Wake Up

Wild One

"Mhm~ Lindsey-ah.." His hands wrapped around her waist in a tight embrace. "Kajima~ Jebal.." Rina turned around and raised her eyebrows. "Tch. Lindsey?" She chuckled and slapped him across the face. "It's Rina, you ing bastard!" She climbed out of bed and grabbed her clothes.

"R-Rina?" the man stammered. He stood up in alarm, his face red with the imprint of her hand. "We spent a whole ing night together and you don't even know my name?" Rina began to fish through the man's pants looking for his wallet. "M-Mianhae, Rina-shi. I- It's just that my ex's name was Lindsey and-and.." She found his wallet and took out a wad of cash. 

Rina flipped through the money. She took the ₩ 250,000 charge plus an extra fee of ₩ 25,000. "Kamsamnida, for your-" Rina was cut off by a knock at the door. "Krissy~ Wake up! We have to go to headquarters to meet the boss." Krissy? Rina laughed and shook her head. There was more banging on the door. "Krissyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~!"

"I'm up, I'm up." Kris groaned and waltzed out of bed. He pointed at the balcony, silently saying go. Rina heard fidgeting at the front of the room and the door swung open. "HA! Come on duizhang!" 

A half Rina and a fully Kris gasped. "Kris.. Who's t-that?" the man at the door asked, he quietly walked in and chuckled quietly. "Is this by.. any chance your new-" Three other men now stood at the door frame. "Moving on from Lindsey-shi that quickly?" Laughs escaped from everyone, except Rina and Kris. 

A short guy around 176 cm patted Kris on the shoulder. "And she's pretty too~" Someone still standing at the door frame waved at Rina awkwardly. "CAN YOU GUYS GET OUT FOR A SECOND?" All four guys scrambled out, shutting the door behind them. No hesitating or whining.

"Mianhae.. They're so embarras-" Rina cut him off. "It's ok, it's whatever~" She began buttoning her shirt in front of the mirror and effortlessly flipped her hair. "Rina-shi.. You can go out the front door." She smiled at him and opened the door where all four of the guys were seated in the living room. Rina awkwardly bowed and opened the front door. She heard some snickering behind her and turned around. One of Kris's roomates had his phone out and was taking pictures of Rina's . 

Rina aggressively walked towards him and snatched the phone from his hands. "What the hell are you doing?" The guy pouted and whined. "Give it back!" She rolled her eyes for the second time that day and deleted the pictures from his phone before handing it back. Rina smiled and walked towards the door. She lifted her hand up in the air and put her middle finger up. 

Luhan walked out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes. The first thing he saw that morning was a girl strutting out of the Exo-M dorm flipping him off. 

"Rina-ya, CEO Kim is coming in 10 minutes! Wake up!" Oh ! Rina jumped up spilling the coffee all over her pencil skirt. "Dammit!" Lee Jiyeon, Rina's co-worker/best friend grabbed tissues off of her desk. Jiyeon wiped the coffee off of Rina's skirt. "Gomawo~" Rina managed to mumble, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Did you not get any sleep last night?" Jiyeon asked. Rina shook her head, remembering a customer had kept her up all last night. "Were you..?" Jiyeon winked. "No," Rina rolled her eyes. "I just have.. insomnia~!" "Pfft. You have insomnia every night."

Jiyeon was unaware to Rina's "midnight business" because employees at Heart & Seoul Designs were not allowed to have another job. Rina only had this "midnight business" because she needed extra cash to pay for her student loans and mother's medical bills.

"He's coming!" Rina and Jiyeon stood up, bowing as CEO Kim & his entourage walked past their desks. All the employees gathered in the conference room. "Mr. Kim has some very important news he'd like to share," one of the members of his entourage said "please sit down, comfortably~" He flashed a quick smile. 

"Kamsamnida, Jeon Minhyuk-shi. I have some very exciting news for all of you and I also have some very discouraging news." CEO Kim paused, hesitating. "Our spring issue of Heart & Seoul was a huge success and we beat out High Cut this month!" Everyone clapped and cheered. "Since we are doing so well.. We have gotten a few offers from companies to merge with them. With this being said a very big company has bought our company." A few murmers spread through the crowd of employees.

"I hope it's Vogue!" Jiyeon sqealed. "I do too~" Rina giggled. "I'm proud to say that we are now a part of SM Entertainment!" The room fell silent. SM Entertainment was huge and they bought such a small company. "Our first project as SM's new subsidary is having a special edition issue with their girl group Exo." Someone whispered into CEO Kim's ear. "OH! I'm sorry," he awkwardly chuckled "BOY group Exo." 

I've never even heard of Exo. Who are they? 

Jiyeon whispered quietly into Rina's ear "I heard the members are really cute!"

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Chapter 1: lmao, this is actually really good. update soon! ^^