Phone Call from...

Our beautiful love story

Hana Pov

Wow!who knew playing video games with three handsome guys would be this fun,but if it was my Chanyeol it would have been way better!I was having so much fun until someone called me.You are probably wondering who that person is and well...its chunji.I didnt want to be mean so I answered his call:

"what do you want chunji?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I had a crush on you the first time i laid eyes on you.I know its too late because I heard that you and chanyeol are dating"

"chunji why didnt you tell me?Is that the reason why you kept annoying me and asking me stupid questions?"

"uh-yeah sorry about that by the way"

"hehe its ok.Well since you cant be my boyfriend do you want to be my friend instead?"

"I would love that!"

"hey why didnt you tell me that Hyun-ae unnie was your sister!"

"yeah she is my noona and her boyfriend is a freaking giant!how can noona reach him?!she needs a freaking ladder to kiss him!"

"you mean kris?must for you cause your sisters boyfriend is a giant and now your friends boyfriend is a giant too!"

"oh god now im the one thats going to be called Dwarf!why did you guys have to get giant boyfriends?!"

"chunji its this crazy little thing called LOVE!"

"well sorry!how would I know?!The girl that I loved now has a boyfriend thats a giant!"

"thats why mommy always told little chunji to drink his milk but look what happened!"

"im not that short you know!im just not gifted ok!"

"oh really?maybe i should call kris and chanyeol oppa to stand next to you!"

"please dont do that!"

"haha ok ok.hey i got to go see you when i see you!"

"ok bye hana!tell my sister i said hi ok!"

" i will"

and with that the call ended 

*chunji is not that bad afterall* i thought to myself.



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Paboly_Nisa #1
Chapter 18: good story!
Chapter 18: oh my.. :D i thought it was me.. :D but Kevin suddenly appear on my screen.. I was about to spazz but then I stoped.. :D hahaha good job baby.. :)
ILoveYouChanyeol #3
Chapter 18: I'll be waiting for your new story!:) good ending!
Lee_Hyun-ae #4
Chapter 18: for the first time no queenkas!:) Aww they had twins:) i can almost imagine the babies face.nice job! one of my fave story!
Chunji_TeenTop #5
Chapter 18: I cant believe its done!:(*cries* i love the ending! i dont know if its a good thing that the twins look like chanyeol but oh well:) good job!
Chapter 18: omg! i love this story!
ILoveYouChanyeol #7
Im new here and so far i love this story:)
Lee_Hyun-ae #8
Chapter 15: haha they are such a funny couple!:) update soon?
Chunji_TeenTop #9
Chapter 15: Chanyeol is so sweet! me want a boyfriend like him!
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #10
Chapter 14: update soon~~