Chapter 5 - Pain in the...

Haunting of the Past and Present

Areum's POV

I woke up this morning feel a lot more tired than usual, why may you ask? Well, a certain someone decided to stay out until midnight yesterday and came back without saying a single word to me after. Why should I care though? He's only staying here for a couple of months and then we'll both go our separate ways.

I pulled myself lazily off the bed to wake up L who was probably still sleeping from the night before. *One, two, three, four, five...ah* Having my eyes still closed, I reached for the door knob of the sixth door down the hallway. 

"L, you should wake up no-" I froze in my tracks when I had opened my eyes to see a half L standing in front of me. I quickly turned around and covered my eyes, with my cheeks getting hot. *Oh. My. God. I just saw L half ...But he did look pretty goo-* I shook away my thoughts.

"Someone's a little eager," he laughed but I could tell he was definitely smirking. 

"I-I was just wondering where you were yesterday!" I squeaked, still covering my eyes tightly.

I heard footsteps behind me and a pair of hands were placed on top of mine, lowering them until they reached my side. He turned me around by the shoulders, "Don't worry about it." He winked and sat on top of his bed.

"H-Hey, I thought I told you no body contact!" My face burned from embarrassment as he just continued to laugh and lie down on his bed. "And just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want to," I added quietly.

He sat up straight and fixed his messy hair, "Areum, you're sixteen," he stopped for a second as if I didn't know my own age, "I'm eighteen, and I think I'm capable of doing what I want." 

I crinkled my nose, "So now it's about age? I may only be sixteen but I'm definitely surviving better than you. Might I remind you who's house this is?" I demanded an answer from him, but he didn't seem like he was going to give me one anytime soon.

"Whatever." He muttered and pushed past me to go downstairs. 

*What's his problem? I'm the one who's providing him with a home* I thought, rolling my eyes and rushing down the stairs to catch him. I found him in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of water and completely ignoring my existance.

"What?" he asked annoyed, after he finally noticed that I was giving him a death stare. 

"What do you mean what? You owe me an apology!" I stepped closer to him.

"Apology for what." He leaned into my face, making me hold my breath. His eyes were dark and serious making him look even scarier than usual.

"F-Forget it," I stuttered as I grabbed my school bag exiting the house in a hurry. *How am I supposed to deal with him?*

He's so...UGH. Annoying, brat, irresponsible, unworthy, the list goes on but I stopped once I thought about why I was even thinking about his characteristics in the first place. I shuddered at the thought of his deep eyes staring into mine and quickened my pace on the way to school. 

"Hey Areum!" I heard Leah call me over to her by the school gates. I waved back and ran up to her, greeting me with a tight hug. "So, how's my good friend doing on this fine day?" 

I thought back to this morning and grumbled, "Let's just say that this day isn't so fine..." 

She tilted her head, "Why? Did something bad happen?" 

"If I told you something, would you keep it a secret?" I asked her quietly, looking around to see if any students were listening. 

"Of course! What is it?" She leaned in curiously.

I sighed, "Yesterday, an eighteen year old guy by the name of L came to my house telling me that he's been living in my house for the past couple of days."

"No!" She gasped, "Is he some pedo or...?"

"What? No! He's just a teenager who doesn't have a place to stay, so I let him stay at my house for the time being until the end of the semester," I explained to her carefully.

"Ohhh..." Leah nodded, "Wait. You said eighteen right?" 

"Yeah, eighteen years of pure-"

"Is he hot?" 

I shot her a disgusted look, "WHAT?"

"What?" she looked at me innocently shrugging her shoulders.

Now that I think about it, I never even got a chance to look at L in that way...Was he good looking? Sure, he had a nice body and a sharp face, but I couldn't see anything in specific unless he takes off his glasses.

"I...guess so..." I said slowly.

"Well then why are you complaining? You've got a hot eighteen year old living at a mansion with you, and you have no parents to tell you what you can or cannot do!" she laughed and linked arms with me. 

"I guess that's true, but it's different! I could never think of L that way he's such a bother, he's annoying and he's just...a guy," I finished lamely.

"And you're just a girl! Come on, we'll talk about this after," she pulled me into the doors of the school.

After school, I was feeling extremely guilty about the fight I had with L in the morning. The fight just wouldn't leave my mind during the entire day, which made me feel even worse. I took a deep breath and opened the doors to my house, wondering if L was feeling the way I was as well. I dropped my school bag on the floor with a thud, and started to look for L.

"L? L...? Where are youu" I called for him, but got no response. *Huh..that's weird. L said he likes to go out at night, not in the afternoon* I climbed the stairs, wondering if he was in his room or if he couldn't hear me from the second level. Suddenly, banging noises were heard from L's room. I approached the door slowly and turned the door knob opening the door and hoping that there was no half L this time. 

I didn't know whether to be relieved or more stressed, because this time, there was no half L. Just six other teenage boys lounging inside of his room. Inside of my house. 

"Areum..." L's eyes widened at my appearance. 


A/N: Hiya! So this update is a little short...oopsie. But they will get longer! So now Areum has discovered the society, what will happen next? 

Please don't forget to comment, subscribe, or upvote my story if you enjoy it! Thank you so much, and love you all! 

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Hi everyone! I'm back with a new fic! And this time, I have decided to take a different approach on a love line, adding in a supernatural touch.


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lostinthereality #1
Chapter 1: OMGGG!!! You live KAI and MYUNGSOO too!???? I LOVE YOU!!!
kikiiosz #2
Chapter 5: Omg how can you leave such a cliffhanger ?!!
Chapter 3: just to be clear is myungsoo a ghost?
Pooch-50 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh, I'm liking it! Very mysterious and well written ^^ That aunt is a pig lol