
Ranning Away




''Yuri get me some water''kai said.

''Ok''i said as i gave him some water.

''Now wash it''kai said.

''Why me''i said.

''Just do what i told you''kai said as i wash the cup until i bumped on kai's favorite staff that cost $1000.00 until kai came up to me.

''Yuri your in great trouble im calling the cops''kai said.

''Please dont its only a staff''i said.

''It cost alot of money and you will pay''kai said as he call the cops and i went to my bedroom packed my stuff,break my piggy bank to get some moneys and then i jump on my window then i ran of.After i ran of i saw cops in our house and i wish my nightmares were over.After i was running i was starving so i went to the gas station.I buy some chips,juice,and water to keep me not starve to death until i went to the cashier.

''Whoa kid thats alot of stuff their in your suit case''guy said.

''I know''i said.

''Cost $6.00''guy said as i pay him.

''Im chanyeol''chanyeol said.

''Im yuri and it looks like your older then me''i said.

''Yea and that guy over their is kris he is the same age as i am were both 23 years old''chnayeol said.

''Really im 18 years old''i said.

''Well ok hehe''chanyeol said.Later when it was night time i went outside of the gas station and sleep on the side walk until their was a tap on my shoulder.

''Do you had a home''chanyeol said.

''Yes''i said.

''Lets talk inside''chanyeol said as we both went inside.

''How come your sleeping in our side walk gas station''kris said.

''Because i ran away''i said.

''Why''chanyeol said.

''My brother called the cops on me because i broke his staff''i said.

''A staff really that will you can sleep in our janitor room since no one is using it''kris said.

''Thank you so much your the best''i said as i hugged both of them.

''Hey you dont have to hug us''chnayeol said.

''Sorry''i said.

''Its ok''kris said.


My first fanfics hope you subscribe and comment:)

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annonimous #1
Chapter 3: I don't understand the ending >.<
babyul #2
Chapter 3: Lol how can that happen?
sone_eulmalhaebwa #3
gosh krisyeolkai+yuri