Where are you?

The Special Day


“Unghhh what to wear, what to wear…” Dongwoo ranted clothes flying everywhere as he searched through them.

“Why don’t you just go ? I’m sure Hoya would like that.” Sungeyol, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the mess, said teasingly with a smirk.

“S-shut up you idiot! This is serious!” Dongwoo blushed.

“Fine fine, well how about this shirt?” Sungeyol said pulling a blue blouse out of the pile of clothes on the floor.

“Nnah that’s too boring…I want it to be something more…special you know?”

“Hmm well how about this then?” Sungyeol pulled black and white striped sweater with studs on the shoulders.

“Ung no, that’s too flashy!” Dongwoo said eyebrows furrowing.

“Ngh, fine hyung, dress up own your own!” Sungyeol said irritated and walked out of the room.

Dongwoo just pouted at him and depressingly looked at the huge amount of clothes he had, but nothing seemed to be perfect for this….Unless! Ha now he’s got it! What a genius Dongwoo was.

He walked out of the room to Hoyas clothe rack and started searching.

“Whaccha looking for hyung?” The maknae who was laying on his bed with a bag of chips asked.

“Unnn nothing…Ha found it!!” Dongwoo happily pulled a purple t-shirt with a picture of a chibi lion.  This was perfect! Dongwoo the walked back to his room to get ready with a big smile on his face while Sunglong just stared at him for a while, but soon lost interest.


“Agh is it already 19.30! I’m gonna be late!!” Dongwoo started to panic when he finally realized to look at the time. He still hadn’t finished doing his hair!

“Dongwoo-hyung, it takes like 10 minutes to walk to the park.” Woohyun said, while Dongwoo was messingly styling his hair.

“Yeah but I don’t wanna be late!”

Woohyun just rolled his eyes.

“Ah all done!” Dongwoo stated while taking the final look in the mirror. His light pink hair was messed up, fringe styled to the side. Wearing Hoyas shirt which was little loose for him and then tight dark blue jeans. ‘Pretty y, even if I say so myself!’ Dongwoo though with a smirk

Looking at the clock, 19.37. He had more than enough time.

“Okay I’m gonna go now!” Dongwoo informed the other members while putting his red shoes on.

“Have a nice time hyung!” He heard Sungjong saying and noticed that all the members were gathered around him as if he was leaving somewhere far away for a long time.

“Be careful.” The leader said to him with a serious face.

“Uhm yeah, sure hyung.” Dongwoo said little creeped out. It’s not like he was going to Africa! Just the park 10 minutes walk away….

Dongwoo then left and he could’ve sworn he saw Sungeyol and Myungsoo giggling together.

Okay that was lil weird.’ He though closing the door after him and starting to walk to the park. ‘Oh well…’ And then he forgot about it. He had something way more interesting coming!


Dongwoo reached the park and still had 10 minutes left. He decided to go to wait to the one of the benches. Why couldn’t time go faster!!

19.55. Still five minutes….He was nervousingly playing with his fingers while staring at the clock as if it would make the time go faster.

19.59. Only one more minute! Dongwoo closed his eyes like a little kid waiting for his birthday surprise. Footsteps! He heard footsteps! It had to be Hoya! Dongwoo was having hard time trying to stay seated. He just wanted to jump into Hoya’s arms. The footsteps were getting closer, only a few meters away…

Hehee finally!’ Dongwoo thought smiling cutely.


That’s strange? The footsteps seemed to walk right past him, without the person paying any attention to Dongwoo. They were getting further away…Why?!

Dongwoo slowly opened his eyes little scared what he will see. There was a random man walking to the subway.

Dongwoo looked at his watch. It was already 20.04. Where was Hoya? Why would be so precise about the time if he was going to be late himself!

Dongwoo pouted angrily. He was a little pissed off but was sure that Hoya was still going to come. He probably had a good reason to be little late. Right?


Dongwoo was shaking. Even though it was summer, it was still getting cold. He folded his legs to his chest and rested his chin on top of his knees. The time was 20.26. But the funny thing was that Dongwoo wasn’t even angry at Hoya. He was just sad. He felt left alone and disappointed. Dongwoo had got his hopes up only to be let down. This wasn’t like Hoya at all, but…Hoya wasn’t here. Dongwoo’s eyes started to get watery. He didn’t bother to wipe his tears away when they rolled down his rosy cheeks. Why would Hoya do this to him? Where was he?

Dongwoo sighed. He felt empty and numb. Dongwoo stood up from the bench and  started dragging his feet slowly walking. He just wanted to get back home. An explanation would be nice too.

When Donwgoo was slowly making his way home, his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. Dongwoo didn’t really feel like answering but then the fact that it could be Hoya hit him. Maybe there was still hope! He quickly reached the phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. His eyes went blunt again. He just sighed deeply and answered.

“What is it Sungjong I don’t really fee-“

“Hyung hyung it’s an emergency!!” Dongwoo heard the maknae shout to his ear.

Dongwoo sighed.

“Seriously Sungjong, I don’t have time for your stupid tricks right now.”

“I’m not kidding hyung! It’s really bad!”

Dongwoo was getting slightly worried. The maknae really sounded like he was serious.

“Okay okay calm down, tell me what happened” Dongwoo tried speaking as calm as he could.

“I can’t say it on the phone you need to come here quickly!”

“Okay I’ll be home in five minutes just hang on.” Dongwoo said.

“No! Not the dorm!” Sungjong shouted.

“Okay well then where are you?” Dongwoo was getting frustrated.

“You need to come to the playground near the little shop.”

“Okay I’m on my way.” Dongwoo said and hang up. He shoved his phone back to the pocket and started running. What could have happened? Did somebody get hurt? And why was Sungjong at the playground anyways!?

Dongwoo was panting as he ran as fast as he could. Luckily the playground was not far away.

When he reached his destination he leaned his arms to rest on his knees and inhaled deeply some oxygen to his aching lungs. He raised his look and scanned through the playground looking for anything out of order. But his eyes didn’t meet the maknae.

Instead, Dongwoo saw that the whole playground was decorated with lights. Purple, blue, red, green, pink…they were in all colors.  Dongwoo looked at the sight, amazed. The light bulbs looked so beautiful against the dark city surrounding the playground. Dongwoo slowly wondered around the playground spinning around absorbing every bit of the sight.


Dongwoo snapped out of his daze and quickly turned to the direction of the voice.

And there he was, sitting on one of the swings. Hoya, looking beautiful and perfect like he always looked to Dongwoo. He was wearing black skinnies with a clean white blouse.

Hoya stood up from the swing and started walking to Dongwoo’s direction.

Dongwoo smiled widely at first, but then he remembered that he was very angry at the younger male. He squinted his eyes, giving Hoya a death glare before running to him. Dongwoo started slapping Hoya’s chest while letting out a messy ramble of words.

“You stupid idiot what are you doing here why didn’t you come I waited for you at the park you-“ Hoya shut the boy by kissing him sweetly on the lips. Dongwoo’s eyes widened before they close.

Donwgoo wrapped his arms around Hoya’s neck and kissed back. They kissed for a time that seemed like hours. No one was in a hurry, the world could wait. The kiss was not forced or harsh, it was gentle and loving.

When the two boys broke apart, Dongwoo smiled still brushing his lips close to Hoya’s.

“That didn’t mean you’re out of trouble you know.” He breathed out.

Hoya smiled.

“Well I hope it made things a little better.”

“Hmm maybe, but I still want an explanation”

“Okay okay” Hoya chuckled.

Dongwoo pouted.

“I’m serious! I t-thought you forgot or something bad happened to you and I-“

Hoya kissed the rambling boy again to shut him up. Dongwoo let out a frustrated groan and pushed Hoya away.

“Stop doing that!”

Hoya couldn’t help but find Dongwoo absolutely adorable when he was angry. But maybe he deserved an explanation after all.

“Okay well, I just needed you to get out of the dorm when I and the other guys set this up.” Hoya said scratching the back of his head.

Dongwoo looked at him confused, tilting his head.

“So…you did this?” He said looking around the park again.

“Well of course dummy, do you think all these lights just came here by themselves?”

“No I do-…hey what? The other guys!?”

“Yeahh well Sunggyu hyung and all the other members helped me do this.”

“What!?” Dongwoo yelped eyes widening. “So all the other members knew?! And that phone call from Sungjong? It was all part of the plan??”

“Haha hyung you really are slow. Yes it was all part of my genius plan.” Hoya said chuckling

Dongwoo started slapping Hoya’s chest again.

“I’m not slow!”

Hoya grabbed Dongwoo’s wrists, pinning them against his own chest, making the elder gasp in surprise. Hoya then pulled the other boy for another sweet kiss. After breaking, Hoya looked at Dongwoo with loving eyes.

“Did I mention that you look beautiful today?” He breathed out.

Dongwoo blushed, cheeks burning red. 

“Isn’t that my shirt?” Hoya asked as he scanned his gorgeous boyfriend from head to toe.

“Yup it is! I got this for you for your birthday, remember?” Dongwoo happily answered

“How could I forget?” Hoya smiled. He was just about to say something but was suddenly pushed away. Hoya stumbled and almost tripped on his own feet. He suddenly felt scared that Dongwoo was actually really mad at him for his ‘plan’. But when he gazed at his boyfriend, his eyes met the boy cutely sticking his tongue at him.

“Race me to the slide” He said and started running towards the slide.

Hoya smirked and regained his balance. He sprinted after Dongwoo.

With Hoya’s quick feet, he easily catched  up with Dongwoo.

Hoya tackled Dongwoo on the soft grass and started tickling him. Dongwoo trashed around and laughed hysterically. Dongwoo tried desperately to escape the tickling torture but his boyfriend was stronger than him. 

After a few moments of tickling his boyfriend, Hoya finally let go of him and slumped next to him on the grass. Dongwoo rolled around on the ground, trying to calm his breath and still letting out little giggles. After totally calming down he turned to face his boyfriend. They both smiled at each other. They just lied there, smiling at each other, no words needed. It was not one of those awkward silences. It was comfortable and warm in a way.

After a while, Hoya finally sat up, Dongwoo following his example.

“I have something for you.” Hoya then said making the other boy surprised

“Eh!? You do??” Dongwoo said eyes wide. “What is it what is it!?”

Hoya chuckled. “Calm down and close your eyes.”

“Aww…” Dongwoo pouted but did it anyway. He was jumping on the ground, unable to stay still.

Hoya grabbed a small black box from his rear pocket. He opened it before Dongwoo and smiled a little.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Dongwoo opened his eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting to the light again.

He looked at Hoya before his gaze locking to what was in front of him.  Hoya was holding a small bow, opened in his palms. Inside the box, there was a pair of wing shaped silver earrings.

Dongwoo just stared at them with sparkling eyes.

Hoya looked at the boy waiting for him to say something but when the latter stayed silent Hoya asked.

“You like them?”

Dongwoo  drew a high pitch breath and his eyes were starting to get teary.

“I-I love them.” Dongwoo said and looked at Hoya as a tear fell off his cheek.

“I love them” He repeated and threw his arms around his boyfriend.

Hoya was a bit startled that Dongwoo actually started crying.  He just hugged the boy tightly and drew small circles on his back with his thumbs. Dongwoo kept sobbing onto Hoya’s shoulder for a while before calming down. He rose his gaze looking at Hoya with big red puffy eyes. Hoya smiled a sweet smile back at him and wiped the tear trails of his face.

“Here, wear them.” He said and handed Dongwoo the earrings. Dongwoo nodded and took his small black round earrings off and replaced them with his new wing earrings.  He smiled like a five year old  kid who just ate candy and Hoya chuckled at how cute he was. Hoya then pulled him for another deep and passionate kiss.


“Hey Hoya?” Dongwoo asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Both of the boys had been just lying there on the grass, holding each other close and watching the stars.

“Mmm yeah baby?” Hoya asked while his other hand played with Dongwoos hair and the other was wrapped around the other boy.

“Do you think…do you think we’ll always be like this?” Dongwoo said as an almost a whisper still gazing at the dark sky.

“Like what?”

“Well you know…like together?” Dongwoo continued. He turned his head to Hoya to look at his eyes.

Hoya looked back at his boyfriend and stayed silent for a while, thinking what to answer.

Hoya then took a deep breath and snuggled his boyfriend closer.

“Well honestly I don’t know.” He then said. Dongwoo pouted at the answer. He was about to protest something but Hoya continued his answer.

“We might not always be together, not always to be able to hold each other close or kiss each other or have wonderful dates together, but you know what I’m sure of?”

“What?” Dongwoo asked curious.

“The fact that I will always love you no matter what happens to us, or the whole group, will never change.” Hoya said.

Dongwoo blushed deeply. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it as he didn’t come with anything good to answer. Hoya looked straight at his eyes with a loving gaze.

“I love you Dongwoo.” Hoya sweetly kissed the other boy to the lips.

Dongwoo smiled a wide smile.

“I love you too.”





Happy bd!!!!!!1<3333333 ugh so cheesy the ending omg...

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BabybunnyJungkook #1
Chapter 3: This is so adorable!!!!! *^*
imeellpeiwen #2
Chapter 3: It's too sweeeeetttt........ *melt* so very really sweet..love it!!
changkyu13 #3
Chapter 3: awwwww this was so cute!!! This was really sweet ^^
Chapter 3: Awwww so cute!!!
Hoya's so sweet and dongwoo!!! Cuteness overload!!! Dongwoo super lovely!!
Chapter 3: Awww.... So cutee >_<.. I like it.. ^^
Chapter 3: Fluffyyyyy XD i love it XD
update sooon!!!!!! ^_^
Update soon!