizes, there's a note were pasted beside a biscuit. Baekhyun picks that stick note and read it curiously.

There is no other words that I wants to

describe about you. Kumowo~ na.


The name at the ends of the stick notes shocked him. ''Taeyeon...'' he saying the name slowly.This is just an accident or this is just a game of fate .He beliefs in luck and fates, but the mistakes from the past really teaches him the real life is. He tries to be lied by 'someone' tricks. People said love at first sight is hard to forget. ''Once we fall, it's hard to get up back'' Baekhyun groaned.

Suddenly, he saw something behind his feet, a small stick note overlain by a candy. Without he realizes, he already followed the notes one by one, like it already be compiled by someone. Until he realizes that in front his eyes was a dark alley. He entered the dark valley without thinking the risk.

A curiosity appear in his mind. After a few minutes in the dark, some bright light filled up the valley. There's love shaped's biscuit nicely arranged by someone in a tray. He can smell the smells of his favorites biscuits, OreoDoubleStuff. He seems like the smells. He saw someone behind the biscuit's tray, but he can't think who is it.

''Aren't you was the outlet 'Uncle' period days?'' ask Baekhyun, surprises. He pinch his hand because he is wandering if he is dreaming. The 'Uncle' in front his eyes looked so 'boyish'. The thick rimmed spectacles and short mustache make that outlet Uncle looked too 'nerd ' and 'schema'. That 'Uncle' just can smile. Baekhyun reply with a bland smile. His question still not be answered.

Suddenly, that Uncle disappear from his sight. Baekhyun tries to call that 'Uncle' many times but no one answering. Otherwise, he only hears his voice reverberant in that dark alley. ''So know, can I even called my name in front of you without hiding it anymore?'' ask that voice. Its attract Baekhyun attention, but he couldn't see anything even his own body. ''Not even in this ' black hole'.'' Baekhyun mentioned. 

''Yuppie...!''  someone surprises him from his back. Hyun nearly falls because too shocked. His body leap up a few meters from a place he stand. ''You're surprising me!'' said Baekhyun with stunned face. A girl in front him looked so different with Korean traditional dresses, hanbok. ''Looks nice on her.'' said Baekhun whispered, but eye glasses frames at her eyes looked so funny, Baekhyun giggles. ''There's anything wrong with my appearances?'' ask Taeyeon worriedly. 

Taeyeon looks at her hanbok. She thinks she had choose the right color. It really matching with her Mr. Savior in front her eyes. Whole day she search in her cupboard just for this blue hanbok. Then, she need to neatly back her room, and that's very tired. She glance at Baekhyun once. Baekhyun shows a smile that her cannot guess what its mean. Baekhyun goes closer to Taeyeon, her becomes uncomfortable. 

Baekhyun not means to giggles to Taeyeon, but he feels something wrong. More closer he goes to Taeyeon, more nervous his heart be. ''Try to be a cool guy.'' Baekhyun tries to comfort his heart. He tries to finds his strengths.

''Nothing's but only 'this one' .It doesn't look matching on you.'' said Baekhhyun honestly while pulls eyes glasses frames from Taeyeon eyes. ''Now you look so perfect.'' said Baekhyun but only heard in his heart. ''Can I take some picture with you?'' ask Baekhyun. There's a smile in his lip.

Taeyeon looks at his face without any reactions. Baekhyun can't guess what was Taeyeon thinking right now.

''Em, you can. But, I have one request. Can I be your OreoDoubleStaff partner?'' ask Taeyeon while smiling shy. She can't looks at Baekhyun eyes directly. She feels really shy. '' I'am sorry but you can't be my OreoDoubleStuff partner, I already owned.'' said Baekhyun. 

''Emm, its okay if so... but can I know who is that lucky girl?'' ask Taeyeon just to hide her disappointment. '' I'm who is lucky get her, she so beautiful and make me remember about her  every second,'' said Baekhyun. Taeyeon just nodded. She looks weak. ''You...'' said Baekhyun. Taeyeon not too focused in what Baekhyun says, but then her realizes  ''Wh- what?'' ask Taeyeon. ''I like you, Taeyeon.'' said Baekhun with full breath. Taeyeon stunned and doesn't even move. Her face looks like her really shocked.

''Snap!'' Baekhyun take a picture of Taeyeon. He giggles looks at Taeyeon reactions in a photos. Taeyeon pinch Baekhyun left hand. ''Ah! why?'' said Baekhun pretending innocent face. ''I don't say yet that I give you permission to take my picture,'' said Taeyeon with cute-angry voice. '''This guy is really....'' said taeyeon alone. ''Now, my turn to take your picture!'' said Taeyeon cheerly. ''But this is my cameras...'' said Baekhyun with low voice.

''Okay...' Taeyeon pretending to leave. ''No...I just kidding, let's take our picture together!'' said Baekhyun. They both does high five actions. ''Snap!'' their picture saved in an IPhones 4 love gallery. There's a bright smile at their lips.


You're what I wished for, You're what I need, You opened the door, And now myself is completed, Since then you never failed to bring me my piece, We combined our strength to write this master piece, I realize to continue the guest, I need not put you away, You gave me my very best, for each and everyday.
                                                                          -Taeyeon and Baekhyun-
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Baekhyeon1 #1
Chapter 2: Daebak nice one!!!