Getting Upclose


>Woohyun's POV<


After talking to Key, i decide to go home. As I was driving, I saw Luna walking on the side of the streets. Why is she walking home alone? It's not safe for her to walk home alone. Because we're not close enough, I just decided to follow her secretly but silently. I drove slowly, I'm enjoying the thing that I was doing when she stopped walking and looked at my direction/ Did she notice me? Yes, obviously because she walked towards my car and asked me to put the windows down. I was hesitant at first but I soon get off my car and reveal myself.


"Uh, annyeonghaseyeo" I bowed and said awkwardly.

"Eo? Mr. Nam? Why are you following me?" she said in a serious tone.

"You should've honked at me so that I would recognize you. I thought that some ert guys were the ones following me." she changed her tone into a cheerful one. I didn't thought that she could be a cheerful person, then she laughed a little. I automatically laughed when I saw her laughing face.


"uh, ne." I let out another awkward laugh. Then I gathered all my courage.

"I'm sorry about that." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"By the way, wanna take a ride home?" I asked her with all my courage.

"Oh, that's much"

"No, it's okay. It's not safe for a lady like you to be walking home alone." I opened the car door for her so that she could protest no more.

"Arraseo." then she got in and I got in as well. I drove her home. My heart was beating fast. Do I have feelings for her already? When we arrived at her place a man welcomed her in the gates. I already have a rival even though I haven't started yet. She thanked me before going in her house. I sighed and just drove home and rested.



>Luna's POV<


I arrived home safely thanks to Mr. Nam. As I approach the gates, Onew welcomed me. I completely forgot about his offer. When we got in I quickly apologized.


"Uh, Onew-ssi, mianhe"

"What for?" he asked laughing a little.

"Earlier, you asked me to call you so that you can pick me up after work."

"uh, gwaenchanha. Don't worry about it." he smiled. After that an awkward silence occurred. Then Onew spoke up.


"By the way, who is the guy?" he asked me looking in my eyes straight. There's something in his tone, Jealousy? perhaps?

"Oh, that's Mr. Nam Woohyun. He's Mr. Kibum's friend."

"Oh, I see. You should go up and wash up. I'll make dinner" I nodded. I felt sorry for him.



>Onew's POV<

I was patiently waiting for Luna to call me but to my surprise, someone was with her when she arrived. I admit that I got jealous looking at the two of them inside the car laughing and talking happily. Then she got off and thanked the guy. When we got in, she apologized.

I don't want her to apologize, i want her to see my effort, my heart. I told her to come up and wash first so that I can prepare our dinner but to be honest, I just want some time alone. I was thinking deeply while making our dinner. All about her was just, perfect? There's none, not a single thing that's unlikable from her. Even when I first saw her, her face was dazzling. And now, when I came to know her, my feelings went deeper and I never thought that my urge to help her will turn out to be like this.





Ayo!! Mianhamnida for not updating often. I was just not finished in writing the whole story yet. So please anticipate! For those silent readers, please subscribe and comment! 

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i'm sorry for not updating. i've been really busy these past days. i will try to update soon. thanks foy your understanding.


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Chapter 8: that was fast XD. LOL. It was still goodz~
TeukNa #2
Chapter 8: its kinda rush but still good. somehow i feel sad about onew, he has a one-sided love. but i like the story :D
Chapter 6: wooow that nice I don't exapted to be that fast hhhh
Chapter 5: oh woow onew love lone too
cuute that will bee interesting
Chapter 4: oh she waer blue but dose he love her?
Chapter 3: yeah its really like
164734537484 years when you update
the important think that you update

thanx 4 update
Chapter 2: that intresting
i really cant wait
and also i wait see wht she bought
TeukNa #8
Chapter 1: seems interesting since luna is the main lead XD please update :D