
Autumn Love
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“Argh, why is my room such a mess when I’m barely in here!” Jaehwa cried out as he stared at his room. It was indeed a mess. Clothes that weren’t used were randomly thrown to the side, his bed was crumpled from being used and next to his desk was a bin over-filled with paper balls.


“Maybe it’s because you don’t bother cleaning,” Shin stated, walking inside his brother’s room before plopping on to the surface of the bed sheets.


“I do clean,” Jaehwa retorted, crossing his arms with annoyance.


“Sure you do,” Shin replied with a snort before resting his head over his crossed arms.


Jaehwa huffed at his brother before making a move to empty his bin. Using a plastic bag he found, he stuffed all the rubbish in it and tied it up before going over to the pile of clothes that was stacked up on this chair. The chair that holds all clothes that was at least worn once. (we all have this don’t we? *wink*)


Picking up the clothes with a wrinkled frown, he started folding the ones he only wore once and threw ones used a lot to the side-so he could put for the wash. As he was going through the clothes, he found some from his younger days.


“How did this get here?” he asked himself as he picked up a small scarf, that could possibly not fit him, and stared at it before going through some other ones that were hidden in the pile. Looking through he found one small red jacket that he used to love and wore when he was around 7.


Jaehwa’s face lit up in recognition as he ran his fingers along the fabric. While running his fingers against the surface, he felt a small bump on it and frowned. Lifting up the jacket, he thoroughly checked the pockets until he found what he was looking for.


“Look at this!” he called out to his younger brother that was dozing off on his bed. He held out a laminated coloured picture that was slightly crumpled. Shin looked up from his place before deciding to crawl over to his brother.


Shin stared at it before tilting his head to the side. “Is that us?” he asked unsurely, looking at two young boys at the side of the picture. “If so, then who is that?” Jaehwa’s nose crinkled in concentration as Shin pointed to a girl, a few years older than the boys in the picture.


It clicked. Jaehwa’s eyes widen in surprise. The hair colour, the smile, the eyes- it was much similar to the younger ones that looked like their younger-selves. Could it be? “It’s our sister,” he whispered.


He wasn’t sure how he knew but from the back of his memories, he could always remember an older girl looking after them when they were younger-before they were adopted into the Kim family.



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Chapter 28: Its good that minah is not so evil hahaha btw lovely story love it !
kpopdaepopitup #2
Chapter 28: Finished
kpopdaepopitup #3
Chapter 13: Im loving these gifs
Chapter 28: OMG , I don't realized that this is the end already. I am so happy reading this. You made a great ending to it. I will have the same tears if someone did the same for me. I felt the love that you are trying to portray throughout the whole fic , and it was amazing.
Thank you so much and I hope that you will write more fics in the future. This was a great piece. Love you :)
Chapter 26: Is this your last chapter or will you update more?♡♡
Chapter 25: I didn't even realize that this was your last update :o... And now???
Chapter 23: Ah... OK... They have some boundaries and she (minah) has been nice to them... Hopefully
Chapter 22: I'm speechless.. Like seriously minah's brothers??? Really??!!!
Chapter 20: Oooooooooowwww so lovely! Dae is such a tease
Chapter 18: Come on dae just speak up!!!