Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny


Sungmin was exhausted. Between learning Chinese, Super Junior M promotions in Taiwan, and flying around the world to attend and perform concerts with his fellow members, Sungmin just wanted to take a nap. They even had work on Easter! Henry had been nice enough to buy everyone a chocolate bunny to celebrate, but Sungmin was too tired to even munch on the tasty treat.



Although he was ready for a nap, Sungmin had noticed that Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, and Donghae had disappeared once they returned to the dorm. He figured that they were playing Starcraft again or getting into trouble somewhere.



The dark-haired singer felt kind of down that Kyuhyun had barely looked at him today. It was like the younger man didn't want to speak to him.



Had he done something bad?



He had glomped Henry after he received his chocolate, and Kyuhyun could be a very jealous boyfriend sometimes, so it was possible that he was mad over that hug.



If that was it, then he had to apologize. Maybe he could share his chocolate bunny with him.



Meanwhile, safely behind the closed door of his room, Kyuhyun stared in disbelief at his two hyungs. Eunhyuk and Donghae smirked at each other and revealed the pink, furry thing they had been hiding behind their backs.



What the hell is that?” the magnae asked.



It's a bunny costume. Sungmin would love it if you wore it,” Eunhyuk said with a smile.



It is Easter, after all,” Donghae added, his grin full of mischief.


There were two things Kyuhyun hated. The first was the color pink. He detested it...unless it was on his darling Minnie. The second was bunnies. Sure, they were cute and suited Sungmin just fine (and they were pretty good in chocolate form), but Kyuhyun and pink, fluffy bunnies did not mix.


He shook his head, his glare shifting between his hyungs and the abomination they were holding. “No way.”



Donghae pouted slightly. “Not even for Sungmin?”



Kyuhyun raised and eyebrow. “What makes you think that Min would enjoy seeing me in a bunny costume?”


Sungmin's been so tired and stressed lately with all of our Super Junior M promotions. We're just trying to put his favorite things together.” Eunhyuk pushed the suit into Kyuhyun's arms, ignoring the protesting looks he was receiving from his dongsaeng. “You, the color pink, and bunnies.”


Kyuhyun glanced down at the bunny costume. “There us no way in hell I'm wearing this!”



Ten minutes later...



I can't believe I'm wearing this.”


Kyuhyun glanced down at himself. He looked like he had been swallowed alive by a pink, furry mass.



The bunny costume consisted of a full-body pink jumpsuit covered in soft pink fur with a white belly. It was complete with a white puffy tail and a giant pink bow tied around his neck. On top of his head, he wore a headband that had two white bunny ears. One of them drooped annoyingly in front of his face. He huffed and blew an aggravated breath, flipping the ear away from his eye.


He secretly vowed to kill Eunhyuk and Donghae later.



The longer he stared at himself in the mirror, the more like an idiot he felt. He was seriously considering changing out of the costume when he heard a knock at the door.



Kyu, are you in there?”


Crap! It's Sungmin! This was such a bad idea! Kyuhyun froze, totally regretting this decision. “Y-yeah, Min. Um...d-don't come in!”



But I wanted to talk to you.”



Kyuhyun began to panic. His cheeks flushed a dark red. This was so embarrassing! I can't let him see me dressed like this! He's going to laugh at me.



The door opened anyway and revealed a blushing Sungmin who held his box containing the chocolate bunny in one outstretched hand. He was staring at the floor and didn't look up as he said, “I'm sorry I hugged Henry. It's just that I really appreciated this and I didn't mean to make you mad. You can have my chocolate bunny as an apology.”



Kyuhyun didn't have much to say. Wait. Sungmin thought he was mad? Well he had been kind of bratty lately. It was from both his personality and the stressful schedules. But he could never be mad at Sungmin. Still, he couldn't help but smile at his cute boyfriend's apologetic gesture. It was so like Sungmin: sweet.



When he still hadn't gotten a reply, Sungmin looked up. And when he did, he nearly gasped and laughed all at the same time.


The last thing he expected his cool, calm, snarky boyfriend to be dressed in was a pink bunny costume.



It was kind of attractive...in a weird, adorable kind of way.



The taller male flushed bright red. He started getting defensive. “U-Uh..it's not what it looks like. I-I...Stupid Eunhae made me do it! They said it would cheer you up!”



For a moment, Sungmin didn't say anything. He just stared and made Kyuhyun feel even more uncomfortable and self-conscious.



But then...



Aw~ Kyu~ You look so cute!” Sungmin all but jumped on the other and buried his face in the soft fur at Kyuhyun's shoulder. He pecked his bunny boyfriend's lips and smiled brightly.



Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all, Kyuhyun thought as he embraced his Minnie tightly and kissed the older male again.



Now all I need is a picture!” Sungmin squealed, breaking Kyuhyun's hug in search of a camera.



Okay, maybe it was....






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KanariKurarisu #1
Chapter 1: I wish he would wear it in real life xD xD. I'd totally faint xD
koutaroux #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute~! To think that Cho Kyuhyun will do this for Sungmin^^/ Too bad he regretted afterwards, lol
Thanks for the update♥
Chapter 1: OMO Kyu did this for min awwwww so nice
neverland85 #4
Chapter 1: This is funny & cute!!!