
Hanchul Drabbles

Title: Photographs
Pairing: Heechul-centric, hinted Hanchul
Genre: angst, drabble
Rating: G
Warnings: none

Summary: Heechul's walls are covered with photographsHeechul’s walls are covered with photographs; memories and feelings he doesn’t want to forget. He takes his camera everywhere he goes, and makes sure to capture every moment, every smile. Every tear.



Because Heechul knows all too well that good things don’t always stay, that people move on and leave you behind. He knows that no matter how tight you hold on, they’ll slip right out of your grasp.

His photographs are the last thing he looks at at night, and the first thing he sees in the morning. They remind him of the past, and the feelings he felt back then. They remind him of smiles and laughter and a friendship he can’t ever replace. They remind him of egg fried rice before a busy schedule and whispered ‘good morning’s laced with a Chinese accent.

But most of all they remind him that he’s alone, that the hole inside him will never be filled. With every new picture he takes, he sticks them on top of the old ones, the ones that hurt the most.

Because photographs are the only things that last. Heechul knows best.

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Chapter 6: Your writing is so amazing.
heenimist #2
'Sleeping with Ghosts' is super sad. It's so touching. Another work of art.
heenimist #3
I've read this before. But reading it again is just like the first time. (I know it's messed up, but can you blame me? Your stories are just too amazing that my words come out incomprehensibly) :P
#4 took me to a different place when reading this..this is really great description..and of course a great story, sad yet interesting..
I love your writing its so descriptive! I love the stories too! ^.^
demiii #6
I love your writing. So melancholic and I mean that on the good way :)
Update soon~