First Encounter

Our beautiful love story

Hana Pov

I was getting my books from my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulders.

Chanyeol Pov

I was making my way to my next class when a figure caught my eyes.It wasnt just any figure,it was HER figure,Park Hana's figure.I know what your thinking and to answer your question NO we are not related.You see,I have a crush on hana but we actually never talked so i thought its about time to change that so I walked over to her.I didnt know what to say so I just tapped her shoulders. 

Hana Pov

When I turned around my eyes widened in shock.I could not believe my eyes.Park Chanyeol,one of the schools kingka,was right infront of me!*god he is so handsome*I thought to myself.It was silent but then he broke it by saying "do you want to be friends?"and being the nice girl I am I said "sure" besides who wouldnt say yes to a face like that?! 

Chanyeol Pov

"sure".*i cant believe it!she said yes!ok calm chanyeol*.Ok since we were "officially" friends I decided to ask her if she wanted to go to class together since we both are in the same class and to my surprise she said yes.*this is a start of a new lovely friendship park hana*.



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Paboly_Nisa #1
Chapter 18: good story!
Chapter 18: oh my.. :D i thought it was me.. :D but Kevin suddenly appear on my screen.. I was about to spazz but then I stoped.. :D hahaha good job baby.. :)
ILoveYouChanyeol #3
Chapter 18: I'll be waiting for your new story!:) good ending!
Lee_Hyun-ae #4
Chapter 18: for the first time no queenkas!:) Aww they had twins:) i can almost imagine the babies face.nice job! one of my fave story!
Chunji_TeenTop #5
Chapter 18: I cant believe its done!:(*cries* i love the ending! i dont know if its a good thing that the twins look like chanyeol but oh well:) good job!
Chapter 18: omg! i love this story!
ILoveYouChanyeol #7
Im new here and so far i love this story:)
Lee_Hyun-ae #8
Chapter 15: haha they are such a funny couple!:) update soon?
Chunji_TeenTop #9
Chapter 15: Chanyeol is so sweet! me want a boyfriend like him!
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #10
Chapter 14: update soon~~