His eye smile

Autumn Love
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“JiHyun dear, chew properly before swallowing,” Mrs Seo states, seeing you stuff 3 big pieces of pancake into your mouth before attempting to chew and swallow. You nod your head at her before finishing off a few more pieces and placing your plate in the sink.


“Done!” you chirp before grabbing your bag and heading towards the door.


“Off to the orphanage again I see,” Mr Seo states knowingly, looking up from his cup of coffee. You smile and nod your head in response.


“I’m going!” you call out before opening the door and walking out, while hearing ‘take care’ from both your parents. The door closes behind you and it only takes you few steps to get to the main road. “Today is going to be a good day.”


But you falter in your step as you heard someone else’s door closing and footsteps walking towards you. You gulp and dared to glance to your right, seeing the one and only Daehyun of the neighborhood. “D-Daehyun,” you stutter out, trying to hide the giddiness that was about to erupt inside.


Daehyun looks up from the ground and blinks at you before nodding in response. He been acknowledging you more ever since you two met at the mall. You bite your lip and try to come up with a conversation, noticing that both of you were walking in the same direction.


“So—are you going somewhere today?” you query.


Daehyun just nods in reply as he silently walks beside you with hands in his pockets. You mentally groan inside, can’t he at least say something. Even he’s two word replies are much better than his nodding and head shaking.


“Where to?” you ask, titling your head to the side. Daehyun looks at you from the corner of his eyes before shrugging. “Not going to tell me huh? Well I’m off to the orphanage! The little children are so adorable, you should see them.”


Daehyun nods again, irritating you and making you pout. Daehyun just smiles softly behind his mask. He knows that you go to the orphanage regularly, he even saw you play with them. It sort of made his heart melt to see you smile brightly while playing with children—not that he would admit ever in his life—and today, he wanted to visit them too. Coincidentally, you were going to visit them on the same day he decided to go. 


It only took few minutes before you both were in front of the orphanage, you stare at Daehyun and blink at him with confusion. “Aren’t you going somewhere today Daehyun?” you question, in return the other nodded. “Then why are you here?”


“To visit,” earning a surprise look from you, “I promised one of the girls here, I would come back and visit.”


“You—what?” you respond with a baffled look. “When did you visit t

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Chapter 28: Its good that minah is not so evil hahaha btw lovely story love it !
kpopdaepopitup #2
Chapter 28: Finished
kpopdaepopitup #3
Chapter 13: Im loving these gifs
Chapter 28: OMG , I don't realized that this is the end already. I am so happy reading this. You made a great ending to it. I will have the same tears if someone did the same for me. I felt the love that you are trying to portray throughout the whole fic , and it was amazing.
Thank you so much and I hope that you will write more fics in the future. This was a great piece. Love you :)
Chapter 26: Is this your last chapter or will you update more?♡♡
Chapter 25: I didn't even realize that this was your last update :o... And now???
Chapter 23: Ah... OK... They have some boundaries and she (minah) has been nice to them... Hopefully
Chapter 22: I'm speechless.. Like seriously minah's brothers??? Really??!!!
Chapter 20: Oooooooooowwww so lovely! Dae is such a tease
Chapter 18: Come on dae just speak up!!!