Chapter 2

Rude Awakening



*knock knock*

Aigoo why isn't anyone answering? Am I too early? It's only 11:30 a.m. I look around and I don't see anyone. I was just about to knock again when the door opens up.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Is there something you need m'am?"

I look at this kid, dang he's tall. Probably more than 6 feet tall.

"I'm here to see my oppa." I reply.

"Oh you must be Daehyun's new girlfriend. You see he isn't here right now, his mom has just passed away and he's grieving. In Thailand."

"Ha ha very funny." I push him out of the way and step into the house.

"The bird has flown into the nest, I repeat the bird has flown into the nest!" Bwoh? Is he sending a distress signal around the house? I walk into what I think is the living room and look around, empty. I was just about to step out of the room, when I see the curtain move. I walk over and pull it open, revealing a boy with gigantic lips.

"Well you aren't Hyojung. It's okay everyone, coast clear." One by one, 3 boys appear into the room. So they were hiding. I look at all their faces, none of them are Yongguk.

"Where's oppa?" I ask the tall one.

"Yongguk? I think he's up in his room. HEY YONGGUK HYUNG COME DOWN HERE."

"WAE, DID YOU GUYS BREAK SOMETHING." Came a low voice, and I mean low.



"He said he'd be down in a minute."

"Well I'm standing right here. I'm not deaf." I reply back sarcastically.

"Feisty, I like it." Came another guy with a small face. Dang, I bet a napkin is bigger than that. Lucky guy.

"Is that a Busan accent I hear?" Says the guy with really good looks, and greasy hair. Too much hair gel. But definitely an ulzzang.

"I don't know you tell me." I reply back.

"This girl has got a lot of sass in her. Well we have our Busan boy right here." He points at the guy with big lips. He gives a little wave and goes to eat a bowl of cereal. "Did you ride the train here just to see Yongguk? He's in Busan at least once a month..."

"Ani, I came from Los Angeles."

"Ahh, that's a long way away, I think. Well welcome." Says a guy with small eyes. I give a little nod of thanks.

"Are you Yongguk's girlfriend? I've never met one of his girlfriends, I was beginning to think he was in the closet." Says the guy with the big lips.

"Yah I heard that Daehyun. You know everyone doesn't have to always be a player like you." Came the low voice, coming down the stairs.

"I try Hyung, I try."

I finally see my brother after 8 years. He's gotten taller, and I could tell his voice got way lower. Good looking too, ahh our family genes are just beautiful. When he gets off the staircase and looks at me, he freezes.

"OPPA!" I scream as I run and give him a big hug. "I've missed you so much!" I continue to hug him, but he doesn't hug me back. I let go and give him a confused look.

"Oppa, do you not remember me? I haven't changed that much in eight years. Well, my hair did get lighter, and my skin has a bit of color to it, and I did get taller, and puberty, but other than that don't you remember me?" I say with a smile on my face. He's standing frozen like he's seen a ghost.

"Hyung, what's wrong? Snap out of it." Says the ulzzang guy. He pushes Yongguk a bit and that broke Yongguk out of his trace.

"HOW'D YOU GET HERE?! DOES ANYONE KNOW YOU'RE HERE?! NANA WHAT WERE YOU THINKING." After saying that he goes around the house to lock all the windows and doors, even upstairs.

"What's wrong with hyung? He's never acted like this before." Says the tall one.

"Hmm weird. Well you guys must be his friends right?" I ask.

"Oh ne. I'm Choi Junhong, but you can call me Zelo."

"I'm Yoo Youngjae, nice to meet you~"

"I'm Kim Himchan, the most important friend of Yongguk's."

"Jung Daehyun."

"I'm Moon Jongup, and I'm heavier than dumbbells." I start giggling.

"Nice to meet you all. My name's Nana, Bang Nana."

All their jaws drop down in surprise.

"You're Yongguk's sister???" Says Zelo.

"Ne . Younger sister."

"This is bad this is bad this is bad." Says Yongguk as he paces around the room after locking everything.

"Hyung calm down." Says Youngjae.

"How can I calm down?! The minute word gets out that she's back in Korea, this war will get worse."

"Oppa, relax. No one knows I'm here, only you and your friends."

"What about Mr and Mrs. Lee in Los Angeles?"

"Ahh my caretakers? They think I'm in England, learning important things about important people."

"I'm gonna faint. Daehyun get me water." After getting his water, Yongguk takes a big gulp and rubs his head in his hands. "I have to tell mom and dad."

"ANIYO. If they know I'm here they'll send me back. Please don't, jebal~" I rub my hands together in a pleading action.

"Nana you can't be here. Especially not now, when things are bad. You remember what happened last time, don't you."

"The kidnapping? Well that happened when I was 10, surely I'm less wanted now."

"No wrong, you're more wanted now. The time they kidnapped you, there was fights going on underground, but this time there is a huge war going on between multiple mobs and ours. Especially Double Dragon. You don't know how dangerous this is."

"I'm sorry...I just missed you so much...I haven't seen you in eight years." I say with tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh god, a cryer." Says Daehyun, earning a slap to the head from Youngjae.

"Hyung, go easy on her. She didn't know." Zelo puts an arm around me for support. He turns and gives me big smile. I like this friend the best.

"You're right. You're right. Okay, I just need to get a breath of fresh air, clear my head." Yongguk stands up and heads to the door.

"I'll stay and keep Nana company." Zelo shouts after him.

"Nado." Says the others, except Daehyun that walks to the door after Yongguk.

"What's wrong with Daehyun? Usually when he sees a female his testosterone goes crazy." Youngjae asks.

"I have a feeling he just doesn't like me. I don't like him either, I mean who hides from their girlfriend."

"Don't mind him. He's a player but he has a good heart." Says Zelo. I give a little nod. I hate players. "So how old are you?"

"I'm 18."

"Omo, you're a noona to me. I'm only 16!" I look at Zelo with wide eyes. This giant cannot be 16.

"I'm 17, Nana noona." Says Jongup with a big smile. Dang, does this kid always smile?

"We're the same age~" Youngjae says.

"I'm 23 like Yongguk hyung. Daehyun is 20." Himchan says, looking into a mirror.

"Well you don't look a day over 19." I say sweetly.

"I know." Wow, so humble. I like it.

"I like you guys. You guys are chill. You can be my main niggas."

"Nigga? I like it. Nigga~" they all test out the word like its something so fascinating.

"Nigga, niglet, nigamos, all acceptable. Got it?" I say.

"Ne!" They all reply . We continue talking about my life in America, and I ask questions about Seoul since its my first time being there. I barely remember Busan, but the guys don't really have anything to say about Busan since they've never lived there. After 15 minutes, Yongguk and Daehyun arrive back in the room. The first thing he does is come up to me and give me a big hug.

"I missed you, you little dork." I chuckle and hug tighter, I become so overwhelmed at the moment of seeing the only person I trust that I begin crying. "Don't cry, I got you. It's alright." I try to stop crying and smile brightly.

"Oppa, can I stay please??" I beg with a puppy pout.

"You know it's really dangerous for you to be here. I don't know what I'd do if you were to be kidnapped, hurt, or even killed...the best solution right now is sending you back." Oh hell no. I did not just fly all the way here just to go back. I put on my infamous face and cross my arms.

"I refuse to get on the plane. You can't make me, I'm 18 so I have rights. I'm 19 in Korea, so I am an adult."

"Listen I know it's not what you want-"

"How about I hide out here? I can stay in one of your rooms, never leave the house. I'm okay with that, as long as I stay." I try to convince him.

"No that will never work the maids would see you, they come here and clean daily. Hiding will not....wait a second. Hiding. Thats a fantastic idea!" I see a light bulb grow over his head and his eyes glow with an idea.

"You're gonna hide her somewhere? How will that work. She's not that tiny you know." Says Daehyun.

"Boy I will stick my foot so far up your you will be screaming momma." I say with threatening eyes.

"Shh I need to think." Yongguk slowly concentrates as he thinks of places to put me.

"She can stay with me. I can talk to my parents, say she's a hobo looking for a home. I think they'll understand." Says Zelo, smiling. Yongguk looks at Zelo like he's a genius.

"Hiding her with one of you guys, that's genius! Lets see..." Yongguk looks at all of his friends and then his eyes land on Daehyun, smiling. Daehyun looks up from his second bowl of cereal, confused.

"No. No no no no no."

"C'mon please Daehyun! For me?"

"No hyung, I don't want to. Have Zelo do it, he's willing."

"C'mon you're the only one who lives in Busan! She'll fit in there, she has the accent. Plus the security there is top knotch. Plus you live by yourself, nobody to question who she is."

"You act like my parents don't visit me everyday. What am I suppose to say, she isn't my sister. We look nothing alike. And I'd think my mom would know if she pushed her out of the womb."

Yongguk looks at me, then pushes me next to Daehyun and grabs his arm and drapes it around my shoulder.

"PERFECT. You guys can act as a couple!"

"BWOH?!" Him and I both scream at the same time. He pulls away and I look at him in disgust.

"Aish why him? He's a player. Can't I have Zelo or Youngjae? Or Jongup?"

"Yah am I not good enough for you?" Himchan says.

"I can't date someone that is the same age as my brother...mianhae."

"Ehh fine. You're just jealous I'm prettier than you." I shoot daggers at him. Self conceited nigga.

"Hyung, I'll take care of noona!" Zelo says, grabbing my hand.

"Nado!" Jongup pipes in, putting his arm around my neck.

"We have no guest rooms since grandma lives with us now...mianhae Nana. I have to pass." Youngjae says, apologetically.

"Gwenchana. Yongguk can't I live with Zelo or Jongup~"

"Ani, you can't stay in Seoul it's dangerous. Daehyun, please?" He turns to Daehyun, literally begging. Daehyun looks at me, up and down and sighs.

"Fine. I'll do it." Yongguk cheers and thanks him. Aish, I honestly don't like this guy, but if it's my only way to stay in Korea I'll live through it.

"How am I suppose to explain this to Eunjung?"

"You mean Hyojung."

"Whatever. I'm gonna call her and breakup with her, she was getting clingy anyways." Oh no he didn't. I could just hit him right now, which I did. I ended up hitting him hard at the back of his head.

"YAH YOU TREAT A GIRL RIGHT YOU STANK HOE." I scream as I continuously slap him.

"STOP OUCH THAT HURTS. HAJIMA." I let go and he rubs at his head and gives me the death look. The rest of them are laughing.

"I think they're warming up to each other quite well." Says Youngjae. I give a little laugh and then go sit down next to Yongguk as Daehyun goes out to the porch to call his girlfriend.

"Can I spend the night here?" I say as I rest my head on Yongguk's shoulder.

"Ani, we have to be as careful as possible."

"Oppa don't be a loser."

"Yah, do you want to go back to America?" I open my mouth to reply, but I close it and lean back.

"What time do I have to leave here?"

"We'll Daehyun always leaves at 6, so I think at then." I pout.

"Cheer up noona, we can hangout till then!!" The two maknaes say with enthusiasm.

"Oooo can we go out and go sight seeing?" I ask with eager eyes.

"ANI. Like I said, Seoul is dangerous. We can only hangout here."

"Fine. Lets watch a movie, where do you keep your movies?"

"Noona I'll show you c'mon!"

"Yah Zelo, stop hitting on my little sister!"

"I'll take care of her well Hyung~" Zelo grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. Three floors, spiral staircase. By the time we reach the top floor, I'm dizzy. He pulls me down a hallway and into a dark room. He flips on the lights.

"Tada! This is the movie theatre room. This booth is where we control the movies. We can play video tapes, DVDs, CDs, even film. We got it hooked up to the Internet too so we can watch new releases."

I look around, impressed. There's about five rows, 4 medium couches in each row. Each couch can fit up to at least 2 people, oh how ual. Yongguk you dirty boy.

"The couch at the top right corner is Daehyun's. He uses this place to hook up with his girls. Mine is the second row, middle couch. Because I love being in the middle of the theatre, you can share that seat with me, if you know what I mean."

Ooo I see what he did there. ual.

"Byuntae." I say teasingly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I just simply asked you if you would like to sit in my seat~"

"Sure~ Arasso let's pick a movie. Are the rest going to watch too?"

"Mmhm I'm not sure. Lemme call them."

I sit down in Zelo's couch as Zelo walks over to intercom system and presses the talk button.

"Hyungs, are you guys gonna watch with us?"

"Ne, hold on. We'll be up soon." Replies Jongup.

After a couple of seconds of waiting, we hear several footsteps coming up the stairs. Zelo sits down next to me and drapes his arm around me, giving me a chinky smile.

"What are we watching?" Asks Youngjae, sitting down on the couch next to us.

"Oooo I wanna pick! Lets watch funny movie!" I say running to the booth to pick out a movie. Daehyun is in the booth and grabs a movie, putting it in the machine and starting it. He just looks at me with cold eyes and brushes past me to go sit down. I go to sit down back with Zelo and look up at the screen, an action movie. Great. 15 minutes into the movie I fall asleep.


I'm sitting next to Himchan. We're focused on the movie, on the edge of our seats.

"Damn this movie is great."

"I know right? The shootings look so real."

We watch the movie more, great a scene. I don't want my dongsaeng to see this. I turn next to me since she's on the couch beside mine, and she's fast asleep on Zelo's shoulder. Zelo looks at me and puts his finger up against his lips, signaling to be quiet.

"Yah, watch yourself Zelo. Hands where I can see them."

Zelo raises his hands a bit from his lap to show me. Good. I focus my attention back to the movie.


Aish this movie is so boring. And I'm starving again. I look over at Youngjae sitting next to me and he's on his phone.

"Youngjae-ah, I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat hyung?"

"Something sweet. Like cheesecake, or ice cream."

He stares at me with a grin on his face.

"When I say choco you say ice cream! Choco~"

Oh god not this again. I lean back in the couch and rub my head as he continues with his little jingle. When will this end.


Daehyun looks at me with an annoyed expression. I stop and lean back in my chair. CHOCO ! Ice cream ! CHOCO! Ice cream ! When I say vanilla you say ice cream! VANILLA! Ice cream! VANILLA! Ice cream! Ahh that never gets old.


I wonder if Nana likes to ride skateboards. I could teach her how to ride. I wonder if she likes cherry tomatoes. I hope not, cherry tomatoes neokkoya.


A bomb just went off in the movie. She's still asleep even through that noise? Dang she's tired. But so am I. Zelo shutting down.


I have no idea what's going on right now. But I'm just gonna smile anyways. Hmmm, I wonder what mom's making for dinner tonight.


I want a cheeseburger. Mmmm that sounds good. Hmm I wonder if my new hair gel is working good, better ask Yongguk.

"Hyung does my hair look fine?"

"Ne ne ne."

He didnt even look at me. Rude. I need a mirror, I wonder if there is one in here. Ehh I should just go to the bathroom, the movie is about to end anyways.

"I'll be right back."


I get up from my spot and I see Zelo and Nana sleeping together, aww how cute. Zelo sure does like Nana, but why won't he let me hug him? I'm too fabulous for him anyways. I walk out of the bathroom to check my hair, yep. Beautiful as always.


I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

"Yah, Nana wake up. You too Zelo."

I open my eyes and Yongguk is the one trying to wake us. I look at Zelo and he's blushing, oh god I fell asleep on him. How embarrassing.

"Nana-shi, you should watch yourself. Zelo is still illegal~" Says Youngjae teasingly. I can feel my cheeks burning up.

"Y-yah. Hajima." I punch his arm lightly.

"You know it's almost time to go." Says Daehyun looking at his watch.

I pull out my phone and look at the time, 5:50. Great how many movies did they watch?

"You guys should leave soon if you don't want too much traffic" says Yongguk.

I sigh. We all get out of the room and all heading downstairs. "Zelo-shi where is the bathroom?" He points to the second door on the right.

"Gomawo." He walks downstairs with everyone and I go to the bathroom and pee. Wah this bathroom is amazing. A gigantic bathtub, and shower. Sitting on this toilet makes me feel like royalty. And the toilet paper itself is so soft, I'm in bathroom heaven. Okay, that sounded weird. I think it's cause I'm hungry, oh well. I wash my hands and fix my fishtail a bit. I get out of the bathroom and hear talking in the living room.

"Himchan I haven't seen you in so long, oh you've gotten handsomer!" Came a lady-like voice.

"Zelo, you're growing so fast. By the time you're my age, you won't be able to fit in this house hahaha." Came a deep voice.

I start walking down the stairs. "Oppa I'm ready to go" I say as I start walking down the second staircase to the last floor. When I said that, I get pulled to the side and buried into someone's chest.

"Who was that Yongguk?" Says the deep voice.

I struggle to break free until I look up. Daehyun. He shushs me and looks down the staircase. He pulls me into one of the rooms with a bed in it, still holding my arm. We listen closely.

"Ahh that, it's just uh, Daehyun's girlfriend. Yah...Hana, Daehyun is in his room in the second floor!" He shouts out.

"Phft Hana? What is he talking about?" I ask Daehyun.

"Pabo his parents are downstairs." My eyes turn wide and I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"How are we gonna get out of here? Eottoke..."

Daehyun looks around his room and grabs a face mask from his desk. He wraps one side around one ear and the other on my other ear. He positions it so it covers all the way to my eyes. We make eye contact, and I look awkwardly down at the floor.

"Arasso you can't tell it's you, let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. We slowly make our way down the stairs and he interlocks his fingers into mine. I look up at him confused.

"We have to be convincing. Just follow my lead." We make it to the bottom floor and I see them. The two people I have to call my parents. The two people who sent me away, that made me feel so lonely. I could only look at them with hatred. He squeezes my hand a bit, I look around a bit confused.

"Say hello" he whispers.

"Annyeonghaseyo Mrs and Mr. Bang" I say in a higher voice than i actually have and bow down 90 degrees. I could feel tears b in my eyes, but I don't understand why I want to cry.

"Annyeonghaseyo" they both say back.

"Daehyun-ah you have grown so much. And your girlfriend is charming. May I ask about the mask?"

"She's sick, so it's to not spread any germs." Wow he lies well.

"Ahh I see, well it's nice to meet you.."

"Hana" I tell her

"Ahh such a pretty name. I bet without that mask, you'd be very pretty. I hope you get well soon, and come over so we can meet properly." She says smiling and shaking my hand. I could feel tears b in my eyes, but I don't understand why I want to cry.

"Hyung, me and Hana are gonna leave now."

"Ah, arasso. Well take care." Yongguk comes up and gives Daehyun a brotherly hug and gives me a little nod. Probably not to make his parents suspicious.

"Annyeong noona!!" Zelo hugs me and hugs Daehyun. The rest of the guys do the same and I grab my stuff. I wave goodbye to everyone an bow to my parents. Daehyun and I go to the front of the main mansion and get into his car, a Porsche 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid. I don't know much about cars, but from the look and smell if it I could tell it's expensive. Daehyun is putting my stuff in the trunk. I take off the mask. I look back at the house and start crying a bit, crying that turned into sobbing. I hear the trunk close and put the mask back on and wipe my eyes before he gets in the car. He looks at me as I try to avoid his gaze, tears still coming out rapidly.

"Stop crying, I don't like this either. You don't see me crying."

I bit my lip and give him a nasty look. This is gonna be a long ride.

I've decided to continue this story if I get a lot more support.  Everyone please subscribe and leave comments~

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Chapter 5: Bahahhaha I can't even right now !! Nigga update soon !! Da queen is waiting ((;
Chapter 5: I love this story!!!!!!
Updat soon:)
commonwords #3
ily boo welchs
Chapter 4: This chapter is really CUTEE !! Unexpected too !! Update today ma nigga . I is waiting like a queen ((; Kekekeke kidding . Love it !!
Chapter 3: Bahahahahaha such a funny chapter !! I'm loving this !! Y-YAH GET OUT !! Bahahahahaha
Chapter 2: Please update again !! It's such a good story !!
Chapter 1: Wah !! You've out done yourself !! CHUKAHAE !! Author-nim UPDATE SOON !! Kekekeke ((;
Chapter 1: Wah !! You've out done yourself !! CHUKAHAE !! Author-nim UPDATE SOON !! Kekekeke ((;
YuniOfficial #10
Please update soon!!!!! :) I wanna read this story so badly!!!!!