Chapter 4

And Then They Lived Happily Ever After



Chapter 4



They headed back to the pet salon after they finished their meal. Jongin refused to walk ahead this time. He held Kyungsoo's hand to keep up with his pace, and released it after they were in line.

Kyungsoo could not believe his luckiness; his hand was held by The Adonis himself. He mentally cried. The boy fought hard not to squeal out loud, he released a choked weird sound instead. Kyungsoo felt so light, so light and happy he swore he could float in the sky. How Kyungsoo wished to dance on his tip-toes, doing a pirouette and twirling the lamp post, as he was singing to his favorite Bieber's song.


Jongin coughed awkwardly. 

"Do you like to play basketball? I mean, I see you often at the field, so I guess, you have some kind of attraction to the game or something," he asked as he turned his head toward the boy beside him.

Kyungsoo was flabbergasted, pondering on how he should answer the question. Well, he did have some kind of attraction, but to the certain Adonis walking beside him and not basketball. He was completely clueless at any sport. Kyungsoo squeezed his brain, desperately thinking of anything basketball related.

"I love basketball! It's so interesting, snatching the ball, and yeah, it's bouncing, being thrown into the net, and it goes into the loop, and it's bouncing back, people scrambled to snatch the bouncing ball, and there's the championship for it too... mmm... have I mentioned that it's bouncing?" Kyungsoo stammered, twiddling his thumbs nervously.


Jongin chuckled. "Do you have any favorite player?" he asked, a breathtakingly vibrant smile tugged on his lips.

Yes. YOU.

"Err. Not really. Mmm, but I do know some names, such as Kim Kardashian," Kyungsoo stammered.

"Kim Kardashian?" Jongin was genuinely confused. He had never heard of any basketball player by that name.

"Yes, she just got divorced after 72 days of marriage from a basketball player. Or is he a hockey player?" Kyungsoo got confused by his own words. His yebrows knitted together in thought, eyes as big as saucer pans.

Jongin got even more confused. "Who is Kim Kardashian?"


And the rest of their walk was filled up by Kyungsoo explaining everything about Kim Kardashian, who was apparently married to a basketball player or maybe a hockey player for 72 days, and then got divorced.






Lulu and Kris had waited for their owners, all groomed and polished. Lulu looked contented. He lay down in ease, his eyes narrowed, blinking slowly. It seemed like the cat had not noticed the shocking purple ribbon on his head, and Kyungsoo planned to keep it that way. Lulu twitched his tail, releasing a brief meow when he saw Kyungsoo and Jongin getting inside. Standing up slowly, the cat walked toward them elegantly.

Kyungsoo startled at his cat's act, as he had never seen Lulu to be this much happy to see him. He was so touched. Kyungsoo spread his arms wide and bolted toward his beloved cat, just like in those lame dog food ads, where the not-so-good-looking owners (usually in their uny khaki colors loose sweaters) reuniting with their dogs in joy (cats don't bolt toward their so-called owners, ads or not).


Apparently Kyungsoo thought wrong. Lulu turned out heading to a completely different direction. The cat swayed his hips straight to Jongin, rubbing his fury body to the y legs as he reached him.

Hello, gorgeous, Lulu purred.

Kyungsoo squealed. He un-spread his wide opened arms and grasped Lulu hurriedly.

"No pheromone marking allowed, Jongin hyung is not yours!" he hissed to the cat.

Not yours either, Lulu answered lazily.


Kitty cat, please, control your hormone, Kris sighed, earning him some unhappy snarls. The dog was lying relaxingly on his stomach, swatting his tail elegantly. Kris stood up gracefully and walked toward Kyungsoo, swaying his tail calmly.

Come here, human, Kris barked huskily (or jindo-ly).

Kyungsoo tilted his head questioningly, but he approached the dog nonetheless (with Lulu still in his embrace). He bent from his waist to face Kris better. The dog sniffed his neck and both of his cheeks, just like the king of England giving his blessing on the coronation day (his regally attitude that is, not the part).


Lulu was so furious. It's his human! The cat hissed at Kris, his pupils narrowed down to form slits.

Hey, Bow Wow! Leave my human alone!! Lulu retracted his claws, scowling in frustration to find that they had been trimmed perfectly.

Kris looked at Lulu uninterestedly, yawning. He gave Kyungsoo a quick to the petite human's plump lips before swaying his way back to his human.

Graaaaahhhh! Lemme... Graaahhh COME HEREEE I'LL GIVE YOU A FACIAL ENHANCEMENT FOR FREE, Luhan screamed in rampage. kyungsoo held his cat tightly to prevent any blood to spill. It looked like that Lulu had just marked his eternal nemesis.


Jongin his dog under the chin gently and watched both pets with a clueless smile tugged his lips. He thought that it was normal for a dog and a cat to bicker, it was on their genes, anyway. Oh boy, he could not be more wrong.






Jongin turned to face Kyungsoo, holding Kris' leash.

"Kyungsoo, nice to meet you, but I have to go...," his voice trailed behind. Two creatures, the master and his pet, were looking at Jongin with their widened sad puppy and kitty eyes. Their eyes got teary like strays that were about to be abandoned.

"You're leaving already, hyung?" 

Jongin was flabbergasted. He would have never thought that he'd stumble into this kind of problem. He felt the heaviness on his heart seeing those little creatures with such hopeful gaze. Kyungsoo's small hands were clutched around his cat, that was meowing weakly.

Jongin's not-so-strong wall of defense collapsed into pieces.

"Err... do you want to go to the park? Kris and I always go there after-"




Jongin chuckled. "It's settled then, let's go!" He laughed as he had his way outside, swaying those very fine twin globes. Kyungsoo followed after Jongin happily, placing Lulu back to his pink lady bag. He made sure to perfectly count the length of each step so he could keep up the pace he preferred; being a little bit behind but not-too-behind.

"I parked my car across the street, come on!"


Kyungsoo nodded cheerfully, quickening his steps. Something unexpected happened; someone was driving his car fast running on the red light, just when Kyungsoo was about to walk through. Lulu stared at his right side of the road intensely. He had a hunch of what would be happening. The cat jumped off his pet tote bag right away, leaving Kyungsoo behind.

Before anything bad occured, Jongin grasped Kyungsoo's arm to the safe side by reflex, hugging the boy into his embrace. Kyungsoo froze. His wildest dream had just come true and kept going on coming true, as he buried himself against the toned chest. The boy released an 'uff' sound, his cheeks repeatedly against Jongin’s chest, his throat kept releasing those weird sounds.


"Uhm... Kyungsoo... Are you okay?" Jongin asked, unsurely, to the small creature building a comfy den on him.

 Kyungsoo shook his head repeatedly. He grasped the back of Jongin's shirt tighter.

"Okay..." Jongin stood there awkwardly, arms lifted up because he got Kyungsoo cuddling on him. Slowly he moved his hand to Kyungsoo's shoulder, gently patting the boy's back.

"There... there... You must be really shock, poor you..."

Kyungsoo nodded feverishly, placing his head under Jongin's chin. His fluffy hair brushed all over, spreading vanilla scent to Jongin's nostrils. Kyungsoo shook his head in delight.







Jongin had to drag himself with a cuddling Kyungsoo hugging him tightly, all the way to his car. Kyungsoo refused to let him go, muttering that he was still in deep shock so he couldn’t move a muscle. Fortunately they reached the car, and Kyungsoo eventually released his damsel-in-distress grasp, well, sort of. Jongin had to peel the arms circling around him, to get into his car.

Jongin opened the back door and gestured Kyungsoo to get inside. Kris sat on the passanger side at front (he didn’t want their pets to have a fight inside his car).


Kyungsoo sighed. He wished he could clutch on Jongin a little bit longer, maybe for the eternity. But then the boy regained his consciousness from the severe love struck situation. He narrowed his eyes in an accusing manner to the fat cat sitting innocently beside him.

“How could you leave me behind to face the danger myself, I could’ve died you know! Why can't you be more like Lassie or Hachiko, you fur ball of traitor!” Kyungsoo hissed under his breath.


Just get yourself the drool container then. Last time I checked I didn't belong in the same species as those bundle of pests -not even in the same family- you idiot, Lulu replied calmly, his paws.

And don’t be such a drama queen. I have seen that your Jongin hyung was going to safe you before I jumped out, thanks to his superb reflex and your lousy one. You have to thank me, for being able to hold on like a leech to your beloved hyung.


“I do?” Kyungsoo pondered, tapping his lips slowly in deep thought. He grinned foolishly, thinking over of what had happened. To bury himself. Against Jongin hyung’s toned chest. Hee hee hee.

“I guess I do! Thanks Lu, you’re my super precious good luck cat!” Kyungsoo grabbed Lulu and showered the cat with wet, sloppy kisses.



Euuuhhhhhh gross!!!






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mylovelywookie #1
Chapter 5: Wahhh. A sequel would be very much appreciated but this is good as it is. This is cute and lulu is such a sassy kitty.
curiousbaozi #2
Chapter 5: Omg.. that was the end?? Whyyy.... it's super duper cute story..
Chapter 5: Omg!!!! I was gonna ask for a sequel but then I read the ending and it was almost like a reply to my thought... Creepy..
Whyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Noooooo!!! It's too good to end yet!!! :")
I loved it!! But ... Yeah u probably know what I'm about to say! ;)
SooYeol1261 #4
Chapter 5: I pray for the Gods and Goddess in heaven for there mercy to kindly tell you to have a sequel for this amazing-cute-lovely story. I humbly tho ask.
Chapter 5: Too hanging. This story deserves a proper ending.
OMG THHIS WAS SERIOUSLY SO FUNNY XD really i laughed so so much xD end everytime something funny happend I had to read it aloud to my sister, so now she also knows half (or more) of the story xDDD
kyungsoo iis so creppy but oh so soso funny on the same time xDDDD and jongin xDohhh oh and the pets xD really it was so funny xD thanks foor sharing this story i enjoyed it very veryyyy much ^o^
rukichi #7
Chapter 5: i want more senpai. please give us. hiks.
rukichi #8
im just cried enough to fill atlantic.
you just want me to died. i love you.
rukichi #9
Chapter 2: lol lol LOL!!
omg im laughing a lot like....a lot. this is hillarious!! i love this!!!
rukichi #10
Chapter 1: oemji this is cute. oh my i love this, and all of youre story....especially trapped!! when will youre be able updating trapped chap 37 im sti- okay im out of the topics.
but i still love this, omg i want that ability too gosh.