EXO- Adventures in Harry Potter World and Universal Orlando

It's Kind of a Funny Story
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A/N: Hey!!! Swan Goddess here!!!  Thanks for the 20 subscribers.  This is even more than what I expected.  This is for: EXOJunedaywaySM.  Hope you liked it!!!



            I was standing in line for the Incredible Hulk rollercoaster, when out of nowhere someone slammed into me, knocking me forward.  When I was about to fall on my face, two pair of hands reached out and grabbed me.  They pulled me to my feet and steadied me.

            “Thank you!” I said, facing the people who saved me from a disastrous fall.  I gasped at who I saw.  It was Lay and Chen, from EXO.  It took all my will not to let my fan-girl instinct kick in.

            “Chanyeol!  Why did you crash into her?  You idiot!” Baekhyun yelled.

            “Not my fault!  It was Lu Han hyung’s falut!  He’s the one who pushed me!  Chanyeol defended.

            “Because you suddenly stopped in front of me!”

            “Because, she was in front of me!” he motioned to me.

            “Moi?” I asked, shocked.  I was just waiting in line and he pushed into me.  “This is not my fault at all!  If you could please watch where your huge body is going, you’ll save a lot of people’s lives!”

            “You guys are sooooo immature!” Chen rolled his eyes.

            “We’re sorry.  YAH!  PARK CHANYEOL!!  APOLOGIZE TO HER!!!” Lay raised his voice.

            “Sorry…um, what’s your name?” Chanyeol said.

            “Wang Soo Hee.  You can just call me Soo Hee!” I replied.

            “Soo Hee.  Hmmm, it sounds like ‘Suho’!  Ow!  Why did you do that!” Chanyeol yelled as Baekhyun slapped him on the head.

            “Just shut up!” Baekhyun said.  “You are attracting more attention then what we actually need…we don’t need attention.”

            “OWWIE!!” Chanyeol exaggerated.  The line moved forward and the person operating the ride asked how many people were in our group for the ride.

            “Umm, six,” Chen replied.

            “Six?  There’s only five of us.  Where did you get six?” Chanyeol asked.  Lay pointed to me and I blushed.  “Ohhh, I see!”

            “Yeah, you dumb !” Baekhyun exclaimed.

            “Ugh!  I don’t even know how Suho can handle with you guys.  Kris and Suho owe me a lot more than just five plushies!” Lu Han exclaimed.  “I can’t stand another minute with you guys!”

            The line finally stopped and we were the next to go.  “Ok, Miss and three gentlemen can sit here.  The other two can sit in the row behind,” the man said.  Immediately, Lay and Chen took me and made me sit in the middle of them.  Lu Han then joined us as well.

            “Lu Han!  Why don’t you sit with us?” Baekhyun and Chanyeol whined.

            “Because, I’ve had enough of you,” Lu Han replied. 

“But you are leaving us here.  By ourselves!”

            “Deal with it!” Lu Han rested his head against the back of the seat.  “All I ask is for a bit of silence, without you

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IKOAFS: Come read my new story “Death’s Kiss” starring EXO!


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diemannschaaft #1
diemannschaaft #2

Nomnommonster #3
Chapter 21: That was sweet at the end
Nomnommonster #4
Chapter 6: Aww that was so cute
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 5: Lol the dog poop
Nomnommonster #6
Chapter 4: Wow I wish I could meet exo at universal and joins ride with them
Nomnommonster #7
Chapter 3: Lil skydiving must have been fun
Chapter 31: awwww~~~~ i know baek is actually a softie... for chanyeol that's it xD
Chapter 31: Okay I can not believe I just realized this but your poster is my top 3 favorite bands!!!
Chapter 29: this was adorable!!