Fate Has It

The Escapist

*Hyukjae’s POV*

Right after our serious talk, Taeyeon decided it would be best to dance to celebrate. After a few tries of getting Siwon the gentleman to dance on the dance floor, Taeyeon decided to leave him with Jessica. Of course, I wasn’t one to pass out a chance to dance. Hence, I took up Taeyeon’s offer and went to the dance floor with her. Moreover, I didn’t want her to be alone at the dance floor. Before you misunderstand, I was just worried for her as a friend.

“So, how’s Siwon and you getting along? You can tell he likes you, right?”I tried to ask amidst the loud music.

“Of course I can. He’s being rather obvious about it. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about him though,”she admitted.

“Why is that so?”I asked.

“Hyukjae, how do you know whether you really love someone? How did you know you love Haemin?”she titled her head as she asked.

My smile faded at that moment.

“Why did you stop dancing? You okay?”she asked.

“Er, yeah yeah, I’m fine. I was just…thinking,”I gave her a quick smile before I started to dance.

But after her question, I had to try to concentrate on my dancing which was odd since I don’t usually pay much attention to dancing. My body usually moves to the rhythm by itself. My brain, on the other hand, was busy conjuring up an answer for her question.

“I didn’t know, at first. That’s how she got hurt by me. You just gotta figure it out somehow and fast. Once it’s too late, it’ll be too hard to reverse what you’ve done,”

“Sounds scary to me,”Taeyeon shook her head.

“It can get pretty scary when the hand that was offered to you just slips away all of a sudden,”I nodded my head.

“I’m sorry for raking up the past. Let’s not talk about this anymore, alright?”Taeyeon patted my arm.

“I think you really like Siwon or you wouldn’t be finding ways to make him jealous. Cherish him, Taeyeon. Love doesn’t wait sometimes,”I smiled.

“Thanks for your advice. It is true that love doesn’t wait but I believe true love does. And I sincerely believe that Haemin is waiting for you,”she smiled back.

“Thanks,”was all I could say.

Taeyeon was too innocent and it was too early for her to know what I did to Haemin. Haemin wouldn’t wait. Not after what I did to her. I was a horrible person.

“Shall we head back to our table? I’m a little tired,”Taeyeon shook my arm while laughing.

“You go ahead. I need a breather,”I gestured towards the table.

I did some hand signals to Siwon, letting him know I’ll be outside of Monaco for a bit. Once he nodded his head, I turned towards the exit. As I passed the bar counter, I glanced at it to catch a glimpse of the Hae boy. But he wasn’t there. The only people there were the Dragon boy and a tall handsome dude. I tried to look around the dim club for the Hae boy. I was pretty interested in how he actually looks. He was too short to be a boy and I could sense that he was in fact a girl in disguise. There was just something about his whole figure that was so wrong.

I made my way out of the club and turned to the alley that I’ve seen him and the boys smoking the previous time. The whole alley was dark except for a bright blonde head. The short Hae boy is here! My eyes widened when I realised that I had hit jackpot and I began hesitating about whether I should go up to him to introduce myself. As if on cue, the blonde guy who had his back facing me initially, turned so that his back was leaning against the wall. He reached into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes. As he lit up his cigarette, my mouth fell open and my heart sank. I was right. It is a girl. But it wasn’t just any other girl.

*End of Hyukjae’s POV*

*Haemin’s POV*

It was a busy day at Monaco which was usually the case on a Sunday night but today was unlike the normal Sunday nights. It was so busy that Top was asked to be stationed behind the counter along with Jiyong and I despite Jiyong’s many protests. He kept insisting that we could handle it ourselves but our manager, Dongwook would not hear of it.

“I honestly think that you just hate it when there’s somebody in between us,”I joked with Jiyong as I waited for him to grab the bottle of Curacao syrup at the top of the cabinet.

“You are right. I hate it. I want you to be mine alone,”he growled as he passed me the bottle.

“Relax, buddy. I’m all yours. Anyway, Top is just here to help ease the workload. I’m about to go crazy from mixing,”I laughed.

“We don’t need him here. He’s just going to spoil the whole flow of our work. You and I have a rhythm when we work and he’s just not in the same frequency,”he laughed.

“I gotta admit that it’s true. Well, if you were to stop flirting then maybe he wouldn’t need to be here with us,”I knocked his head with my knuckles.

“Flirting? I’ve never done that!”Jiyong shook his head with a smirk.

“Yeah right,”I returned his smirk.

“I call it, building relationships with my customers,”he winked.

“Whatever you say, G-Dragon,”I shook my head as I chuckled.

“Are you two done whispering sweet nothings? I need some help here,”Top called out.

“You know what? You can go help Seungri serve or something. Hae and I are really fine here,”Jiyong patted his back before getting an order from a male.

Laughing at how stubborn Jiyong can be, I went over to where Seungri was.

“Yeah? What does your table want this time?”I grinned.

“They said they wanted four glasses of your specialty drink,”he winked.

“Have you been advertising my skills, huh?”I asked while reaching out for some glasses.

“Why not? You two are the best bartenders,”he shrugged.

“More like you just want the commission,”I joked as I put two glasses onto his tray.

“Shut up and hurry with the drinks, will you? What am I going to tell my guests if I take so long to get their drinks? Your speed is a joke,”he nagged.

“Why don’t YOU come over and do it if you’re so great?”I hissed as I placed the other two glasses on his tray.

“Aww, little Hae Hae is angry,”he cooed.

“Yah, are you bullying Hae?”

Upon seeing Jiyong, he grabbed the tray and almost ran with the drinks.

“Was he bullying you?”Jiyong asked, placing his arm round my shoulder.

“Do I look so easy? Why are you always worrying about me being bullied him? You know someone like him wouldn’t be able to win me,”I smirked.

“Aigoo, our little Hae Hae is all grown up,”he cooed, imitating Seungri.

“Ew, what kind of nickname is that? Will you stop it? It’s sick,”I stuck my tongue out, pushing him away.

“Now, I get why nobody ever wants to be in the counter with you two. Are you working or are you on a date?”Top raised an eyebrow.

“We’re having fun while working! And nobody comes in here when it’s our turn because we’re too good. We don’t need anybody’s help,”Jiyong flashed him an adorable smile.

“You’re so narcissistic,”Top frowned.

“That’s my buddy for you. Anyway, can you two hold up the counter for a bit? I need a smoke break!”I laughed as I ruffled Jiyong’s hair.

“Go ahead, buddy! Be careful at the alley!”Jiyong patted my back as I took out the apron.

Squeezing my way through the crowd, I made it to the quiet alley. Taking in a deep breath, I smiled at how it was so quiet out here whereas the other side of this wall was so noisy. Leaning my back against the wall, I took out my pack of cigarettes. As I lit one up and inhaled, I could feel myself relaxing. Smiling to myself, I closed my eyes to enjoy this moment. Oh, this is what I call, ‘heaven’. But my time in ‘heaven’ was not to last when I felt the cigarette being pulled out from my fingers. Feeling the rising anger at whichever idiot was it that decided to play such a lousy prank; I opened my eyes to glare at the culprit. But when I lay eyes on the figure that was standing in front of me, my frown slowly disappeared.

*End of Haemin’s POV*

End of Chapter


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sunlight_ #1
Hyuk jae oppa o(╯□╰)o
lorrainenightray #2
Chapter 23: Can i have jiyong.
summertime #3
Chapter 36: Awwwww! Its here tooo! Thank you~ <3
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 24: poor jiyong~ sigh~ so sad for him..
Vanessa276428395238 #5
Update Soon Author-nim!
Chapter 18: Heechul, thank you SO much. XD

I can't wait to see how their first date goes~! (:
Chapter 17: Hyukjae is being such a girl right now...

If you love her, fight for her! Don't just sit in your room and cry like a little baby because she doesn't love you anymore. It's time to man up, dude.
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 16: since jiyong cared for her so much why don't she just give him a chance and love him? i still hope two of them be together~
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKLSCRSCT I ship her with Jiyong now but I already know she's going to end up with Eunhyuk... T.T
Chapter 15: She better forgive Hyukjae soon~! XD thus ours getting frustrating.