

“Look at yourself! Drunker! No doubt Junsu is ashamed to have a father like you!”


“Don’t just blame me, Jaejoong-ah! Look at yourself! You are much more severe than me! You can just gambling, then—“

“But I make living for our family! I’m a professional gambler!


Junsu curled himself under his blanket while covering his ears. It’s not the first tiime he heard his parents quarrell. He was going to read his Japanese book, but he cancelled it due to the quarrell. He was sure he couldn’t concentrate in a fuss like this.

“Go away, Jung Yunho!”


Junsu closed his eyes tightly as he heard something was crashed. His heart overflowed imagining his mother or father was hurt because of that thing. Whether because of the remains or even the whole thing.

“Isk... Mommy~” Junsu mumbled, starting to sob when he heard his mother’s scream. Junsu decided to close his eyes tight, trying to sleep eventhough it’s not the time yet. He pulled his bolster into his blanket and hug it tight.

“It’s all your fault for giving birth to Junsu! If only you abort him that time—“


“It’s absolutely your fault! You me! If you hadn’t me, we wouldn’t had lived like this!”


Junsu’s heart was feeled like ripped when he heard his parents shouted it out loud. Didn’t they know that Junsu was in his room and he heard everything?

Junsu’s tears flowed down his chubby cheeks. He hugged his bolster tighter. The dolphin guy buried his face deep into the bolster, holding himself not to cry anymore.

‘Mom and Dad don’t want me,’ he thought sadly, ‘It’s no use for me to be here.’

Junsu’s sob was still heard for some moments later before it finally replaced by his soft snore.


Junsu made up his books quickly as he heard the bell rang. The dolphin guy shouldered his bag fast and ran out of the class. He disregarded Gikwang, Eunhyuk and Minho who asked him to play soccer with them.

Junsu ran out from his school. Ran as fast as he can to the hearest hospital. This morning, he broke his piggy bank and counted all his money. He had put all of his money in his pocket, and today he would do what he thought was right.

He has thought a lot the night before. After he heard his parent’s word, he had a will to do an euthanasia. Yeah, euthanasia. An injection to send homeless animal, or even prisoners to ‘sleep’. He decided to take the injection. His decision has been steady. He didn’t want to be a troublesome for his parents.

Junsu stopped running when he arrived in front of the hospital’s gate. Panting, he stepped in to the receptionist. The wind blown from an air conditioner hit his body.

“Excuse me,” he greeted a nurse who was on shift. “Could you tell me the directions to euthanasia ward?”

“Euthanasia ward?” the nurse frowned, “Why do you want to go there, kid? That ward is not good for you. Also, aren’t you supposed to be at school now?”

Silence. Junsu tried to think quickly, searching for most acceptable reason.

“My school has finished.” Junsu gulped his saliva, “I want to see my brother. He works in that ward.”

Silence again. The nurse looked at Junsu for a long time. Maybe concerned. And Junsu couraged himself to look at the nurse’s eyes too. Trying to gave an innocent gaze.

“Okay,” she said after they had looked at each other, “Just go straight from here, when you see an intersection, go to the left. The third ward on your left will be it.”

Junsu’s expression turned happy. “Thank you, Ms. Nurse!” he said, bowed once before he ran to the ward meant, following the directions that the nurse gave.

A moment after, Junsu arrived in front of the euthanasia ward. He gulped, imagining the doctor who will give him the injection. How the doctor will ask about his name, address, and how Junsu know about the injection, and finally decided not to inject Junsu.


Hope the doctor won’t ask anything too private,’ he thought, and opened the door in front of him.

“Excuse me...”

“Come in,” a man who was writing on his desk replied calmly. He didn’t lift his head from the paper he was writing on. “Do you bring me another prisoner—“

His eyes widenen when he saw who was coming. A boy. Well, not a boy, but Junsu’s height and cute face made the doctor thought that he was a boy.

“Hey there,” the doctor greeted Junsu who was still putting on his flat face(?). “What’s wrong, lil kid? You lost?”

Junsu walked towards the doctor’s desk, lean his hands on, and stared at the doctor.

“I wanna get injected.”

Hearing Junsu’s answer, the young doctor laughed. “It’s not the right place to get injected, young man.” The doctor stood up and messed Junsu’s hair. “You came to the wrong place.”

“No!” Junsu walked backwards, combing his hair with his fingers. “I came to a right place. This is euthanasia ward, isn’t it? I wanna get injected. I want to die.”


The doctor was dumbfounded when he heard Junsu. A young teenager asked for an euthanasia injection like he was asking for a vitamin.

“Listen kid,” the doctor embaced Junsu. Put on a gaze to Junsu’s eyes which were still swollen a bit. “You still have many years to live. No need to die before—“

“You don’t know anything!” Junsu yelled and release himself from the doctor’s embrace. Junsu glanced at the doctor’s nametag. Park Yoochun. “You know nothing about my life, Yoochun-hyung!”

Yoochun took a step backward, then he looked at his own nametag. Oh, so that’s how this kid knew his name.

“Yeah, you’re right. I know nothing,” Yoochun answered, sitting on his desk, “But I’m sure there’s another solution better than—“

“You know nothing.” Junsu looked down, his tears started to fall. “My parents don’t want me.” He added, and wiped his tears. Then slowly, he moved forward and grabbed Yoochun’s doctor coat tightly.

“Please, hyung... Please inject me.. I...I’ll pay you.. I get my money with me.. You can take all my money after I die.” Junsu whined with his teary eyes while Yoochun was dumbfounded once again.

“Okay, then.” Yoochun said after he thought about it. “But you’re just a boy. So I’ll give you free injection.” Yoochun walked toward his desk and took a sealed syringe. He opened the seal, and started filling it with some liquid. Junsu stared at what Yoochun did in silence.

“Finally.” Junsu put down his bag. “Finally I’ll make mom and dad happy.” Junsu crawled onto the bed and lied down. He put his hands on his abdomen, calming himself down.

Yoochun was speechless seeing Junsu automatically lied down. His hand was busy flicking the syringe which was half filled with the liquid. Then, Yoochun walked toward Junsu and his hair softly.

“You ready?”

Junsu nodded, “Never been this ready before.” Junsu’s eyes glued to his own arm, where Yoochun spread some alcohol on it, making it felt cold. Then, he piercing the syringe, putting the liquid into Junsu’s bloodstream.

The dolphin guy frowned a bit when he felt something was injected into his arm. It hurted a bit, but it’s okay since he will sleep in peace soon.

Yoochun wiggled Junsu’s arm slowly, waiting for the drugs to work. He stared at Junsu’s pale face and rubbed his chubby cheeks. His skin was flawless, Yoochun thought to himself.

“What should I do with your corpse?” Yoochun asked when Junsu’s eyes were starting to close.

“Just burn me down..” Junsu answered, and right after that, his brown eyes were closed.





That three words were Junsu’s first thought when he first opened his teardrop-like eyes. The light blinded him. He moved his hands to cover his face from the light.

Was this heaven?

“Oh, you’re awake.”

“Ohhh...” Junsu moaned when he heard that husky voice. He was quite sure that the husky voice was owned by the doctor that injected him. Did Yoochun inject himself too after giving free injection to Junsu?

“Wake up, kid. Breakfast’s ready.”

Eoh? Breakfast?

“Eeeeh?” Junsu automatically sat when he heard the word ‘breakfast’. His eyes were still a bit blur, but he could see Yoochun who was sitting in front of him, smiling brightly. Yoochun messed his hair.

“Wake up, sleepy head. You’ve been sleeping for a long time.”


“Sleeping?” Junsu yelled, “But...but you injected me yesterday! put me to sleep, didn’t you?” Junsu looked around in shocked. “Where am I??? You kidnapped me!!”

Yoochun laughed, “I didn’t kidnap you.” He kissed Junsu’s temples. “I didn’t inject the euthanasia drugs yesterday. I gave you anesthetic drugs.”

Oh. doubt Junsu woke up again.

“Why did you give me that?? I want to die, not only sleep!!” Junsu protested, started to hit Yoochun’s arms. Yoochun who was overwhelmed with Junsu’s hit, grabbed his wrist.

“I don’t want to put a depressed guy to sleep.” He stated, then he pinched Junsu’s nose. “Depressed people should go to a psychiatrist, not to a doctor like me.”

“But I wanna die...” Junsu pouted, “Mommy said he doesn’e want to have a son like me.. He blamed my dad for him. They said, if I hadn’t born, their life wouldn’t have been ruined.” Junsu snitched to Yoochun, letting the 7 years-older-man hugged him tight.

“Then live here..” Yoochun suggested calmly, Junsu’s hair. “I’ll adopt you to be my brother. Or you like it more to be my wife?”

“Pabo!” Junsu suddenly broke the hug, but immediately hugged Yoochun again. “I don’t wanna be your wife.. “ Yoochun kissed Junsu’s hair. “But I guess it’ll be fun to be your brother.”

“Of coourse.” Junsu buried his face in Yoochun’s chest. “But I wanna be your wife too someday.” He mumbled.

“Eh? What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Junsu replied, swiping his face on Yoochun’s chest. For Junsu, it’s enough just to be his brother. Junsu didn’t really hope to be loved.

But if Yoochun really wished to make him his wife, then Junsu couldn’t refuse too.


(A/N : omoooooo its been a long time since I write OuO sorry for bad grammars and misvocabulary >__< but I hope you like the story! subscribers are welcome! and comments are too! :D)

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nanacrimson #1
Chapter 1: sequel pleeeaaaseee~! <3
Chapter 1: Aww this needs a sequel! YunJae are so mean! >:(
icecreamchoco #3
Chapter 1: ei~ its too short authornim. make it longer please T^T
1210theRose #4
Chapter 1: lol Junsu.
Just admit that you want to be Yoochun's wife. XD
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaa i want more yoosu make a long one please?? *puppy eyes kekekeXD
anylia #6
Chapter 1: OohhhhOohhhh this is so cute!!!!!

But this is a one shot? ㅠㅜ

Will it be selfish if said i want more. Junsu is too cute to resist.kyaaaaa~~~~