Chapter 2 - The Legend

Haunting of the Past and Present

Areum's POV

I let out the loudest scream that could possibly exit my throat and whipped my body around. Panting, I had realized that there was absolutely nothing behind me at all. *Where did that breath come from?!* This was starting to get stranger and stranger by the second. I threw my head back in defeat and went back downstairs to distract myself from the strange events. 

"Hmm..I wonder what there is to eat," I said aloud and opened the dusty fridge. I peered inside, but there was no food at all stored in the fridge. "I have to go grocery shopping? Really?" I groaned, shutting the fridge and grabbing my bag off the counter to head outside. 

♦L's POV

I fell back on the bed feeling anxious and dazed by the events that had just happened. Her's exactly the same as before. She still has the same glowing smile and deep eyes. 

"You almost got caught."

I jumped, startled by the voice of Sunggyu who had appeared into my room without me noticing. I sighed and pulled the pillow over top of my head, "I had to see her." 

"You saw her? What does she look like? What's her name now?" An eager voice popped up in the room indicating that Sungjong was now here as well.

"She's...beautiful. She looks exactly the same as before except for her voice and clothes. Her name is Areum, I believe," I could feel my lips tug upwards just by the thought of her. 

"It doesn't matter L, your purpose for coming back was for one reason and that's no-" Sunggyu couldn't finish before I had cut him off,

"I know what my purpose is," I gritted my teeth and sat up straight on the bed, "I'll be more careful, don't worry." 

"Yeah L, next time don't get so close to her you ert," Sungyeol's voice cackled from the bedside. 

"I agree L, that's my job," Woohyun said greasily from the corner of the room. 

*Oh great, now all of infinite is here?* I groaned and thought to myself. "Alright, where's Dongwoo and Hoya?" I asked them, annoyed at my lack of privacy in the room.

"Here!" Their voices called from the foot of the bed. 

"I knew all of you would be here...Why did you guys follow me?" I grew impatient with them.

Sunggyu walked over to me, "Did you forget who we are? We're the society. When one of us has to go back down, we all have to go back down, understand?" 

I looked away from him and rolled my eyes, "Doesn't mean you all have to come back to the house with me too," I muttered under my breath.

"Actually it does, we don't want any slip-ups from you," Hoya shrugged. 

"I can handle things by myself..." I whispered.

Areum's POV

I strutted along the dusty roads, looking down at my full grocery bags feeling pleased with the amount of responsibility that I had in me. *Living alone might not be so bad!* I thought happily and started to skip down the road. The grocery store wasn't that far from the mansion as I had thought, and was in walking distance. Along my walk, I noticed that there were many neighboring houses just separated by a line of trees rather than my mansion being stranded in the field alone. *I wonder who lives beside me...* I thought.

"Excuse me miss!"

I turned around and found the owner of the voice that was calling me. An elderly couple was sitting out on their front porch, the grandmother knitting what appeared to be a scarf, and the grandfather carving something made of a stick. I approached the two giddily, hoping to introduce myself to new people in my neighborhood. 

"Annyounghaseyo," I bowed deeply and greeted them, "Did you happen to call me?" 

The grandmother placed her knitting needles on the table to the side and smiled, "Yes dear, I heard that someone was moving into our neighborhood and we were wondering if that someone was you."

I nodded, "I'm new to the country actually, I used to live up in Seoul until my aunt moved me here," I winced at the thought of my aunt scolding me to move houses.

"Well honey, we're very glad you're here! It's nice to see new faces in this part of town, most of the people here have been living in this area for their entire lives," the grandmother continued, "what is your name?"

"I'm Song Areum," I reached my hand out to shake both of theirs.

"We're the Han's, but you can call us grandma or grandpa if you'd like," the grandfather smiled warmly.

"So Areum, which one of the houses in the neighborhood are you in?" grandma asked earnestly.

I pointed to my mansion sitting on top of the hill, "That one right there, it's a lovely new home," I gushed thinking about how proud I was to be living out on my own.

Grandpa immediately stopped carving and dropped his knife on the floor as the two gasped in shock. I blinked back at them, confused by their reactions. Grandma stood up and pulled another chair over to the porch, pulling me down to sit on it.

"I-Is there something wrong?" I raised my eyebrows.

Grandma looked at grandpa unsurely, "Dear, do you mean to say that you're living in Kim Myungsoo's house?" 

My head tilted to the side in confusion, "Is that the old owner's name...?"

Grandpa placed his knife to the side and leaned forward, "You mean you moved into that house without knowing the story behind it?" 

I shook my head, "I didn't know there was a story..."

Grandpa sighed, falling back on his chair, "This legend has been told for over centuries and is famous amongst this part of town. It is said that years and years ago, there once lived a handsome young man by the name of Kim Myungsoo."  I nodded encouragingly, asking him to continue.

"Kim Myungsoo was well known in this community for owning the largest house of the land and for being the son of the billionaires, Kim Sungjae and Hana. I suppose that's where he got the money to buy that house as well. Now Kim Myungsoo was said to be a fine young man, very handsome and very popular with many girls. But none of that mattered because his eyes were only set on one girl by the name of Lee Misun," grandpa stopped for a moment.

"She was very pretty, almost as popular as Myungsoo in fact. Misun was a commoner however, and being the son of billionaires, his parents didn't approve of her," grandma shook her head sadly. 

"So did they end up rebelling against his parents?" I asked eagerly and it surprised me how interesting this story.

Grandma sighed, "that's when the tragedy came along." I looked at her questioningly and turned to grandpa to finish the story.

"Myungsoo's parents refused to accept Misun as their son's love despite both of their efforts. In the summer of 1899, news was all over the town that Misun's body was found lifeless on the floor of the mansion."

I gasped, "Who would do such a thing?"

"It's not who would do it that was the big issue...Everyone was more focused on the fact that beside Misun's body was Myungsoo's with a knife in his hand covered with his and his lover's blood," grandpa spun his knife around between his fingers in sorrow.

"I don't understand...Why would he kill the woman he loves and himself?" I shook my head.

"They say that he would rather die and be with Misun than live and be apart from her," grandma closed her eyes. 

"And the mansion? Why did people refuse to buy the house after their death?" I felt my palms grow sweaty from the terrifying story.

"The mansion was thought to be cursed by the bitter love that ended in it. You're the very first person who has even entered that home since the investigations in the 1900's," Grandpa finished, sighing as he went back to carving.

"It's getting late honey, you should run to your house and fix yourself something to eat," grandma patted my knees and nodded at the two grocery bags in my hands. 

I smiled nervously and bowed, "Thank you for having me over grandma and grandpa." They nodded and smiled, waving to me goodbye as I turned around and headed back to the mansion. 

It felt like such a short period of time until I reached my front steps, gulping at the so said, 'cursed' mansion. Just a few hours ago, this mansion was just a regular home to me, but now...

*It's just a story Areum, don't let it scare you!* I thought to myself, taking a deep breath and entering the house. Everything seemed perfectly normal which eased my tension, making me forget about the story. I took out my groceries and set them on the table to fix myself something to eat. 

*I better get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a big day. I have to get ready to make new friends at the new school* I thought, looking down at my empty plate. I climbed up the stairs to enter my room and get ready to sleep. It was only then that I had realized how drained I was from the entire day, making me drowsy immediately as soon as my back hit the bed. 

*Tomorrow will be the start of something new...* 

Misun! Misun! 

I opened my eyes drowsily and blinked tiredly at the darkness that surrounded my room. My head rolled back a bit further when

something had caught my eye. A teenage boy was standing above me, hovering, staring at me with his burning eyes. 

A/N: Hi guys! I'm back with another spooky update, because heaven knows how scary my stories can get -_-

But hey, I'm trying! Ouuu we get to see a glimpse of L and infinite here, but what's this society thing that I keep talking about? hmmmm...I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I'll be sure to update more!

Please don't forget to comment, subscribe or upvote my story ! <3

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Hi everyone! I'm back with a new fic! And this time, I have decided to take a different approach on a love line, adding in a supernatural touch.


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lostinthereality #1
Chapter 1: OMGGG!!! You live KAI and MYUNGSOO too!???? I LOVE YOU!!!
kikiiosz #2
Chapter 5: Omg how can you leave such a cliffhanger ?!!
Chapter 3: just to be clear is myungsoo a ghost?
Pooch-50 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh, I'm liking it! Very mysterious and well written ^^ That aunt is a pig lol