
Ranning Away




The next day at night i was smoking at the gas station because i love that place the best but until then i drop my fire thingy and the gas station started to get on fire.After that i called the firefighter,police and the ambulance.


I was sleeping next to chanyeol and kris until i smell something smoky.

''Guys wake up i smell something wierd''i said as they started to smell it too.

''Yea and dont tell me the gas station is on fire oh no we got to get out of here''chanyeol said.

''Yea''kris said as he open the door and the fire is spreading.

''Oh shoot this way''chanyeol said as we went.But the globe that has fire hits kris.

''Oppa Kris no''i yelled.

''We had no choice but to run''chanyeol said.

''B-but what about your friend''i said.

''He is dead now and im sorry kris''chanyeol said as he hold my hand and we went of and we almost there to the exit but just then a big wood land on chanyeols back and it was so heavy that he cant get out also his head was bleeding.

''I cant get you out''i said.

''Just go i will be fine''chanyeol said.

''I cant leave you,oppa kris is dead now and i dont want you dead also''i said.

''Dont worry and i want to say something to you''chanyeol said.

''Like what''i said.

''I love you''chanyeol said.

''What''i said.

''I think kris loves you too but never got the chance to,now that he is dead''chanyeol said.

''Yea''i said as tears roll down on my cheeks.

''Dont cry yuri now hurry and go''chanyeol said.

''I cant''i said as i cried.

''Hurry''chanyeol said.

''Fine then''i said as i kissed chanyeols lips and then i ran of.


That was my first kiss yuri thank you and please be safe i will always be with you i love you and always.Just then i close my eyes then i see blackness surounding me.


After that i was outside coughing and crying.I even saw some police handing me a blanket.

''Thank you''i said.

''You welcome''police said.After the fire was over i tried to find my friends body but their were no where to be found just ashes.Just then i started to cry and cry.I had no where to go now just me alone.I then looked at the sky,it has alot of stars until i saw a figure shaped like chanyeol and kris also its like their looking at me with a sad face.They must be in heaven right now god bless you guys.

''Dont be sad guys i will be fine good luck and god bless you''i said as one last tears came to my cheek and i smiled at them and they smile back at me and it was strange.After that i saw some poeple telling the police that kai was smoking and drop a fire thingy and the gas station was on fire.After that kai got arrested.When morning rise they rebuild a gas station on top of my friends gas station and it takes them one week to finish and when they were done.I was the owner of it.Later i saw two kids coming up to me.

''Hi yuri''one boy said.

''Hi yuri''another boy said.Just then tears started to roll in my eye.

''Hi chanyeol and kris''i said as i hugged them and they hugged me back.



Aw chapter ended hope you enjoy it please comment thank you^^

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annonimous #1
Chapter 3: I don't understand the ending >.<
babyul #2
Chapter 3: Lol how can that happen?
sone_eulmalhaebwa #3
gosh krisyeolkai+yuri