First Date~

Sweet as honey


Its morning. You were sleeping on his embrace. Fast asleep. Then you guys awaked by loud noises. The B.A.P members. 
ZL " hyuuung~ " 
JU " __-ah ~ Annyeong! " 
YG " Yah wake up!! " 
DAE and JAE " Himchan~~~~ Kim Himchan~~ " 
you quickly gets up and stand further from them aftr h saw 'em. you bowed almost like 10x times. They then laughed. you blushed. head down. playing with ur fingers. Himchan whined as he gets up. 
" WHAT THE?! since when you guys waked up? " 
BYG " Lol.. its already 9 AM. What are you doing sleeping late huh? Oh wait.. " 
guk smirk. looking at u. the others just giggles. Himchan then walk toward u and put his shoulder around u. " She's mine now. *yawn* " 
YG " mwo? yah!! didnt i tell you shes mine?!! " ur eyes widened. WHAT?!! he chase himchan and they start to running around chasing each other and arguing. THEY'RE CHILDISH . you though and giggles. 
Zelo walk toward u and grab u to the kitchen. " breakfast! " he smiled and gave u pancakes. he then sat infront of. " Ya know. himchan and yongguk hyung really likes you. sometimes they will fight about you. they even didnt sleep at night to think how to confess to u. looks like himchan hyung gets first. " you blushed. when u finish ate U listen to zelo story about how B.A.P members felt about you. 
Himchan and yongguk still arguing. Dae and Jae suddenly act so good cleaning the living room. JU are with you and Zelo. Curious something? Yeap. They are having 1 weeks off. You guys were in Jeju Island actually. 

-Back to your room- 
" how could this happen? It feels like im in a dream. They.. like me? Himchan.. Yongguk.. " 
you couldnt stop thinking about 'em.. B.A.P have been liking you since you first appearance . Yongguk and himchan starts falling in love you as time goes by. But Himchan confess to you first. You felt bad for yongguk. you like him too actually but Himchan.. he is like half of ur life. 
you get dressed and went outside to take a walk from all the sudden things. you walked to dumunpo seashore and play with the waters. 
you stunned. You turned around and saw himchan with some babys at the back taking pictures. " erk.. yahh.. babys.. picture.. " he giggles " Dont mind 'em~ Our relationship have been accepted by Manager Kang. He said i can have youuuuu~ " he brushed his nose with urs. you blushed. HE'S SO... CHILDISH.. CUTE... ASDFGHJKL he grab ur hands helping u gets up. " Lets go~ " " where? u ask astonished " " somewhere people wont see us~" he smirks and ran toward a car. he open the door for you to enter. he then drove you somewhere. 

-In the car-
" where are we going? " " just wait. " after a few minutes you guys arrived at Halla Arboretum. " Why is the name so weird? " u asked as u get out from the car and walks toward the gate. " but its really nice. " you admire the view while himchan brings out a bike and a backpack hanged on his back. " whats that for? " he just smiled and walk inside the park. you followed behind. " We have to pay right? " " pabo its free~ " " ohh..." 
You walk behind him. His backs.. even makes ur heart fluttered. Everything about him makes u melt. 
"ouch! why u stop? " "ride" he pat the bike seat. U hops and himchan starts to cycle. u automatically hugged him. you about to release ur hands from him but he hold it "ah mia-" " no. just stay like this. " you blushed by his words and you tighten ur grip. he cycled u around the parks. you enjoyed the view. its really beautiful. those green trees. flowers. its nice. And the breeze~ 
then he stop at an empty spot. Its wide. clean. " go there " you walked toward at the middle. and stood still. suddenly the winds blow till ur hair loose from ur hairband. 

- Himchan POV- 
i stop. staring at her back. She's beautiful. Her hair. Her body. i shook my head and walk toward her. wait.. why is my hearts skip a beat. ah.. himchan no. 
" __-ah" she turned to me with her annoyed face makes me giggles. " whats wrong ? " 
" the winds.. blew my hairband.. urghh " she shrug. 
" you look more stunning without it " i said calmly.

-author POV- 
himchan took out a mat from his blanket and laid it for you both to sit. you both sit in an awkward silence. " umm .. himchan.. oppa.. " " yea? " 
" why.. i mean.. what makes you like me? " u said looking straight into his eyes. then look back at the square shaped mat. " im just a normal girl. you should be dating an idols instead " chu~ himchan kissed ur nose and poke it. " Idols like me doesnt mean i have to date an idols. You're normal yet special to me. You aint becoming my girl for no reason. This is true not a dream. You're perfect for who you are. You make me fallen in love with your charming.. cute attitude " he grins. you went speechless. 
himchan laughed. "yahh! " u scold in embarrass . " okay.. guess you hungry?" he took out something from his backpack. Box. Lunch box. he opened it. " one only? " " yeah. not enough?" you shook head and smiled. " its enough~" He took a chopstick and feed u.
Its 2 pm already. and u guys still at the park. you were laying down on his lap.
" __-ah .. you know i only get 1 week day off right? " 
" ehum.. " 
" so.. umm.. are you fine if im away from u? " 
u knew he would say bought this. ur tears start fallin. slowly. u didnt answer him.
" __-ah? " u turned to look at him. chu~~ He kissed ur lips. Just like the first time. The feels. He break it and smiled as he ur hair. " Don't cry. I promise i will still text you and called you if i got time. you still will attend our concerts or fanmeet right? " u nodded.
u gets up and sat toward him. " oppa.. is this.. a.. date? " u ask suddenly. he giggles . " yes baby. Our first date " 

Second chapter~ How was it? I will continue next one if you guys want more :) Just leave a comment. Thank You.

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