
Fiction in Fiction

After your shower & dining on your chicken salad, it was right about 5:00pm. "Minah, don't you think we can drop by to see how she's doing? I wanna see how good she is too." you suggested. "Hmm I'll try & call her." Minah took out her phone again & called her. The phone began to dial, "Put it on speaker." you said laying on your stomache o the bed. Minah push on the speaker button. The phone continuted to dial. "She's not pic..." there was a scream through the phone, * AH WHAT THE HECK MINAH ! I WAS SO CLOSE TO BURNING MY FINGER WITH THE STRAIGHTENER ! AISH seriously ...*


The both of you burst into laughters, "SORRY LINA ! ! !" Minah shouted at the phone. *Aish whatever. Next time text me...*  "Should've thought of that before." you guys let out a laugh once again. *Ha Ha Ha ~ * Lina said sarcasticly, yet humorus. *So what's up?* "Oh, we were wondering if we can drop by & watch you do your thing, so we won't have to wait here at the hotel, doing nothing, but watching TV." *Yeah, you can come here. I would like to see ________ do some make-up & stuff.* "Totally." you said with excitment. *Hurry & come, there's only a few girls left here.*


"Minah, you want to borrow some of my clothes? Your work outfit seems....uncomfortable..." "Yeah, I was hoping you'd say that...." Minah put a stubborn look on her face. You guys wore an outfit that was a bit similar, but different color & design. You guys got into the car & Minah drove to where Lina was doing everyone's make-up & hair. 


You entered the salon building, it was 2 stories high. Lina was in the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor was PACKED ! Some girl dressed in their prom dresses, some leaving with satisfation. "Wow ~ they look really pretty with those dresses." Minah said staring at their dresses. You lightly slapped her arm, "Yah, shouldn't we be looking for Lina?" "Oh yeah, that's right. I think she's right ~ ...." Minah stared around the room. She suddenly spotted Lina carrying a short zebra dress & coming out of a room full of dresses.


"Dress #37 is here ! Short Zebra dress ! Dress # 37?!" Lina said carrying the dress around to each girl. The girl who ordered the dress walked up to Lina & Lina led her to the dressing room. "Lina ~ !" Minah shouted. She turned. Her long, beach wavey hair swayed smoothly aside. You thought in your mind, *She's really pretty..." But she really did look a bit like you. You guys are about the same height, but you're taller. You're eyes are very similar. And you both have that cute small asian nose. Kekeke ~


Minah & Lina walked towards each other & gave each other a hug. Minah pulled Lina to you, "Hi _________. Nice to see & meet you."  She gave you a hug & you hugged back, "Nice to mee & see you too." "This is actually a nice place. Do you work here now?" Minah looked around the room. "Yeah, I'm actually the co-manager." Lina smiled. "So ________. How about working here too." She placed her arm over you shoulder & showed you around the place.


A couple of minutes passed & its about 5:30. "Lina, _______, you guys wanna go now? It's 5:30 now." Everyone got into the car & drove to a resteraunt in Seoul. (You live in Seoul by the way) "OH LOOK ! MBC BUILDING !" Minah said loudly, looking at the builing instead of the road. "YAH MINAH ! ARE YOU ALREADY DRUNK OR SOMETHING ?! YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED !" Lina shouted from the back seat as Minah stepped hard on the brakes, almost going pass a red light.


"You don't see much of these kind of asian drivers in the states." you said humorusly. Everyone let out a laugh. "Minah if you're wasted, I'm gonna have to drive for you." Lina suggested sarcasticly. "WHAT ?! No. I won't let you touch my baby." she said. "Yeah, like how you were about to get into an accident. You call that taking care of your car?" you said again jokingly. 


You guys arrived at the resturant. I was 2 & a half stories high. 2 indoor stories & half of the 2nd floor is outdoor dining. You & Minah were amazed. Lina led the way. But you had a strange feeling. The soft, breezy wind blew you from behind. Then, you slowly turned around. Yet again, something caught your attention. It was that small outdoor mall Junhyung took you to before you left.


"_________?" Minah called. "Uh, h-hold up. You guys go in first. I just want to see something." you said with your eyes focused on the mall. "Okay, we'll be in the 2nd floor inside." Lina said. "Don't take so long. It's getting a little cold." Minah worried. You left 7 walked towards the entrance of the mall. Not much have changed, it's just that the streets are built newly & everystore is really cleaner than before.


You walked in, looking from the left of the stores, to the right of the stores. You stopped at a small accessory/jewelry store and looked through the window. There was so many accessories & jewelry. But the necklace that Junhyung got for you, was not spotted. You went inside to look for it. A man appearred, "Looking for something?" he asked kindly. You flinched & turned around, "Oh, no. I'm just ...looking for something similar to what I have..." you said. "What is it, miss?" he asked kindly.


You took out your necklace from inside your inner clothing & showed it. He gave a fatherly smile , "Annyeonghasaeyo. I'm Yong Junhyuk. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss..." he said honorbally sticking out his hand. You bowed & shook his hand, "A-A-Annyeonghasaeyo...I'm _______ _____________. It's nice to meet you, too." you said, trying not to feel awkward, which your are now. "That name is lovely he said walking to the counter & took out something from the bottom self. 


You stood near the door, awkwardly. "Thank you..." you thanked calmly to him. "Um...excuse me, but...do you know who I am?" He got up, holding a small box, "Why yes. I saw you before." You became a little scared, "Where...? Like in magazines & on TV?" you said. "Yes, but I saw you when you were just a little girl." You grew camly. In your thoughts, *He saw me? From outside? Junhyung must've told him my name. But who is he?*


"That's right. I saw you looking from the window outside when he asked for this necklace." he said as if he read your mind. "You walked up to the counter & asked him, "Who are you? Who's he?" you said, only knowing that he is Junhyung. "He opened the box, "I'm his uncle." he said smiling. Your eyes widened. "And he is my nephew, Yong Jae Soon." "Also called as Yong Junhyung?" you questioned. He nodded. 


He took out a smaller box & handed to you. "W-what is this?" you asked slowly accepting the gift. "Junhyung & I made this together. 


"Should I open it now?" you asked curiously. "If you wish. It's a message." he held his arms behind his back. You slowly opened it. It was beautiful. "This...this is really beautiful." you said smiling, but then became confused, "But where's the message?" you asked. He laughed softly, "Have a look at it." he said. Then he pointed to certian areas of the bracleet, "The bracelet, holds another. That represent you & him." he said. You became surprised. It's the symbolism that Junhyung talks about. 


He put on the bracelet on for you, on your left wrist, "And, when the bracelet breaks off; it means, no matter where you guys are, you will find each other & reunit once again." You smiled. "These 6 spaces of the bracelet, what do you think?" he asked with yet a fatherly smile. You smiled, "I think. To me, that you can go in & out from place to place to search for that person, until you find him at this place." you pointed at the blue diamond. He smiled grew wider, "I'm impressed. What do you think of the blue diamond?" he asked, knowing the answer.


"Well, Blue is my favorite color. That's all I know." you said humorusly. "And diamonds are very difficult to break." He pointed at the diamond, "Blue was also Junhyung's favorite color. And, how many diamonds are there?" You counted it menatly, looking at the bracelet's diamond, "5." you answered. He nodded. "What does that mean?" He sighed, "There is just more about the diamond. You must figure it out on your own." he said.


*That's what Junhyung also said* you looked back at the bracelet. "I must return home now. You should returned home as well." he said putting the boxes back together. "Oh, I'm was actually here to have dinner with my friends for my return from the states." you said walking towards the door. "Thank you so much Uncle Junhyuk." you gave him a farewell from outside & waved at him with a loving smile. He smiled & waved back from the inside.


You left & walked to the front of the enterance. Then you hesitated, * DAMN IT ! I SHOULD'VE ASKED HIM IF HE KNEW WHERE JUNHYUNG WAS !* "Ugh ~ I'm so stupid..." you said to yourself quietly, running back to his shop. But the lights were already out. He was no where seen outside, nor inside. You looked at the business hours, "Damn, he's close tomorrow & the day ofter tomorrow?" You made a blowfish face & walked away. 


You entered the 2nd floor of the resturant, "My gosh ________. Where were you? You were gone for like 10 minutes." Minah sat up straight. "Sorry, I was talking with Junhyung's uncle." you overlapped your arms on the table & layed your forhead on it. "He gave you that bracelet?" Minah said. You looked at it & showed it to them. "I have the same one, but the diamond is clear pink." Minah showed you. "Did he give it to you, too?" you asked confused.


Minah shook her head, "Junsung gave it to me." "Who's Junsung?" Lina asked. "He's my boyfriend 'member?" she said to Lina, with a surprised look on her face. "We've been going out for about half a year already. Remember?" Lina looked confused, but she's doing it on purpose. You started to have a humorus smile on your face. You placed your chin on your hand & looked out the window on your left. You saw a person wearing mostly black, with a cap on & something covering his mouth & about 6 fans squarming around him.


*What kind of celebrity would be walking around alone in a place like this.* you thought. Then a black van came, the celebrity got in & drove away. You can here the screaming & yelling of , "BEAST ! BEAST, SARANGHAE ! OPPA SARANGHAEYO ~ !" Most of these fangirls really bother the heck out of you. They don't know how to keep their distance away from celebrities that are minding their own business. You looked at your necklace, then at your bracelet. *Hmm...What about the diamond...? Obviously he's totally NOT going to marry me, that to me is sure.* you said in your mind, putting a blowfish face. 


You looked out the window again, but looked at the sky. The sun was going down, barely showing some of it's rays. The skies became blue & purple again. You can see the moon shining brightly with the stars & the city lights. You smiled. Hoping. Someday you & Junhyung would meet again. Soon. No longer than Later...

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Chapter 13: I was going through my list of subscription and I decided to reread the story ((although it is unfinished))
blastoise #2
Awesome haha
what the fudge??? that lady is a !!! damn... calmm your lady!!
@chapter 8: this chapter was a bit...everywhere and i was kind of confused during the transitions.....<br />
but it was still nice anyways =)<br />
junhyung is finally in the story after the first 2 chapters~ xx
@chapter 7: wow...she got the job? and y is it that the company calls so EARLY in the morning?!?!? normal people would call at like 9 or 10 LOL<br />
<br />
should i be worried about the last sentence? =P
@chapter6: OMG!!!!!!!! i knew that was going to HAPPPPEEEEENNNNNN!!!! ><<br />
and his brother just also happens to be minah's boyfriend rite? T.T
ForeverNeverEnd8 #8
haha, that's the whole point :) you need to read carefully :3 I'm sorry, his name is Dongwoon? sorry about that, i'll change it. yeah love at a young age is kind of yeah... lol. well, who knows, you'll find out soon :D
Whaa?? I don't get it ..... ____ is going to marry His brother?<br />
Anyways update soon~~
@chapter 4: it was his brother....O.o...<br />
hahahaha so wait, she's going to MARRY his BROTHER?!?!?!?!?<br />
O.o...<br />
and i always thought that junhyung was one of the guys that were good at maths ><<br />
btw, u misspelt dongwooN's name ^^<br />