Plans and Friends

Highschool Friends

Jonghyun’s POV:

After Seungri and I’s conversation about Top and Daesung, I felt a little bad. Bad because of how into Top Seungri was. He hid his affection for the boy well I must say. That’s where we came up with a plan. I would flirt and be ultra friendly with Daesung and Seungri would pursue his dreams with Top. The goal was to distract them from one another but not to break them up. Now I wasn’t into Dae like that. I really wasn’t. I loved him, but like a brother. Not as a boyfriend or lover. I didn’t see anything wrong with loving him like that but I just did not feel that way about him. Daesung wasn’t bad though. He had many qualities that anyone would admire. I had never really thought about crushing on another guy. Was it much different from liking a girl? I’ve liked many many many girls before. I mean….it can’t be THAT different. I wanted to be careful about this. Being caught up in this love triangle didn’t seem like it would end too well. Maybe I could get someone else to do this. Let’s see, well there was Ren, Donghae, Zelo, and Taemin. I wasn’t best friends with them but I was friends with them. No! I have the perfect person in mind! Yoo Youngjae! Or Jae as some called him. Jae was a complete flirt. He could easily hit it off with Daesung! Youngjae lived a couple houses down and I had known him since he moved here. He was in this lunch; I just had to find him. Once I spotted him, I scrambled through the crowded tables to reach him. “Yoo Youngjae I need your help please!” I begged. Jae turned around. “What Boo?” He popped his pink bubble gum. “You know Daesung right? Has blonde hair that covers his face, a bit taller than me.” His face instantly lit up. “YOU MEAN THE GORGEOUSLY PERFECT DAESUNG ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM!?” I swear his eyes turned into giant red hearts like the ones in Anime. “Errr…yeah him! Look, I need you to flirt with him. I think you can turn Dae for me. You’re attractive and flirty, better than me! He has wanted to be your friend for a while but thought you didn’t like him.” Which was actually true. Daesung was convinced that Youngjae hated him for no reason. Youngjae gasped. “I could never dislike such a beautiful creature! So delicate he is. When do I start?” Jae popped out his hip sassily. “Now or as soon as possible. I just need one thing to happen for sure. Daesung is planning to have a sleepover with me and Top Friday night and you need to try your best to get him to invite you.” I looked at Jae with hopeful eyes. “Easy, boo.” He snapped his long fingers and strutted in Daesung’s direction. I hope this works.

Daesung’s POV:

I hope Jonghyun hadn’t taken any weird stuff. He is never that way. I went to the refrigerators where the milk, soda, and other bottled things were kept. I was then approached by a rather cute boy I knew. It was Youngjae. “Hey Dae! I know we don’t talk much but we really should! I mean you're such a good guy. I’ve been oblivious for so long.” Jae fluttered his eyelashes a little. I found his action arable. I had liked Youngjae. He was very nice to everyone. Everyone except the guys that he didn’t like. I smiled. “Well I’m planning to have Jjong and Top over Friday night. You want to join?” I asked in a friendly tone. “Omo! That would be great. I can’t wait! What’s your number?” I gave him my number. “Could I sit with you guys today? My group has ditched me for the day.” He blew air up at his hair. “No problem. Come on, we always have room.” I paid for my food and walked Jae to my table.

The rest of lunch was pretty cool with Youngjae there.  I wish Top would have been here though. My big boy, going and learning from coach. I had to make sure to him about Friday. It wouldn’t be as fun without him. Surely he would attend. Do high school guys still sleep over at each other’s houses? I hope so…

Seungri’s POV:

Ew. Gym again. I hate this class so much! I can’t even rock these ugly uniforms. Not to mention all of the wandering eye belonging to unattractive teenage boys I have to change in front of. So repulsive. Atleast I had Jjong to work with me on Top and Dae. I think we could distract Daesung from my glorious lover. I refuse to let Kang Daesung have my prized possession. Top and I make such a cute couple anyways. “BOYS HURRY AND CHANGE WE’RE GOING OUT TO THE TRACK TODAY!” Mr. Dean yelled. He was the football coach and gym teacher. The coach of my lover, my problem, and my fixer! And the Taeyang and Jiyong. I guess they were important too. Yes those boys are important because they would be in Top and I’s wedding! Ahhh! Yes! I ran out of the locker room happy for once.

Top’s POV:

Finally it was last period! I couldn’t wait any longer for football practice. I wanted to see Dae work hard. It was hot when he worked. He showed so much aggression and I just loved it. Dae walked in instantly spotting me. Oh my precious Dae. “Hi hyung! I was wondering if you wanted to stay the night at my house Friday night along with Youngjae and Jjongy.” I smiled. Youngjae huh? That was new. “I’ll be there! Dude, we’re staying up all night! You got food? Tell everyone to bring food. We must have it!” I rambled on and on about food making Daesung laugh and show his perfect sunshine like smile. “Alright alright! This is going to be awesome!” The problem was that it was only Tuesday. I was so excited for Friday. This will be the longest wait in history I guarantee!

~~Class time passes~~

Daesung’s POV:

I was really happy that Top agreed to come over on Friday. Somehow I could get him to sleep on me or me sleep on him…hmmm planning planning lots to do! I’ll succeed. My aegyo skills killed the poor guy. I was given another reason to be excited. I got an A+ on my test! Also, practice was in a little over five minutes. “You guys can talk now. I surely have nothing else to say.” Mr. Dwills grumbled sighing heavily. “Are you going to invite anyone else?” Top asked. I had made up my answer to this question after Youngjae. “Nahhh the four of us is enough.” Top nodded. I spaced out for a minute. I imagined kissing Top over and over and over. I realized I was day dreaming and snapped out of it. Top stared at me. He would look at me, then inspect me up and down, then do it again. “You’ve got a good figure Dae. You just have to remember to keep it right when we play.” Top sat up straight. I jokingly protruded my chest and shoulders out. “Close Dae….You look like some type of very awkward animal.” Top laughed. I sat back chuckling. “You know what you look like? My first boyfr- BESTFRIEND! MY FIRST BESTFRIEND BECAUSE YOU ARE AHA!” I barely caught myself. “Did you say boyfriend?” Top gave me a seductive smirk. Oh Lord. I gulped panicking a little. “N-No of c-course not!” I avoided eye contact the best I could. Top raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Sure Dae. We’ll just see how well you say that on Friday.” Right then the bell for last period rang. Dang.  



Ok so now we’ve got some Youngjae in on the action. Jonghyun realized he couldn’t do it. Poor boy XD So Jonghyun and Seungri do have a plan. They don’t want to break a friendship, but will they? Or will it just right out not work at all? Sorry for the time its taking! Ive had many technical difficulties lately T^T Hopefully I can get a lot of chapters out before Thursday. I hope! Ttyl loves!

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syalgkw #1
plaese update...almost 2 year i been waiting for update
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 29: Sorry I commented to late =P. But I'm loving this story! One of my fave update soon! <3
MizzPeel0007 #3
Chapter 29: Thanks for the update, glad that Daesung is not too badly hurt. On a happy note Dae's Mom was not shocked as he talked in his sleep , like that bit.
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 28: Why does Daesung always get the short end of the stick?I sm tried of him getting beaten up.I wish someone would beat Jun and Seungri up.
GloriousMatilly #5
Chapter 27: Omg poor Dae.....I wonder what TOP will do to Seungri..? He should go to jail too. JUST BECAUSE. Update soon~! =3
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 26: So glad I did not miss any chapters in this story. But why would Jun just volunteer to beat our Daesung up?
Seungri needs some help in knowing when to let go of things and move on. Looking forward to the next chapter.
GloriousMatilly #7
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! UPDATE! I wonder what Jun has 7 mind....but at least everything went fine when they went to school!♡♡♡♡♡♡
GloriousMatilly #8
Chapter 25: Bad Seungri~! I hope ToDae will be ok!
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 25: I must say Seungri is acting like a spoilt child. He needs a good tongue lashing, wonder how he is going to get to do his dirty work for hime. Oh! my Daesung please get a little tougher to stand up to Seungri.
syupeo_choedae #10
Hello guys! I know its been long! I'm trying to work on more updates right now!